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Administrative Manual - 302 Property Management

302.04 Property Management and Accountability

    1. Accountable Capital Equipment
      1. Items valued at $5,000.00 and above are designated as capital or "capsensitive" equipment.
      2. Capital equipment items are inventoried once every two years under the direction of the JLab Property Officer. The assistance of Laboratory users is obtained as necessary to locate items.
    2. Accountable Sensitive/Capsensitive Items
      1. Accountable sensitive items are those which are considered to be susceptible to theft or personal misuse.
      2. Accountable capsensitive items are those which are both capital equipment and sensitive items.
      3. Sensitive and capsensitive items are inventoried on an annual basis. User accountability and records of transfers or returns of all accountable sensitive and capsensitive items are verified during inventory cycles and initial acquisition (Exhibits 302.04-1 and 2). The assistance of users is obtained as necessary to locate all accountable items.
    1. Warehouse/storage space is available on and off-site and can be arranged by contacting the JLab Plant Services Section.
    2. Warehouse storage and outside storage of JLab personal property for future use is annually reviewed by the JLab Property Officer to ensure that retention is justified (See Exhibit 302.04-3).
    1. Relocation Within the Laboratory

      Relocation within the Laboratory of any personal property for over 30 days requires documentation on a Property Movement form (Exhibit 302.04-4).

    2. Removal from the Laboratory
      1. Employees may be authorized the loan of Laboratory property or supplies off-site to perform their official duties, with approval from their supervisor, for periods not exceeding 30 days or while they are in a travel status. For periods exceeding 30 days, a Loan Agreement form (Exhibit 302.04-5) must be completed and submitted to the JLab Property Officer. When the loaned property is returned, the borrower must notify the Plant Services Staff to ensure that the loan is closed out. The borrower will receive written acknowledgment of the items' return.
      2. With proper approval, arrangements can be made to loan or borrow government property to and from outside agencies. These arrangements are made through Plant Services.
      3. Shipping documents for supplying property to a vendor or subcontractor in connection with purchase orders or subcontracts require coordination with the JLab Property Officer.
    3. Transfer of Property

      All transfers of Government property, except certain scrap materials, and normal transfer of excess material require approval of the CEBAF Property Officer. All restrictions on property (examples, low level radiation, PCB, or asbestos) must be noted on an inspection form as "high risk" property.

    1. Property items that are of no further use to the accountable custodian should be defined as excess and turned over to Plant Services, using the Disposal/Inspection of Excess Items form (Exhibit 302.04-6). Plant services will publish an internal listing of excess items, including a description of the items condition, before processing the items for external disposition.
    2. Plant Services is responsible for the removal and processing of all property excess to the needs of the Laboratory. In no case shall any property be removed by employees for personal use. If such excess property is not promptly reserved for use on other Laboratory work, it will be listed as excess with other DOE contractors or government agencies.

    Any missing JLab personal property is to be reported immediately to Plant Services by completing a Missing Item Report (Exhibit 302.04-7). Any loss which involves theft, vandalism, or sabotage is reported immediately to the JLab Security Officer regardless of the value of the property affected.

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