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Diversity & Inclusion at JLab


Articles on Diversity

Federal Government survey: "Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity
This study emphasizes the most valuable information that the best practices organizations have to offer. Their critical findings focus on this information because it can be used to further and strengthen the U.S. government's efforts to achieve diversity in the workplace.

UVA Report: "Citizens in 34 Countries Show Implicit Bias Linking Males More Than Females with Science" 
UVA's findings on implicit stereotypes - thoughts that people may be unwilling to express or may not even know that they have - that may have a powerful effect on gender equity in science and mathematics engagement and performance.

American Physical Society article: "Gender Equity"
Strengthening the physics enterprise in universities and national laboratories.

Limited progress for European Women in Science and Engineering
Women, science, and technology: Measuring recent progress towards gender equality.