Actual Dates

Purpose and Scope


Summary of Assessment

Team Members and Interviewees

Criteria Review and Approach Documents (CRAD) & Lines of Inquiry (LOI)


Effectiveness Evaluation


Save, Submit, Delete, Process




Assessment Administration

Assessment Plans and Reports



Assessment Report

Generate a Report


Bruce Lenzer, QA/CI Assessment Specialist


July 31, 2015

Assessment Reports are generated by the Lead Assessor.  If an Assessment Plan was created and approved, information (such as Purpose and Scope, Requirements, etc.) will be imported into the Report Edit/View Form.  The Lead Assessor receives an “Impending Assessment” email notification which will include a link to the Assessment Report Edit/View Form.  The Lead Assessor edits the form to record data from the assessment.



This section is locked for Admininstive use only. 



If an Assessment Plan was approved these fields will be pre-populated.  Edit to reflect the actual timeline.



Start Date: Actual date the assessment began. 

End Date: When the interviews, or other active portions of the assessment, ended; NOT when the final report will be generated.

Department: Enter the actual department or division that was assessed.


Step 2:             PURPOSE AND SCOPE:

If an Assessment Plan was approved these fields will be pre-populated.  Edit to reflect the actual purpose or reason why the assessment was performed as well as the general scope of the effort.  NOTE: This will NOT change the Assessment Plan.



Step 3:             REQUIREMENTS:

If an Assessment Plan was approved these fields will be pre-populated.  Add or edit to reflect actual requirements.  Requirements could come from DOE orders, the ES&H Manual, work control documents, etc.  NOTE: This will NOT change the Assessment Plan.



Step 4:             SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT:

This section summarizes what was done and what was found during the assessment.  Include enough information to allow an impartial reviewer to understand the depth of the assessment.




If an Assessment Plan was approved these fields will be pre-populated  Edit to reflect current information.


(If an individual does not have a Jefferson Lab User Name and Password, enter them into “List any non-JLab People in the table below” field)


·         Lead Assessor(s) – Enter the Lead Assessor’s name. There may be more than one.  Lead Assessors have “write” access to the Plan and Report documents. 

·         Team Members – Ensure all members are listed.  When you enter an individual’s name into the box another opportunity to enter a name is provided.  You do not have to take advantage of this, only include as many individuals as appropropriate.

·         Interviewees – Enter individuals the team interviewed.  When you enter an individual’s name into the box another opportunity to enter a name is provided.  You do not have to take advantage of this, only include as many individuals as appropropriate.

·         Non-JLab People – Enter name, contact information, role of person, and company affiliation.  This section is for those who do not have a Jefferson Lab user name or password.  When you enter an individual’s name into the box another opportunity to enter a name is provided.  You do not have to take advantage of this, only include as many individuals as appropropriate.

·         Anyone Else - Enter names of other individuals who need to see the Report, or be informed of the assessment.  This section typically identifies managers, supervisors, Associate Directors, etc. who are not directly involved in the assessment.  When you enter an individual’s name into the box another opportunity to enter a name is provided.  You do not have to take advantage of this, only include as many individuals as appropropriate.

·         Identify Additional Report Signers – add managers or others who have been identified as appropriate to approve the report although they may not be in the usual management approval chain.  When you enter an individual’s name into the box another opportunity to enter a name is provided.  You do not have to take advantage of this, only include as many individuals as appropropriate.




Leave this section empty if the assessment does not use the CRAD/LOI approach. 



Complete the CRAD/LOIs

If an Assessment Plan was approved these fields will be pre-populated.



·         Criterion:  This field will be pre-populated

·         Criterion Met? Determine to what degree the Criterion was met from the determinations of the associated LOI.  Pull down list will give you a choice of:

o   Yes

o   Partially

o   No

o   Not Evaluated

·         Lines of Inquiry These field(s) will be pre-populated

·         Met? Pull down list will give you a choice of:

o   Yes

o   Partially

o   No

o   Not Evaluated

·         JLab Compliance Description document the steps taken to determine the answer to the LOI. (Examples are shown above)


To Add a CRAD and LOIs click the “Add Criteria” Button.  (You can add to the pre-populated list, or generate a new list)


·         CRAD: The standard(s) by which the assessment is being judged.  At the end of the assessment, each CRAD is determined to be met, partially met, or not met.  Enter each CRAD separately. 



·         Criterion: Enter the standard or process which is being evaluated.

·         LOI: Enter the steps, or categories, which the Criterion can be broken down to determine the status level of the Criterion

·         LOI: These are the questions asked to determine the status of the CRAD.  Each LOI is determined to be Met (= Yes); Partially Met (= Partially); or Not Met (= No).  Enter questions in the space provided. 


To Save (or Add) another CRAD click the “Add Criteria” Button. 


Step 7:             RESULTS:



Were there any findings identified during the review? (Comments are required if no corrective action will be taken.)


This section is completed after the Criteria Review and Approach Documents and Lines of Inquiry (CRAD & LOI) have been rated.  If CRAD & LOI were NOT used, complete this section to reflect assessment outcome. 


·         If there are no findings identified click the “No” radio button and continue to the next section.

·         If there were findings click the “Yes” radio button and input the following information:


o   Finding – A failure to meet a requirement.  Enter the description of each Finding.  Ensure the description is detailed enough so an impartial reviewer can understand the intent.

o   Corrective Action? select “Yes” or “No” to indicate if corrective action is expected.  If you don’t know, leave this blank.  When the report is circulated for comments, managers, or other parties with decision making authority, will make the determination.

o   Comment/Justification – A justification is required if no corrective action is to be taken.  Otherwise this field may be left blank or used to comment on the finding.  



NOTE:  The form will not allow final signatures until these fields are filled in.


Opportunities For Improvement: Were there any Opportunities for Improvement (OFIs) Identified during the Review?

This section is completed after the Criteria Review and Approach Documents and Lines of Inquiry (CRAD & LOI) have been rated.  If CRAD & LOI were NOT used, complete this section to reflect assessment outcome. 


·         If there are no Opportinities for Improvement identified click the “No” radio button and continue to the next section.

·         If there were findings click the “Yes” radio button and input the following information:


o   Opportunity for Improvement (OFI) – a deviation from best business practices; a minor deviation from procedure; or a CRAD that has only been partially met.  Enter a description of each OFI.  Ensure that the description is detailed enough so an impartial reviewer can understand the intent. 

o   Corrective Action? select “Yes” or “No” to indicate if an action is expected to be performed to correct the OFI.  If you don’t know if Corrective Action is expected, you can leave this blank in the initial draft report.  When you circulate the report for comments, request that managers, or other parties with decision making authority, make the determination.

o   Comment/Justification – A justification is required if no corrective action is to be taken.  Otherwise this field may be left blank or used to comment on the finding.    



NOTE:  The form will not allow final signatures until these fields or properly filled in.


Noteworthy Practices: Were there any Noteworthy Practices identified during the review?

This section is completed after the Criteria Review and Approach Documents and Lines of Inquiry (CRAD & LOI) have been rated.  If CRAD & LOI were NOT used, comple this section to reflect assessment outcome. 


·         If there are no Noteworthy Practices identified click the “No” radio button and continue to the next section.

·         If there were findings click the “Yes” radio button and input the following information:


o   How Many? The number of Noteworthy Practices must match the number of descriptions.

o   Noteworthy Practices activities that are considered worthy of imitation in similar situations elsewhere in the lab.




Include any results that are not included as findings, OFIs, or noteworthy practices.




Use this section to summarize the assessment team’s conclusions about the overall effectiveness of the area and processes assessed.  Do not repeat the findings, OFIs and noteworthy practices, but be consistent with the outcome.



Step 9:             E-MAIL

Prior to submitting for approval, the Lead Assessor may provide the report to others for review.  Click the “Send Request for Comments E-mail” button to send the report to those who might be interested.  It is recommended that the Team Members be offered the opportunity to review the Report



Step 10:         CONFIRMATION

The Lead Assessor must confirm that the review has been performed properly.




SAVE Button:

It is recommended you save regularly, the report will not be submitted, but content will be saved.  NOTE:  If the system “times-out,” you will lose your content to the point of the last save.


DELETE Button:

Click the Delete button to delete the entire Report.  It is recommended you contact the QA/CI Assessment Specialist before executing a deletion


SUBMIT Button:

Click the Submit button when all information has been input and the report is ready for approval.



After the report has been approved the Lead Assessor may request the report be processed.


Step 12:         ATTACHMENTS

Often providing documents to confirm the assessment findings is helpful.   Click “Add File” or “Add URL” to include additional information.


Step 13:         SIGNATURES

Authorized signatures are added when the report is submitted.



Reports Requiring Original Signatures


Original laboratory management signatures are required on independent assessments.  The Laboratory Director will not sign off on an assessment report electronically.  Perform this procedure when original laboratory management approval is required.


1.      After all signatures are in place, created a hardcopy of the report. 

·         Use cut and paste editing to populate the hardcopy template:

      IA Hardcopy Report Format

·         Review the hardcopy report carefully for typos, misspellings, grammatical errors, lack of clarity, etc.  Remember these hardcopy reports will be read by senior management.  If changes are made to the hardcopy they must also be made to the electronic copy.

·         Ask the QA/CI Manager and ES&H Director to review and if acceptable, approve the report.

2.      Submit the hard copy to the lead assessor and anyone else who signed the “on-line report” and request they sign the hardcopy report.

3.      Submit the signed hardcopy report to the ES&H Director and request submission to the Laboratory Director and others as appropriate.

4.      When all signatures are in place, scan the document and attach the scanned file to the on-line report.


Step 14:         COMMENTS

Comments may be added at anytime, by anyone.  Typically to clarify content or relay information.  Once added they become a permanent part of the report. 


Resolve any comments before submitting the report.