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ES&H Manual
Chapter 8040 Environmental Monitoring Program
Jefferson Lab maintains a compliant environmental monitoring and reporting program in accordance with requirements of Department of Energy (DOE) Order 458.1, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment, and permits with regulatory agencies.

Environmental monitoring focuses on the examination of the laboratory's water and soil to ensure emissions and discharges are compliant with all regulatory limits.

A major element of this program is the routine submission of monitoring data required by permits. In addition, to keep stakeholders informed about its environmental monitoring performance, monitoring information is summarized in a comprehensive annual report titled, "The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Site Environmental Report".

Air Monitoring
No current laboratory activities or processes require air monitoring. Disturbance of asbestos containing materials may require notification to the State of Virginia. Jefferson Lab complies with the requirements of Title 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart H, "National Emission Standards for Emissions of Radionuclides Other Than Radon from DOE Facilities" through use of approved atmospheric dispersion models. No radionuclide emission monitoring is required during current operations, as calculated doses from emissions are below regulatory thresholds.
Water Monitoring - Groundwater
The accelerator beam causes radiation that could activate nearby soil and groundwater. Semiannual and annual sampling and analysis of groundwater is now performed under DEQ Permit No. VA0089320. Groundwater extracted and discharged to the surface is monitored and reported quarterly in accordance with DEQ Permit No. VA0047200. A flowchart is maintained by ES&H for timely, complete reporting in accordance with these permits.
Water Monitoring - Surface Water
Groundwater is collected at the end stations, pumped to the surface, and sampled annually for pH and indicator radionuclides under Permit No. VA0089320 (Outfall 001). The cooling tower discharge from the Central Helium Liquefier (CHL) cooling tower is sampled quarterly under VA0089320 (Outfall 002). This discharge is sampled for temperature, ammonia-N, total residual chlorine, hardness, pH, total dissolved copper, total dissolved zinc, and total phosphorus. A flowchart is maintained by ES&H for timely, complete reporting in accordance with this permit.
Water Monitoring - Sanitary Sewer
Routine compliance reporting to HRSD is coordinated by ES&H and transmitted via TJSO. Two types of data are required on a monthly basis:
  1. pH readings from Manholes D and EF, taken by subcontractors in the first two weeks of each month.
  2. Flow data from water meters throughout the site, to measure water volumes discharged to HRSD.
The HRSD, under Permit No. 0117, allows discharge of 5 Curies (Ci) of tritium and 1 Ci of all other radionuclides annually to the sanitary sewer, as authorized under Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health Radiation Protection Regulations, 12VAC5 481. All radioactive effluents to the sanitary sewer are monitored for activity. That monitoring is used to document the quantity of radioactivity released and is documented and available on request to HRSD and DOE.

A flowchart is maintained by ES&H for timely, complete reporting in accordance with this permit. FM&L has developed instructions for completion of the annual 7 day HRSD meter reading event.
Surface Water, Soil and Sediment Monitoring
Surface water, soil and sediment in the vicinity of an accelerator enclosure can become activated or may serve as a sink for radionuclides released to the environment during facility operations. Long-term trends may be assessed by analyzing soil samples collected on the site grounds for radionuclides. Samples are collected periodically from selected sites at Jefferson Lab. The soil samples are analyzed via gamma spectroscopy. The need for samples, sampling location, frequency, and type is determined by periodically reviewing Jefferson Lab operations and the potential for radionuclide production. The procedure for sampling and analysis associated with this monitoring is contained in the RADCON Manual.

Note: Management authority may be delegated to a task qualified Jefferson Lab employee at the discretion of the responsible manager.

Jefferson Lab uses both internal and subcontracted staff and analytical laboratories to perform sampling and analysis.

Facilities Management & Logistics
  • Maintains groundwater monitoring wells.
  • Manages onsite systems discharging to Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) sanitary sewer system and associated flow meters by conducting routine meter readings/flow calculations.
ES&H Division
  • Manages analytical subcontract associated with these requirements, including assurance that laboratories have required certifications and procedures.
  • Ensures the collection and analysis of samples in accordance with required certifications and procedures. Prepares/receives data, to include providing for quality control/quality assurance data review.
  • Ensures the consolidation and on-time delivery of data and information that meet all quality objectives to DOE and/or regulatory agencies.
  • Reviews modified/new site activities to determine the need for modifications to the monitoring program or permit conditions.
Document Control:
    APPROVAL DATE:   10/27/17
    REVIEW DATE:  03/23/2024
    Revision 0.1 - 03/23/2021 - Periodic Review; reviewed and made minor updates to reflect current process, updated footer and header, no approval needed for minor edits
    Revision 0.0 - 10/27/17 - Initial content

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