All work at Jefferson Lab is evaluated for hazards prior to performance. A risk code is assigned each activity that dictates relevant mitigating functions. A graded approach used to determine the level of rigor allotted commensurate with programmatic impact.
No work is completely without risk; therefore, all work requires forethought, planning, and authorization. Identification of work hazards and understanding their risks is an essential part of this process. Jefferson Lab's work planning, control, and authorization process is commensurate with the laboratory's commitment to achieve the highest standards of safety and quality.
A Task Hazard Analysis is perform to determine any and all hazards associated with the job or task and the unmitigated risk associated with those hazards. If the risk can be mitigated to less than or equal to 2 with standard protecting measures work may continue. Review ES&H Manual Chapter 3210 Appendix T1 Work Planning, Control, and Authorization Procedure - Table 1: Topical Area Requirements for a listing of these hazards.
An oxygen deficiency hazard exists when the concentration of oxygen is less than or equal to 19.5% (by volume If exposure to reduced oxygen is not terminated, permanent central nervous system damage and death can result. An Oxygen Deficiency Hazard (ODH) Safety Review is performed when gas is proposed, switched, or discovered in a process or an area; or as requested.