On Monday, April 22, at 1 p.m., Maneesha Pradeep of the University of Maryland will present "Maximum-Entropy Freeze-Out in Heavy-Ion Collisions" via Zoom.
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Abstract: Understanding the equation of state (EoS) and the phase diagram of QCD is one of the grand visions of heavy-ion collision experiments. The key to unraveling the phase diagram lies in the event-by-event fluctuations of particle multiplicities, which are sensitive to thermodynamic properties. Connecting the particle observables to QCD EoS, often involving a procedure known as freeze-out, is a non-trivial step. We propose a generalization to the half-a-century-old Cooper-Frye freeze-out prescription via the maximum-entropy approach. This generalization allows us to connect the predictions of hydrodynamics with experimental measurements of fluctuations in a way that fulfills the conservation laws on an event-by-event basis.