Hall A Winter Collaboration Featured Speaker - Ian Cloët

On Thursday, Jan. 16, at 1:30 p.m., Hall A Winter Collaboration featured speaker Ian Cloët of Argonne National Laboratory will present "Revealing the Quarks & Gluons in Nuclei at Hall A" in CEBAF Center rm. F113 and via Zoom. The lab community is invited to attend or stream this event. 

Abstract: The study of nuclei from the perspective of the quark and gluon degrees of freedom remains a rich frontier in nuclear physics. Jefferson Lab is at the luminosity frontier and is the leading facility to explore the explicit role of QCD in nuclei, where many new discoveries and deep insights remain possible. This talk will explore some of the opportunities to study QCD in nuclei (with a focus on Hall A) and discuss the associated insights into quark and gluon dynamics in nuclei.


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