Accelerator Seminar - Alireza Haghighat

On Thursday, Jan. 30, at 10:30 a.m., Alireza Haghighat of Virginia Tech will present “UNF Management and Innovation: The Case for ADS and VT3G’s RAPID Code System” in CEBAF Center rm. F113 and via Zoom.

Abstract: This talk addresses two interconnected topics: the management of used nuclear fuel (UNF) and the cutting-edge particle transport methodologies developed by the Virginia Tech Transport Theory Group (VT3G) for real-time neutronics modeling and simulation of nuclear reactors, such as accelerator-driven systems (ADS).

Part 1: The first segment explores the challenges and opportunities in managing UNF, commonly referred to as nuclear waste. It reviews past, present, and future approaches to UNF management, focusing on key issues and U.S. policies, including disposal strategies and the Accelerator Transmutation of Waste (ATW) initiative. International perspectives are also discussed, with a spotlight on the accelerator-driven system (ADS) initiative, pioneering research at Argonne National Laboratory, the ongoing MYRRHA project, and Virginia Tech’s proposed ADMIREt (Accelerator Driven Microsystem with Thorium Fuel Cycle). By analyzing these efforts, this talk highlights the potential of ADS as a sustainable solution for UNF management.

Part 2: The second segment introduces RAPID (Real-time Analysis for Particle transport and In-situ Detection), an innovative code system developed by VT3G. This system reformulates the transport equation using pre-calculated response matrices and coefficients, enabling real-time solutions to complex neutronics problems such as 3D criticality, subcriticality, fuel burnup, reactor kinetics, detector response, and dosimetry. The talk will present the performance, validation, and verification (V&V) of RAPID and discuss ongoing developments of physics-informed AI/ML algorithms using RAPID and measurements for design, optimization, and online monitoring nuclear reactor systems.


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