Job Age Stage:
This stage considers the time that each job has been waiting in the queue and
then assigns a weight based on that value. The system administrator can
set thresholds to vary the significance of this stage in relationship with other
Job Duration Stage:
This stage considers the projected duration of each job and assigns a weight
based on that value. In systems running parallel jobs, the administrator can
configure this stage to optionally mutliply the duration by the number of
processors requested.
Queue Priority Stage:
This stage evaluates the priority specified for each queue on the PBS server,
as well as that queues historical system utilization. Each job from the cooresponding
queue is then provided a weight based on this value.
User Share Stage:
Each user's fair share of system resources is specified within the configuration file.
The scheduler will consider the user's historic utilization (in terms of CPU time , walltime,
and job count) and will provide the job with an appropriate weight. In the absence of
other more significant weight factors, the user should receive his fair share of system
resources over time.
User Priority Stage:
A user can specify a priority for each job submitted to the system. If a user has multiple
weighting jobs, this stage will alter their weight to favor the job with the highest priority.
This stage should have no impact on the ordering of jobs submitted by different users.