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Administrative Manual - 302 Property Management

302.08 Control of Precious Metals


  1. It is JSA/JLab policy to maintain accountability of precious metals in a manner consistent with good management practices, DOE Property Management Regulations and the procedures outlined in the Jefferson Lab Property Management Manual.
  2. Definitions
    1. Precious Metals: gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, palladium, iridium, osmium and ruthenium
    2. Precious Metals Control Officer (PMCO): individual responsible for the administration of precious metals control program at JLab
    3. Central Repository: a secure, safe-deposit facility for all precious metals (including reserved items, general use items and scrap) not being currently utilized in active programs
    4. Reserved Items: items stored at the Central Repository in an assigned safe-deposit box in the name of an individual custodian, department or division
    5. Custodian: an employee authorized by the division/department manager to obtain and use precious metals
    6. Validation: the custodian's signature on each inventory sheet providing annual verification that the custodian did weigh and acknowledges personal responsibility for precious metals in his/her care or consumed
  3. General
    1. Requisitions for the procurement of precious metals must be approved by the PMCO prior to being submitted to Procurement.
    2. All requirements for the control and safeguard of precious metals apply to collaborative research and/or off-site programs.
    3. A Loan Agreement is required for the use of JLab-owned precious metal in any off-site program or experiment.
    4. A 100% annual physical inventory of precious metals is conducted each year by the PMCO and the precious metals custodians.
    5. All staff, users and visitors authorized to be assigned JLab property will follow the procedures outlined in the Jefferson Lab Personal Property Management Manual.
  4. Responsibilities
    1. Precious Metals Control Officer (PMCO)
      1. When possible, eliminates purchases of additional metal through the transfer of metal between custodians or from the Central Repository Pool.
      2. Approves requisitions for precious metals prior to submission to Procurement.
      3. Maintains the precious metals accountability control system and generates inventory reports.
      4. Monitors safeguards for the security plans of precious metals.
      5. Maintains Central Repository of precious metals for individual and general use.
      6. Returns precious metals no longer required to the DOE stockpile.
    2. Divisions/Departments

      Develop internal procedures relating to the control of precious metals which include, but are not limited to, provisions for:

      1. Establishing criteria for return of scrap or excess metals to the Central Repository prior to inventory.
      2. Preventing the loan of precious metals to off-site users without a completed loan agreement.
      3. Limiting the number of authorized precious metals custodians.
      4. Contacting the PMCO for available items and approval prior to initiating a procurement of precious metals.
      5. Ensuring that adequate physical safeguards are maintained for precious metals in the division/department.
    3. Custodians
      1. Weigh all metals at the time of receipt (whether purchased or transferred) prior to signing acknowledgment of responsibility.
      2. Employ physical safeguards for the protection of precious metals.
      3. Report immediately any suspected theft of precious metals to the PMCO and Security.
      4. Return all metals no longer justified for specific programmatic use to the Central Repository.
      5. Participate in annual inventories.

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