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Administrative Manual - 402 Travel

402.06 JSA/Jefferson Lab Travel Credit Card



This policy and related procedures provide instructions covering the implementation and use of the JSA/Jefferson Lab Travel Credit Card. Only expenses that either directly or indirectly benefit the Lab are authorized. The Travel Credit Card may only be used to pre-pay a registration/training fee or hotel deposit, and expenses incurred during the travel duration.
Note: The JSA/Jefferson Lab Travel Credit Card may be referred to as the Travel Card, or Credit Card, or the Card.

    1. The primary purpose of the Travel Card is to provide the JLab employee traveling on official Lab business with a means to pay for the usual expenses incurred during the course of a trip. A written exception may be granted by the Lab Director to those with discretionary fund signature authority accounts to use the Travel Card to purchase meals that are associated with Lab business, other than travel.
    2. Expenses such as Lodging, Registration Fees, and Rental Car must be pre-authorized on the JLab travel authorization (TA) by an individual designated to authorize the expenditure of DOE funds.
    3. All allowable charges are subject to the strict application of "reasonableness and minimum need." This includes the principle that if the charge does not meet the travel duration criteria it is not an authorized Travel Card expenditure. Both allowable and unallowable Travel Card charges may be audited to ensure the Card is not being used for other than business related travel expenses by the cardholder.

The following key terms are defined for reference in this directive.

    1. Approving Official (AO). The AO is generally a supervisor who has direct control of one or a number of cardholders under his/her purview.
    2. Authorization. The process of verifying that a purchase is within the established cardholder limit. The merchant, at the point of sale, does this authorization.
    3. Cardholder. The individual JLab employee to whom the Travel Card has been issued. The Card bears the employee's name and can be used only by this individual to obtain goods and services while on official JLab business travel.
    4. Central Billed Account (CBA). The master account established with the issuing bank that allows individual cardholder accounts to be established.
    5. Credit Limits. Financial controls which limit a cardholder's overall spending capability. Credit limits are approved by the cardholder's AO and established/maintained by the Organization Point of Contact (OPOC). The limit is enforced by the issuing bank through the merchant at the time of sale.
      1. Cash/Travel Advance Purpose. To provide funds to cover estimated out-of-pocket expenses during the duration of the travel.
      2. Cash/Travel Advance Limit. The cardholder is limited to two advances per week from an ATM or banking institution. Each advance should not exceed the estimated out-of-pocket expenses to be incurred and cannot exceed 20% of individual card holder’s credit limit during the statement period, plus any applicable fees.
      3. ATM Service Fees. Fees charged for obtaining up to two cash advances from an ATM machine are reimbursable to the Traveler up to 2.5% of the advance amount with a maximum of $3.50 per ATM transaction.
      4. Cash Advance Fees. Fees charged by the bank for obtaining up to two cash advances per week are reimbursable to the Traveler up to 3% of the advance amount, including ATM fees.
    6. International Transaction Fee. Fee charged by the cards issuing institution when a foreign currency transaction is presented for payment. This 1% charge appears on the credit card statement and can be reimbursed to the traveler when submitted on the original expense report. (Contact Travel Services to obtain a copy of card transactions if necessary). Dispute. A current transaction that is to be disputed on a cardholder's monthly statement should not be paid.
    7. Duration of trip. Up to three days before trip start date, during, or the day of return as identified on the TA.
    8. Misuse/Abuse. Any use of the JLab Travel Card in violation of established procedures is considered misuse/abuse. Intentional use of the Card for other than approved, official travel related purchases may be considered fraud.
    9. Organization Point of Contact (OPOC). The individual in Travel Services that is the Travel Card Administrator, typically the Travel Supervisor. This person also acts as the liaison with the issuing bank.
    10. Reasonable and Minimum Need: Application of the principle, reasonableness and minimum need, requires careful consideration and judgment for each expenditure.
      1. Reasonableness: when applied to travel, reasonableness is defined as those charges which benefit the Lab either directly or indirectly and are actually needed for successful completion of the traveler's objective for the travel.
      2. Minimum need: is a purchasing term that defines the amount (number and cost) of goods to be purchased. Minimum need also includes the fact that when there is no actual job or operational need, the "minimum need" may be zero. Simply, consider the actual amount needed to accomplish the task and to meet the trip's needs.

NOTE: If there is any question, contact the AO or the Jefferson Lab OPOC before charging an expense to the Travel Card.
C. Expense Reports shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with JLab policy as stated in the Administrative Manual Section 402.01
D. References. The following procedures are source documents for Travel Credit Card use.

      1. The terms and requirements of the Prime Contract, under which travel will be taken.
      2. Federal Travel Regulations (as applied by the JSA/Jefferson Lab Prime Contract with DOE).
      3. These procedures and other official JLab guidance that may be issued to administer and control the Credit Card program.
      4. Materials received with the Card upon issuance.


    1. Jefferson Lab employees who travel on official JLab business may request a Travel Card. The cardholder's credit limit is set by his/her supervisor and is recommended to be no less than $3,000 and no greater than $5,000.
    2. This document outlines the Jefferson Lab procedures for use and administration of the Travel Card Program. Any other procedure used for this purpose must include, as a minimum, the requirements of these procedures, contain a statement to that effect, and have the documented approval of the responsible line manager.
    3. These procedures (see Attachment 1) provide direction and guidance for cardholders and AO's. They are established to outline minimum administrative procedures for using the Credit Card to charge goods and services, track transactions, and reconcile statements. Strict adherence to these procedures will minimize misuse or abuse.

To ensure the integrity of the JLab Travel Card program, each AO and cardholder must strictly adhere to the procedures described below and understand their specific responsibilities.

    1. Travel Card (OPOC). Travel Services maintains the interface between JSA/Jefferson Lab and the bank which issues the Cards. The Accounting Manager will appoint an individual in Travel Services to:
      1. Ensure new cardholders complete the on-line orientation. The orientation is available on the web at
      2. Provide guidance to cardholders with regard to proper use or misuse/abuse of the Travel Card.
      3. Control, issue and destroy all Credit Cards.
      4. Maintain a current list of cardholders on the Lab's website.
      5. Maintain a good working relationship with the issuing bank's Travel Card point-of-contact.
      6. Review issuing bank reports each month to identify misuse/abuse.
      7. Notify cardholders by e-mail of issues resulting from the monthly review.
      8. Assist in resolution of disputes between the issuing bank and the cardholder as needed.
    2. Approving Official. The Approving Official shall ensure compliance with the procedures outlined herein and other guidance issued by JSA/Jefferson Lab regarding the Credit Card program
      1. Establish the credit limit for each individual cardholder based on their travel expectations at request time and over the effective term of the Card.
      2. Approve the Request and Authorization form for issuance of a Travel Card.
      3. At the request of the OPOC, verify that transactions were made for necessary goods or services in accordance with this policy.
      4. Counsel the cardholder if notified by the OPOC via email that there is unauthorized use of the Card. Notify the OPOC of the results of the meeting.
      5. Work with the cardholder to determine when a past due account will be paid. Notify the OPOC of the results of the meeting.
      6. If necessary, identify with Human Resources the appropriate disciplinary action for misuse of the Card.
    3. Cardholder. The Cardholder shall ensure compliance with the procedures outlined herein and other Travel Card policy guidance issued by JSA/Jefferson Lab.
      1. Charge only JLab business related travel expenses to the Travel Card, with the exception stated in Policy section A.1.
      2. Obtain cash advances only during the effective duration of a trip.
      3. Understand and abide by credit limits.
      4. Reconcile monthly Credit Card statements to ensure all transactions were authorized.
      5. Safeguard the security of the Credit Card, account number, and PIN at all times and preclude their use by anyone other than the person to whom the Card was issued.
      6. Coordinate all disputes with the bank and/or the OPOC until resolved.
      7. Report lost or stolen Cards to the banking institution and/or the OPOC, immediately.
    1. Request and Authorization. The requesting cardholder should complete and sign the Request and Authorization for Jefferson Lab Travel Credit Card form, available on the web at:

      The AO will be required to complete the Credit Limit amount which is recommended at $3,000 - $5,000. The AO will then sign the form and forward it on to the OPOC in Travel Services.
      1. Bank request. Upon receipt of the Request and Authorization for Jefferson Lab Travel Credit Card form, the OPOC will ensure that all information has been provided, including the credit limit, and that the requesting cardholder and his/her AO have both signed the form. Then, within 5 business days, the OPOC will process the request using the bank's on-line Credit Card system.
      2. Card issuance. Once the Card is received by the OPOC, orientation can be taken using the on-line web presentation located at:

        Upon completion of the orientation the cardholder will receive his/her Card and be asked to read and sign the bank Agreement (See Attachment 2).
      3. Activation. The cardholder, at his/her earliest convenience, will activate the Card by calling the toll free number placed over the face of the Card.
      4. Dispute. All disputes must be coordinated with the banking institution, until resolved. The cardholder, using a Dispute form, will identify each dispute. Dispute forms may be obtained from the bank or through JLab Travel Services. Once completed the form should be forwarded directly to the bank with a copy sent to the OPOC in Travel Services. Bank transactions (Retail Credit or Debit Adjustments) that result from a previously disputed transaction do not require completion of a Dispute form.
      5. Restrictions: The Travel Credit Cards may only be used to purchase goods and services or obtain cash advances associated with JLab official business related travel, with the exception stated in Policy section A.1. The Card must not be used for personal use.
    2. Misuse & Liability: Abuse or misuse of the Card may result in suspension or termination of the Credit Card. Punishment, up to and including termination of employment, may result from improper use of the Card.
    3. Suspension/Termination of Privileges. Individual Travel Card accounts may be temporarily suspended or permanently cancelled for failure to follow established procedures. Restriction or cancellation of an account will be used to resolve serious misuse/abuse or procedural violations. Any restrictive change to a cardholder's account will be coordinated with the cardholder and their AO.
    4. Causes for Suspension/Termination of Travel Card Privileges: The following "thresholds" are established for disciplinary action, including suspension/termination of Travel Card privileges, and are intended to protect JLab funds and reduce the potential for abuse/misuse of the Travel Card. This list is not all inclusive.
      1. Making personal charges: Use of the JLab Card is restricted to JLab official travel related business expenses and cash advances.
      2. Making other JLab purchases: Intentional or repeated unintentional purchases which are intended for the Purchase Card. This includes Division discretionary purchases that will later be reimbursed (such as Tuition Assistance charges).
      3. Continuous past due amounts: Cardholders that receive notification of a past due account 3 or more times during any one year.
      4. Allowing others to use the Card. Protect the Card. Do not allow others access to the account.
    5. Process for Suspension/Termination of Privileges:
      1. First offense: written notification (via email) and warning of the offense to the cardholder and Supervisor (upon prior request of the Supervisor). The cardholder must reply (via email) and provide comments routed through their Supervisor, if the Supervisor received a copy of the notification. Serious abuse of procedures may result in immediate restriction and possible termination of privileges.
      2. Second offense (same or similar): 90-day suspension of Travel Card privileges. Same notification process except that the Supervisor will always be notified and must provide comments.
      3. Third offense: termination of Travel Card privileges. The cardholder and Supervisor must present justification to the OPOC to retain Travel Card privileges. The Accounting Manager and/or Human Resource Employee Relations Manager will make the final determination prior to any account termination.
      4. NOTE: See Attachment 3 for copy of approved notifications.

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