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    Users Group Symposium & Annual Meeting
    A Celebration of CEBAF Physics:
    Highlights of the First Seven Years

    Dedicated to the memory of Nathan Isgur.

    Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia
    June 11-13, 2003

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Users Group Poster
    First Announcement

    Dear fellow JLab users:

    We need your help!

    As you know, we are planning a symposium on "A Celebration of CEBAF Physics: Highlights of the first seven years". The symposium will be concurrent with the Annual Users Group meeting, June 11 -13, 2003.

    For each topic in the physics program there is a coordinator, who is one of your elected UBOD representatives, and two review speakers.

    We need you, the users, to tell us the experiments/subjects which are highlights of the first seven years and should be covered. Also, tell us why. Please contact the coordinators and or speakers directly with your opinions and input.

    Best regards, Paul Stoler, for the user BOD

    content by U/I Liaison
    maintained by
    updated June 24, 2003