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    Second Workshop on Physics with an Electron-Polarized Light-Ion Collider (EPIC)

    Contact Person Information / Scientific Organizing Committee / Agenda

    MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
    September 14th and 16th, 2000

    Dear Colleagues,

    We have recently mailed the announcement for the 2nd Workshop on Physics with an Electron Polarized light-Ion Collider (EPIC) to be held at MIT on September 14-16, 2000. The focus will be on the physics and technical case for a high luminosity collider with sufficient center of mass energy to couple to the fundamental constituents of strongly interacting matter. The Nuclear Physics community in the United States has been asked to prepare for a Long Range Planning exercise to get underway in Fall 2000. We view the EPIC workshop as an opportunity to sharpen the discussion concerning future capabilities necessary to pursue the study of the quark and gluon structure of matter. In addition, our colleagues in Europe are considering new capabilities to study the structure of matter using lepton scattering. It is our intention that the case for EPIC be coupled in a coherent way with the plans of the broad international Nuclear Physics community.

    The EPIC workshop format will consist of a number of plenary talks and several afternoons of parallel sessions focussed on the following topics:

    • spin and flavor structure of the nucleon
    • hard exclusive processes
    • heavy quark physics and target fragmentation
    • the machine design

    Confirmed speakers include:

      L. Cardman (JLab)
      E. Kinney (Colorado)
      R. Jaffe (MIT)
      K. Rith (Erlangen)
      F. Wilczek (MIT)

    On Saturday September 16th we plan to have summary talks on the EPIC physics and accelerator. Also we plan to include overview talks from the other initiatives under discussion in the United States and Europe to probe the quark structure of matter. The scientific program will be developed in consultation with the Scientific Organizing Committee. We strongly encourage you to submit suggestions for presentations to the Scientific Organizing Committee at The agenda for the workshop will be posted at the web site

    We urge you to register for the workshop online at the web site The registration fee is $100, which includes a copy of the proceedings.

    We plan to publish proceedings of the Workshop using the American Institute of Physics. As it is our strong desire to publish the proceedings soon after the Workshop, the deadline for submitted contributions will be October 15th, 2000. Instructions for authors will be available at the web site

    Accomodation should be reserved as soon as possible as the availability of hotel space in Boston in September will be limited. A list of hotels is available at the web site

    We are very excited about the potential of an electron-hadron collider to provide new insight into the structure of matter. We look forward to seeing you at MIT in September.

    John Cameron
    Richard Milner

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