1. Handicap Setup for this League is as follows...
Handicap  Regulars: 80  Subs: 80
Number of scores handicap based on: 20
Minimum number of scores needed before a handicap can be calculated: 2
# of Scores Discard Discard
Available Highest Lowest
 2  1  0
 3  1  0
 4  1  0 1. PlayerX has 23 prior scores. For his  handicap calculation, only the latest 20 are used. Out of those 20, the 5 highest scores are discarded, plus the lowest. The handicap is then calculated on the remaining 14 scores.
 5  2  0
 6  2  0
 7  3  0
 8  3  0
 9  4  0
 10  4  0
 11  4  0
 12  4  0
 13  5  0
 14  5  0
 15  5  0
 16  5  1
 17  5  1
 18  5  1
 19  5  1
 20  5  1 <<PlayerX has 23 scores prior to event #10
    so the underlined parameters are used to determine
      which scores to use for handicapping.
2. The differentials for these scores are calculated...
Adjusted Course Course
Date Event # Grs Scr Course Played Tee Rating Slope Differential Used
06/11/18 Evt #9 46 Deer Run                       G 35.4 124 9.7 Used
05/21/18 Evt #7 43 Deer Run                       G 35.4 124 6.9 Used These are PlayerX's 23 scores. Scores with no date are the stored scores from prior years data (we have not figured out how to transfer the dates to a current year) and are shown as 'Practice Score'. The adjusted gross score is used as the data point. Each course has a rating (Deer Run = 35.4 ; Cardinal = 33.8) and a slope (DR = 124 ; C = 117) which is used to calculate the Differential value. The differential value is calculated by:
04/23/18 Evt #3 41 Cardinal                       G 33.8 117 7 Used
Practice Score 50 35.4 124 13.3  
Practice Score 46 35.4 124 9.7 Used
Practice Score 44 35.4 124 7.8 Used
Practice Score 41 33.8 117 7 Used
Practice Score 43 33.8 117 8.9 Used
Practice Score 41 33.8 117 7 Used
Practice Score 47 35.4 124 10.6  
Practice Score 46 35.4 124 9.7 Used
Practice Score 44 35.4 124 7.8 Used
Practice Score 38 33.8 117 4.1   Dif = (Adjusted Gross - Rating) * (113 / Slope)
Practice Score 42 33.8 117 7.9 Used Example  using 6/11/18
Practice Score 48 35.4 124 11.5   Dif = (46 - 35.4) * (113 / 124) = 9.7
Practice Score 41 33.8 117 7 Used    
Practice Score 45 34.6 121 9.7 Used Note that the highest differentials (13.3,10.6,11.5,11.6,11.6) and lowest (4.1) are thrown out as are the scores #21,22 & 23
Practice Score 52 38 136 11.6  
Practice Score 52 38 136 11.6  
Practice Score 50     38 136 10 Used
Practice Score 51 38 136 10.8
Practice Score 48 34.6 121 12.5
Practice Score 46 34.6 121 10.6
Only the last 20 scores are considered for handicapping.
The equation for calculating a differential is ...
Diff = (Adjusted Gross Score  -  Rating)  x  (113 / Slope)
3. Use the differentials to calculate a handicap.
Out of the 20 available calculated differentials the See the explanations shown:
5 highest and 1 lowest differentials are discarded (not used).
Differentials 'used' are added together...
9.7+6.9+7.0+9.7+7.8+7.0+8.9+7.0+9.7+7.8+7.9..etc.. = 116.1
Then divide by the total number used.
Pre-Handicap = 116.1 /  14 Pre-Handicap = 8.293
PlayerX is a regular player, so according to the
handicap setup the Handicap Percent is 80
Handicap = 8.293 x 80 Handicap =  6.63  (Digits after hundredth place are deleted) Note the calculation is for Deer Run. If PlayerX was playing on Cardinal, the handicap would be :
Convert the handicap to a 'course' handicap using the slope of the course being played. (Deer Run)
Handicap = Handicap x (Slope / 113)
Handicap =  6.63 x (124 / 113) HCP = 6.63 *(117 / 113) = 6.86 
Handicap =  7.28
Due to our rounding to whole number, PlayerX on both courses would be a 7.
Final Handicap =  7.28