Hurricane Preparedness Condition Program




This document provides Jefferson Lab’s response process used during Hurricane Season.  This program includes activities that are performed between May 1st and November 30th; and situational activities that are performed before, during, and after an actual event.

Review and Approval

This program is reviewed annually (generally in the month of May).  Changes are reviewed by the Operations Manager and approved by the Jefferson Lab Director’s Safety Council (DSC). 


This document is the responsibility of Jefferson Lab’s Emergency Manager. 

Table of Contents

Overview... 1

Hurricane Season Timeline.. 2

Positions of Responsibility.. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Hurricane Wardens and Hurricane Preparedness Checklists. 4

Hurricane Preparedness Condition 1 (HPC-1). 5

Hurricane Preparedness Condition 2 (HPC-2). 8

Hurricane Preparedness Condition 3 (HPC-3). 10

Hurricane Preparedness Condition 4 (HPC-4). 12

Emergency Management Team (EMT). 13

Hurricane Preparedness Condition Program

Hurricane Season Timeline


Hurricane Season Timeline

(June 1 – Nov 30)

Weather Advisor monitors weather forecasts & advises Operations Manager & Emergency Manager of status

HPC1 Declared

(May 1)


EMT Declares HPC2

(NWS Hurricane Watch

Sustained winds of 74 mph within 48  hour)


EMT Declares HPC3

(NWS Hurricane Warning, 

Sustained winds of 74+mph  within  36 hours)


HPC4 Declared

Lab is Closed to all but LO/FO Designated Personnel

Bevel: EM/PA
Early May
Distribute HPC1 Commencement All Staff E-Mail


Hurricane Wardens

confirm HPC1 Readiness


June 1

Weather Advisor

monitor weather forecast and notify

OM & EM of status changes


When Hurricane/Severe Weather conditions warrant


Bevel: OM/PA
Distribute HPC1 Reminder 
All Staff E-Mail

Weather Advisor

Continually monitors weather forecast

 and notifies

OM & EM of status


Bevel: OM/PA
Within 1 Hour
Distribute HPC2 All Staff E-Mail


All Staff

Commence HPC2 preparations.


Weather Advisor

Continually monitor weather forecast and notify

OM & EM of status


Bevel: EMT 
Initial Meeting Agenda HPC2
Determine Lab status and required preparations.


Bevel: EMT 
Daily Meeting Agenda HPC2
Decide when to declare HPC3
Determine Lab closing time


Bevel: OM/PA
Within 1 Hour
Distribute HPC3 All Staff E-Mail


All Staff

Commence HPC3 preparations


Weather Advisor

Continually monitor weather forecast and notify OM & EM of status


Bevel: EMT
Meeting Agenda HPC3
Finalize and submit Designated Last Off/First On list to Security

All Staff

(except Last-off Designated Personnel)

leave the site before closing time


Security Officer

Advise OM that the Lab is cleared of all but Last-off personnel


Operations Manager

Advise EMT Director that the Lab is cleared of all but Last-off personnel


EMT Director

Turns operations over to Logistics Manager


Logistics Manager

Perform recovery operations

(First-on) comes on site to perform structural inspections and clearing operations.


Logistics Manager

Notifies EMT Director that lab is ready to be re-occupied.  Turns operations over to EMT Director


EMT Director

Notifies all staff when they may return to work.


Back to HPC1 Status

Hurricane Preparedness Condition Program

Positions of Responsibility



The list of “Positions of Responsibility” is maintained by the Emergency Manager.  Supervisors are requested to nominate individuals, whom they believe have the expertise to qualify for a position.  Nominees are reviewed and, as appropriate, approved by the DSC.



Positions of Responsibilities



Emergency Manager (EM)

Tina Menefee

Operations Manager (OM)

Mary Logue

Weather Advisor (WA)

Ed Winslow

Emergency Management Team (EMT) are/dsweb/Get/Document-43320

Emergency Management Team Director (EMTD)

Mike Dallas

Logistics Manager

Rusty Sprouse

Hurricane Preparedness Condition Checklist Owners

Public Affairs (PA)

Dean Golembeski

Hurricane Preparedness Condition Program

                 Hurricane Wardens and Hurricane Preparedness Checklists


Hurricane Wardens are assigned to designated areas at Jefferson Lab.  Hurricane Preparedness Checklists (HPC) define a particular set of circumstances unique to the designated area.  Hurricane Wardens are responsible for ensuring activities are performed in the appropriate order; at designated times.  When current area operations or conditions change revisions to the checklists are submitted to Jefferson Lab’s Emergency Manager.


Supervisors are responsible for individuals and equipment under their authority. 



Area Hurricane Wardens – Perform the actions outlined the checklist.   Notify the Emergency Manager when activities have been completed for the determined condition:


Supervisor – Ensure individuals, equipment, and associated operations under your authority, are safe and secure prior to evacuation of the Laboratory.  It is recommended that supervisors initiate a checklist, specific to their operations; review the responsibilities with individuals under their authority; and initiate the plan upon notification of impending event. 


Emergency Manager:  Ensure all areas are represented with a current area hurricane checklist.  Designate a responsible individual for each area.


Hurricane Warden List  


Hurricane Checklists

Hurricane Preparedness Checklists are listed at:


Templates for Hurricane Preparedness and Supervisor Checklists are also available at this link.

Hurricane Preparedness Condition Program

Hurricane Preparedness Condition 1 (HPC-1)


The National Weather Service has determined that Hurricane Season is from June 1 through November 30.  To be prepared, Jefferson Lab elevates its awareness status to Hurricane Preparedness Condition 1 (HPC-1) on May 1st and commences continuous monitoring of the weather forecast to ensure timely warning is provided so laboratory operations can be adequately protected should an actual event occur.


May 1 through November 30


Operations Manager:

·       When conditions warrant,

o   Convene appropriate members of the Emergency Management Team (EMT).

o   Announce Jefferson Lab’s commencement of HPC-1 activities.  (See HPC-1 - All Staff Memo:  Issued when conditions warrant below.)


Emergency Manager:

·       Requests performance of any HPC-1 activities and provide confirmation to Operations Manager upon completion. 

·       Ensure supplies required lab-wide are on-hand and readily available (e.g. sandbags, chainsaws, gasoline, and stockroom items. etc.)

·       (After June 1) Confirm “Last-off/First-on” list with Logistics Manager.  (This list may be revised during an actual event.)


Weather Advisor:

·       Monitor National Weather Service Forecast reports.

·       Notify Operations Manager and Emergency Manager when hurricane conditions are imminent.


Hurricane Wardens (Prior to June 1st and whenever directed):

·       Review your Hurricane Preparedness Checklist and perform activities as required (if applicable).  Minimally:

o   Ensure Weather Alert Radio(s) are functioning.

o   Inventory the Emergency Equipment/Supply Box.

o   Inspect the buildings’, trailers’, and transportainers’ structural integrity.  Submit a Facilities Management Work Request as needed.

o   Confirm completion to Emergency Manager, AD/DSOs and others as required.


Supervisors: (Prior to June 1st and update whenever directed):

·       Review your emergency contact tree.  Ensure it is accurate and distribute as required.

·       Finalize your draft Emergency Shutdown and Re-Start Activity Schedule. 

·       Delegate roles and responsibilities to individuals under your authority in the event the lab goes to HPC-2 and HPC3. 


Everyone at Jefferson Lab: (when directed)

·       Ensure your Supervisor has your emergency contact information.

·       Perform HPC-1 preparation activities as delegated by your Supervisor or when directed by Jefferson Lab Management.

HPC-1 Commencement Memo


May 1 – The Emergency Manager, via Public Affairs,  submits the following memo to “All Staff:”




The National Weather Service has determined “Hurricane Season” to be June 1st through November 30.  Jefferson Lab participates in the observance of this season by elevating its preparedness level to Hurricane Preparedness Condition 1 (HPC-1) on June 1st.  At that time Jefferson Lab will commence monitoring the National Weather Service Forecast Reports and will keep you informed if there is need to elevate our preparedness level.




Supervisors: (As applicable)

·       Review your emergency contact tree.  Ensure it is accurate and distribute it as required.

·       Draft an Emergency Shutdown and Re-Start Activity Schedule. 

·       Delegate roles and responsibilities to individuals under your authority in the event the lab goes to HPC-2 and HPC3.


Hurricane Wardens:

·       Review your area’s Hurricane Preparedness Checklist and perform activities as applicable.  Minimally:

o   Ensure Weather Alert Radio(s) are functioning.

o   Inventory your Hurricane Equipment/Supply Box.

o   Inspect the buildings’, trailers’, and transportainers’ structural integrity.  Submit a Facilities Management Work Request as needed.

o   Confirm completion to Emergency Manager, AD/DSOs and others as required.


If you need specific information or clarification contact Tina Menefee, Jefferson Lab’s Emergency Manager (  x5490).


Thank you.

Tina Menefee

Emergency Manager

HPC-1 - All Staff Memo:  Issued when conditions warrant


The Operations Manager, via Public Affairs, submits the following memo to “All-Staff” when weather conditions warrant.




Members of Jefferson Lab’s leadership and its Emergency Management Team would like to inform you that it is monitoring Hurricane _________.  It has been estimated that it may impact the Hampton Roads Area within the next ________ days/weeks. 


On June 1st of this year, Jefferson Lab initiated Hurricane Preparedness Condition 1 (HPC-1) in anticipation of such an event and we will continue to monitor conditions and keep you apprised of any changes.


At this time please review your HPC-1 activities, including:


Personal Time Off:

Coordinate this with your supervisor at this time.


Unsure of What to Do:

Contact your Supervisor. 


Specific Information or Questions:

Contact Tina Menefee, Jefferson Lab’s Emergency Manager (  x5490).


Useful Links:

·       National Weather Service, National Hurricane Center:

·       Virginia Hurricane Evacuation Guide:

·       Virginia Department of Emergency Management Hurricane Preparedness:


Thank you.

Mary Logue

Operations Manager

Hurricane Preparedness Condition Program

Hurricane Preparedness Condition 2 (HPC-2)


The National Weather Service has determined that when sustained winds of 74 mph or higher are possible within the specified area a hurricane watch is issued 48 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical-storm-force winds.  When this happens Jefferson Lab elevates its status to Hurricane Preparation Condition 2 (HPC-2) and commences pre-shutdown activities.


Upon notification of National Weather Service Hurricane Watch; or when Jefferson Lab Management declares Labwide HPC-2 Status


Weather Advisor:

·       Inform the Operations Manager when the National Weather Service has elevated its weather condition to “Watch” status.


Operations Manager:

·       Announce Jefferson Lab’s commencement of HPC-2 activities.  (See HPC-2 - All Staff Memo below.)

·       Convene appropriate members of the Emergency Management Team (EMT).



·       Determine if your operations require individuals to be on-site during HPC-4.  (“Last-off/First-on Personnel”) 

o   Provide names, emergency contact information, and reason for designation to Division Associate Director/Manager.

o   Final approval of individuals is issued by the Emergency Management Team at the time of the event. 


Division Associate Director/Manager

·       Submit “Last-off/First-on” designees to Emergency Management Team for review and approval.


Everyone at Jefferson Lab: (when directed)

·       Perform HPC-2 preparation activities as delegated by your Supervisor or when directed by Jefferson Lab Management.

HPC-2 - All Staff Memo


The Operations Manager, via Public Affairs, submits the following memo to “All-Staff:”




Members of Jefferson Lab's leadership and Emergency Management Team met earlier today regarding the possible impact of Hurricane ______________.  At this time the National Weather Service has issued a Hurricane Watch for our area, therefore Jefferson Lab is elevating its status to Hurricane Preparedness Condition 2(HPC-2). 



Commence securing your operations and equipment in anticipation of lab closure.


Hurricane Wardens:

Commence with your area’s HPC-2 Activities.  (see


If you need specific information or clarification contact Tina Menefee, Jefferson Lab’s Emergency Manager (  x5490).


The Emergency Management Team will be meeting regularly during HPC-2 and will keep you informed of status.



Mary Logue

Operations Manager

Hurricane Preparedness Condition Program

Hurricane Preparedness Condition 3 (HPC-3)


The National Weather Service has determined that when sustained winds of 74 mph or higher are expected within the specified area a hurricane warning is issued 36 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical-storm-force winds.  When this happens Jefferson Lab elevates its Hurricane Preparation Condition Status to 3 (HPC-3) and commences shutdown activities.


Upon notification of National Weather Service Hurricane Warning; or when Jefferson Lab Management declares Labwide HPC-3 Status


Weather Advisor:

·       Inform the Operations Manager when the National Weather Service has elevated its weather condition to “Warning” status.


Operations Manager:

·       Convene appropriate members of the Emergency Management Team (EMT).

·       Determine the appropriate beam shutdown (Arne Freyberger @ 269-6268) and subsequent evacuation time.

·       Announce Jefferson Lab’s commencement of HPC-3 activities.  (See HPC-3 - All Staff Memo below.)


Emergency Manager:

·       Submit final “Last-Off/First-On Listing” to Security.

HPC-3 - All Staff Memo


The Operations Manager, via Public Affairs, submits the following memo to “All-Staff:”




At this time the National Weather Service has issued a Hurricane Warning for our area.  Members of Jefferson Lab's leadership and Emergency Management Team have met and agree that Hurricane ______________ is an imminent threat.   We are therefore elevating our status to Hurricane Preparedness Condition 3 (HPC-3)


You are directed to commence with final preparation in anticipation of the Accelerator Beam being shut down at ___:___ and Laboratory being evacuated at ___:___ today. 



·       Commence shutting down your operations and equipment to ensure individuals under your authority are evacuated from the Laboratory at or before the time designated.



·       Perform HPC-3 activities as delegated by your Supervisor or as directed by Jefferson Lab Management.

o   Waste and Recycling - Put waste and recyclables in appropriate receptacles.  Jefferson Lab has scheduled containers to be emptied this evening.  Dumpsters will be emptied in the morning.  Put any additional food or wet waste in the kitchenette or restroom receptacles.

o   Golf Carts – Put charger unit and hut into the golf cart and take it to its designated shelter two hours before the lab evacuation time.  Alternative shelter is available in the Experimental Staging (Building #23) on the Accelerator Site near the entrance to Hall D.  (Contact Manny Navarez at 876-1745 to reserve a spot in this location.)

o   Computers and Other Electronics - Backup your computer and other electronic devices as necessary.  Turn off all desktop computers, UPSs (uninterruptible power supply).”


Hurricane Wardens:

·       Commence with your area’s HPC-2 Activities.  (see


If you need specific information or clarification contact Tina Menefee, Jefferson Lab’s Emergency Manager (  x5490).


Unless further notice is provided, all staff are to be off-site by ___:___ am/pm today. 


Handy Links:

·       Virginia Dept. of Emergency Management – Recovery after the storm:


On behalf of Jefferson Lab Management and the Emergency Management Team we wish you all a safe journey.

Hurricane Preparedness Condition Program

Hurricane Preparedness Condition 4 (HPC-4)


When Jefferson Lab is evacuated to all but “Last-Off/First-On” personnel, due to inclement weather, it is considered Hurricane Preparation Condition -4 (HPC-4).  This status level is monitored from off-site by designated personnel.  The status is lowered only when it is determined safe for staff to return to work. 


From “Evacuation,” as determined by HPC-3, until Jefferson Lab Management “All-Clear” notification announcement.


Weather Advisor:

·       Monitor and advise the Operations Manager of weather status.


Logistics Manager:

·       Contact the EMTD and confirm that clean-up operations are commencing.

·       Contact Security to ensure “First-On Personnel” access is confirmed.

·       Contact the EMTD and confirm “all-clear” status.


Communications Manager:

·       Upon confirmation of “all clear” from EMTD - post “All-Clear Notifications” per emergency network system procedures.

Hurricane Preparedness Condition Program

Emergency Management Team (EMT)


Members of the Emergency Management Team (EMT) are comprised of individuals who have either overarching responsibilities to the laboratory in the event shutdown and subsequent restart; or possess unique qualifications or expertise relevant to emergency situations.  Not all events require the same response.  Membership for each event is determined during the assembly of the team. 


Initial Assembly: designated members – upon notification of HPC-2.

Meetings during HPC-2:  Daily at 7:00am; and at the request of the Operations Manger until the “All-Clear” or HPC-3 notification.

Meetings during HPC-3:  As determined by conditions


Operations Manager:

  • Determine HPC-2 and HPC-3 status and initiate EMT meetings.


EMT Members:

·       Review assigned responsibilities.  Confirm that you are pertinent to the event, or unnecessary.  (If unnecessary you will not be required to attend additional meetings.)


Anticipate Laboratory Shutdown


Initial Assembly:






Time:  Within one hour of notification of HPC-2 status,

Invitees: All EMT members

Location:  Director’s Conference Room (CEBAF Center B207).


Administrative Support

š      Initiate a Jefferson Lab Situation Report.  Record meeting determinations.

š      Roll call of all EMT members.


Communications Manager

š      Assign and distribute Satellite Phones.

š      Distribute contact information to Administrative Support.


Emergency Manager

š      Review “Last – Off / First – On” Listing and distribute contact information. 

š      Designate “VERY FIRST – ON” individual(s).


Operations Manager

š      Determine appropriate team members for future meetings and determine best means of contact.

š      Open the floor to members to express Issues/Concerns. 

·       Assign responsible individual to each.

š      Schedule next meeting

·       Minimally 7:00am every morning until status changes.

š      Within 2-hours Distribute meeting report along with action items.






(minimally 7:00am daily)


            Time: Each morning at 7:00am; and as often as necessary.

            Invitees: Assigned EMT members

            Location: Director’s Conference Room (CEBAF Center B207).


Administrative Support

š      Initiate a Jefferson Lab Situation Report.  Record meeting determinations.

š      Roll Call of Team Members.


Operations Manager

š      Provide current weather situation status.

š      Review action items from last meeting and request status updates. 

·       Update as necessary.

š      Review previous issues and concern and determine status.

š      Determine if the status should be raised to HPC-3.

š      Open the floor to members to express new Issues/Concerns. 

·       Assign responsible individual to each.

š      Schedule next meeting – minimally 7:00am every morning until status changes.

š      Within 2-hours distribute report along with action items.


Laboratory Shutdown


Meetings during HPC-3






            Time: As necessary.

            Designated: Assigned EMT members

            Location: Director’s Conference Room (CEBAF Center B207).


Administrative Support

š      Initiate a Jefferson Lab Situation Report.  Record meeting determinations.

š      Roll Call of Team Members.


Operations Manager

š      Provide current weather situation status.

š      Determine Laboratory Shutdown Time.

š      Review status of previous Action Items.  Update list as necessary.

š      Open the floor to members to express new Issues/Concerns. 

·       Assign responsible individual to each.

š      Schedule next meeting if required.

š      Within 2-hours distribute report.

HPC-4:  Downgrading Readiness Condition


Determined by Jefferson Lab Management.


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