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JLAB History Archives Project

Photo Identification - Week 1 Photos

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The display:

Photo 1 - 1995:

Best guesses (left to right)

  1. Linda Ware
  2. Donna Lewis
  3. Deborah Dowd
  4. Pat Stroop
  5. Mary Beth Stewart
  6. Hermann Grunder
  7. Deborah Hyman
  8. Sheila Norman
  9. Still a Mystery

Photo 2

Best guesses:

Left: Rick Johnson
Right: Joe Beaufait

Photo 3 - 1994 Open House

Best guess: Etienne Burtin demonstrating light guides to an Open House visitor.

Photo 4 - 1990

Best guess: Hermann Grunder

Photo 5 - 1989

Hermann Grunder

Photo 6 - 1990

Left: Hermann Grunder
Right - multiple guesses: Sarah Ingels, Sandy Philpott, Linda Ware, Kelly Webster, Elizabeth Lawson

Photo 7 - 2014

  1. Ronald Bartek
  2. Kelly Dixon
  3. Gayle Sundeen-Coleman
  4. Will Oren
  5. Tim Whitlatch
  6. Dave Meekins

Photo 8 - 1990

  1. Charlene West
  2. Kelly Mahoney
  3. Robert Adams

Photo 9 - 1993

Best guess for who is Hermann carrying? Elton Smith