JAG Homepage



t shirt design contest

The lab's annual T-shirt design contest is back for 2025! Flex those creative muscles and submit your T-shirt design entry to the Jefferson Lab Activities Group (JAG) before Monday, March 3. The lab community will choose a winning design by casting their votes from Wednesday, March 12 through Friday, March 28. The winner will be announced during the opening ceremony of the lab’s 38th Run-A-Round. To submit your design online, click here. For questions, contact David Abbott.

For rules and to see past winners, use This Link



Pictures of all the Participant entries are now available HERE

First, honorable mentions go out to the following Door entries: 

  • Shannon West for "Most Aesthetically Pleasing" 
  • Bernice Whitehead for "Most Considerate, Heartfelt, and Best use of space" 
  • Megan Quinn for "Most Sustainable with a Physics Bend" 
  • Sherie Bennett for "Most Sassy, Clever and Funny" 
  • Jodi Patient for "Most Nostalgic, Sentimental, Grand and Detailed" 
  • Lauren Hansen for "Most Sensory Invoking and Karaoke Inducing" 
  • Michelle Alvarez for "Most Traditional Classy Design" 
  • Stephanie White for "Most Talented Artistic Layout Invoking Creative Depth" 



Best Overall 2024

Geekiest 2024

Most Original 2024

Best Overall: Melanie West for her interactive “What Cookie Are You?” door. The judges enjoyed her submission because of the originality of the idea, interactivity with use of the magnets, and the inclusion of her teammates. We thought it was cute, funny way to get colleagues into the holiday spirit.

Geekiest: Nina Ullrich took the trophy for the geekiest category due to her interactive “Take A Tour of JLab” door. We liked that it was unique, playful and a fun representation of her role at the lab.

Most Original: Sarah Crouse took this award because of her effort to include the entire lab community with her interactive “All Wrapped In A Bow” presentation. By featuring numerous photos of lab events literally gift wrapped in a bow, we found her submission to be beautiful in presentation and inclusive of the entire lab and the events that bring us together.


Santa and JAG group

Pictures with Santa are now available HERE

Pictures from the Holiday Party are available HERE



The Jefferson Lab Activities Group (JAG) is excited to welcome you and your families to the annual Children’s Holiday Party on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the CEBAF Center atrium! Staff, scientific users, contractors and their families are invited to celebrate the holiday season at the event. Enjoy complimentary food and beverages (including liquid-nitrogen ice cream!), crafts, games, a bounce house, face painting, and ballon art.  


The JAG Holiday Door-Decorating Contest kicks off the holiday season! Decorations can go up as early Monday, Nov 25 and must be taken down by Tuesday, Jan. 7. Please do not incorporate food-based item in your decorations and make sure all lighting and electronics are Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved. To be in the running for awards, please send your name(s) and location to Mary Jo Bailey no later than Friday, Dec. 13 at 5 p.m. to Prizes will be rewarded for best overall, geekiest and most original. Judging will take place on Monday, Dec. 16, and winners will be announced on Tuesday, Dec. 17. For questions, contact Mary Jo Bailey



Let’s come together to make the holidays brighter for children in our community! JAG asks all who attend the Children’s Holiday Party to consider bringing a new, unwrapped toy to the event on Saturday, Dec. 7, for the lab’s Toys for Tots drive. If you can’t make it to the party, you can drop your toy in collection boxes Friday, Nov. 8 through Friday, Dec. 6, at the following locations: 

  • CEBAF Center lobby. 
  • Support Service Center (SSC) lobby. 
  • TED/Test Lab main entrance. 
  • ES&H Building main entrance. 
  • Machine Control Center (MCC) main entrance. 

For questions, contact David Abbott



JAG t shirts on sale

T-shirt sales are open and will last as long as the shirts do. To see what's available click on the image above, or here.

Check out the DOE Mile Newsletter for details of all the Lab's that competed

Thank you to all our volunteers and everyone that participated. This even could not have happened without you!

But what your really want, are the RESULTS and the WINNERS! (click link)

And PICTURES! And MORE PICTURES!!! (did you know we had a Flickr page?)

For full details including times, charge code guidance and the DOE mile, see the full notification on misportal


Pictures of the Party and Pictures with Santa are now available! (login required)

Door Decoration Contest Pictures


Best Overall Geekiest Funniest

Best Overall





Dear Jefferson Lab Community,

You're invited to attend the annual Children's Holiday Party on Saturday, Dec. 9 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the CEBAF Center atrium! The Jefferson Lab Activities Group (JAG) is excited to welcome you and your family to the lab to celebrate this holiday season.

Staff, scientific users and contractors are all invited to attend the event with their families. Steve Gagnon from our Science Education team will be making liquid-nitrogen ice cream complete with all the fixings! Celebrate with crafts, games, a bounce house, face painting and balloon art. Enjoy complimentary beverages and scrumptious food provided by MOMO's. And finally, the big man himself will make an appearance with a photographer on-site to capture those life-long memories with Santa. You won't want to miss it!


Volunteers are needed!
JAG needs your help to make everything run smoothly. Please sign up online to volunteer your time during the annual Children’s Holiday Party. We are grateful for all of the volunteers (and their teenage children!) who help us run the show. Volunteer as little or as much as you'd like! Please note that because this is a volunteer event, those volunteering or attending will not be able to charge their time. 


Don’t forget those less fortunate this season.
JAG asks all who attend please consider bringing a new, unwrapped toy to the party for our Toys for Tots Drive. If you cannot make the party, collection boxes are available around the lab through Friday, Dec. 8. During the event, Toys for Tots representatives will pick up all Toys for Tots donations and distribute them to Hampton Roads-area children in need.


Holiday Door-Decorating Contest
The JAG Holiday Door-Decorating Contest kicks off the holiday season! Decorations can go up as early Wednesday, Nov 29 and must be taken down by Wednesday, Jan. 3. Please do not incorporate food-based items unnecessary your decorations and make sure all lighting and electronics are UL approved. To be in the running for awards, please send your name(s) and location to Naeem Huque no later than Friday, Dec. 15 at 5 p.m. to Prizes will be rewarded for best overall on-site, best overall virtual and most original. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, Dec. 19. For door-decorating contest questions, contact Naeem Huque.


Past Events

Pictures are now available

Get Connected Fall Festival

It has been four years since our last Fall Festival, and much has changed at the Lab since then. It is perfect time to Get Connected again with our co-workers - both new and old. JAG is inviting all JLab staff, scientific users and contract staff to come out to the Residence Facility field on Thursday November 2 from 3PM to 6PM. Enjoy some great BBQ and Fall brews along with music, games and activities that will help you get connected with colleagues you only get to see on Teams calls. There will be opportunities to win raffle prizes or just relax and catch up with old friends. 

Please take note of the following information below
General questions about the Get Connected Fall Festival can be directed to Mary Jo Bailey (mbailey@jlab.org) or David Abbott (abbottd@jlab.org)

Peninsula Food Bank - Food Drive

As part of the Lab’s United Way campaign JAG is supporting the Food Bank of the Virginia Peninsula by sponsoring a food drive at the Lab for the remainder of October. We have placed PFB donation boxes at several locations around the campus including CEBAF Center, TED, Test Lab, MCC, ES&H building and SSC. If you cannot come to the Festival please drop a non-perishable donation at one of these locations before Nov. 2. We will have all donation boxes out on the field during the party. If you wish to make a monetary donation (cash or check) you can do that at the field as well. Please contact David Abbott (abbottd@jlab.org) if you have questions. 

JAG needs Volunteers

This is a big event, and we cannot make it happen without your help. There are many slots for volunteers that need to be filled. Please sign-up on the volunteer page here (2023 Fall Festival). Take note of the volunteer coordinator for your slot and contact them to get details on what you need to do. 

Charging Guidance

Volunteering and attending this event can be charged on your time sheet, but there are several exceptions that you should be aware of. It is important for everyone to understand the following restrictions.

    Staff may charge up to 2.5 hours for actual time participating in or attending the event. For example:  
        If you attend between 3-5 p.m., you may charge two hours to FALFST.
        If you work the event between 3-4 p.m. and attend between 4-5:30 p.m., you may charge up to 2.5 hours to FALFST

    Beer Tent Notes: Upon acceptance of a wristband a JLab staff member is considered officially off the clock and must either flex their work week to accommodate or take vacation time.  Please coordinate with your supervisor.
        Any staff member who volunteers at the beer tent may not charge time during their shift.

    Staff may charge actual volunteer hours for pre & post event activities (outside of 3-6 p.m. event time).

    Please note that the FALFST project code cannot be used for overtime. To avoid incurring any overtime charges, non-exempt staff must get approval in advance from their supervisor to adjust their regularly scheduled hours accordingly. For questions regarding timesheet charges, contact the Payroll Department.

    Questions or clarifications on individual circumstances may be directed first to your manager or supervisor or email timesheet@jlab.org

JAG Clubs

Click on any of the links below for information on JLab's various club activities

Want to see your Lab club listed? Contact JAG's Webamin



motor club cars pic