Machine Learning with MATLAB

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  • Machine Learning with MATLAB
    2021-03-17EDT14:00:00 ~ 2021-03-17EDT15:00:00
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MATLAB Seminar Series

MathWorks is hosting a 3-part seminar series on the following topics:

Automating Hardware Control and Analysis (January 20, 2021)
Parallel Computing with MATLAB (February 17, 2021)
Machine Learning with MATLAB (March 17, 2021)

We invite you to attend any of the following seminars to get started quickly and learn how to automate hardware control, scale your computations to clusters and clouds, and design AI models and AI driven systems with MATLAB.

Learn how to:

  • Interactively control and acquire data from hardware and test instruments
  • Build and deploy graphical applications with App Designer to simplify data collection and analysis
  • Perform large-scale computations and parallelize simulations using multicore desktops, GPUs, clusters, and clouds
  • Run MATLAB applications on clusters and clouds using MATLAB Parallel Server without recoding
  • Use MATLAB Cloud Center to scale run your programs on Amazon® Web Services (AWS®) using your AWS account
  • Interactively train, compare, tune, and deploy models using the Classification Learner and Regression Learner apps
  • Use the Deep Network Designer app to build, visualize, edit, and train deep learning networks without coding


Visiting our seminar series landing page to register for each session:

Join the WebEx Meeting link will be available once your register. Add the event to your calendar and the link will appear on your calendar to sign in the day of the event.

Please contact me with any questions:
Angelo D'Amato
Sr. Account Manager

Event Date
(AI) Artificial Intelligence
Jlab Employee Activity
Staff/Jag Event