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Deuteron Elastic Form Factors

The separation of the three form factors (charge monopole, charge quadrupole and magnetic dipole) in elastic scattering from deuterium represents qualitatively new information which is unavailable in the absence of polarization observables. Measurement of the tensor polarization have been made at MIT/Bates [Ga94a] and Novosibirsk [Jopc][Gi90] for momentum transfers up to about 1 (GeV/c). The node in the monopole form factor results, in impulse approximation, from the short-range repulsion in the NN interaction which produces a zero in the radial wavefunction. When additional dynamical input is included, this node reflects a cancellation among amplitudes, making the location of this minimum quite sensitive to the assumed input. Figure shows the experimental data along with non-relativistic and relativistic calculations. Note that a naive interpretation would be that the data seem to favor the absence of exchange currents. This is in distinction to the situation for the isoscalar A=3 form factor. It has recently been shown that, in the context of non-relativistic theory, there is a correlation, indeed, a linear relationship, between the position of the minimum in the isoscalar charge form factors for A=2 and A=3 [He94]. This line does not pass through the experimental data. To say this another way, agreement with one system can only be achieved at the expense of agreement with the other. Given the somewhat similar physics of A=2 and A=3 this situation is, at the moment, rather perplexing and argues strongly for a more precise experimental location of the minimum in .