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Scientific Achievements Since the 1989 Long Range Plan

At the beginning of the five year period, attention was drawn to the issue of the ground state neutral weak currents of the nucleon by the nucleon spin crisis described in the previous section. Kaplan and Manohar [Ka88] noted the connection between the Ellis-Jaffe sum rule matrix elements and those measured in elastic neutrino scattering - the axial neutral weak currents of the nucleon. As a result of these investigations it became clear that the vector neutral weak currents of the nucleon were essentially unconstrained by data and that there existed the possibility of separating the contributions of , , and quarks to the ordinary charge and magnetic form factors of the proton. The contributions of the quarks are of particular interest as they provide the first direct information in terms of the QCD degrees of freedom on the quark sea at large distance scales.

Within the same time frame, the results from the first parity-violating electron scattering measurements of elastic scattering became available. Measurments of parity violation in elastic electron scattering from C were performed [So90] at MIT/Bates, and in quasielastic electron scattering from Be at Mainz [He89]. Through these and other pioneering efforts, the necessary technological know-how has been developed to allow a new generation of parity-violating electron scattering experiments to be undertaken.

The first activities directed at these issues are: 1) the SAMPLE experiment [SA89] at MIT/Bates (including both hydrogen and deuterium targets) which will measure the contributions of the individual flavors to the proton magnetic moment, and 2) the use of the LSND [Lu90] at LAMPF to observe quasi-elastic neutrino scattering and measure more carefully the flavor singlet axial current at low momentum transfer. The LSND experiment has taken data which are presently being analyzed. The SAMPLE target and detector are installed and the experiment is expected to take data this year.

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