JLab 25th Anniversary Jacket Distribution Schedule

JLab 25th Anniversary Jacket Distribution Schedule

Jefferson Lab's 25th Anniversary jackets will be distributed in CEBAF Center Rooms L102/L104 on Monday, Oct. 5 from 3 - 4:30 p.m. and again on
Tuesday, Oct. 6 from 8:30 - 10 a.m. If you placed an order for a jacket, you may pick it up at one of these times.

You will be required to sign for receipt of your jacket. You may only sign for your jacket; only one jacket will be provided to each employee.

If you are a recent new hire and didn't place an order for your free jacket, please attend one of the two distribution sessions for a fitting.

If you cannot pick up your jacket during one of the two distribution times, please contact Michelle Lechman, Public Affairs at
or x7617.

If you were not eligible to order a jacket or if you would like to purchase additional jackets, information will be provided at a later date.

content by magaldi@jlab.org

maintained by webmaster@jlab.org