JLab Computing Power Management Program
Jefferson Lab has been seeking ways to decrease energy consumption in
areas that will not adversely impact the laboratory's science mission,
yet comply with Department of Energy policy to increase energy
efficiency. In response, the Computing and Networking Infrastructure
group (CNI) has come up with a way to manage the energy settings on
Windows desktop systems. On Tuesday, March 23, the laboratory will
begin reducing its power draw (without impacting its mission) by
putting Windows desktop computers into standby or sleep mode when they
are not in use for long periods of time or not used after work hours.
Many computer users already do this themselves both during and after
hours, but now the CNI group is going to make the process easier and
the results of the power management program measurable.
The program will work like this: After 5:30 p.m. everyday, if there is
no mouse or keyboard activity for 30 minutes on a Windows desktop
system, the computer will automatically go into standby mode. The
computer can be awakened by either mouse movement or pressing any key
on the keyboard. To minimize impact on those who choose to log in to
their systems remotely after hours, users will still have offsite
access to their computer systems. These users can log in to
to wake their systems before attempting to remotely log into their
onsite desktop. All systems in standby mode will be awakened for
overnight patch installations and virus scans.
For more information, visit the website:
content by kcarter@jlab.org
maintained by webmaster@jlab.org