As we approach winter, it is time to review the Jefferson Lab winter weather policy. Our goal is to make timely decisions to adjust operations as we balance employee safety with our obligations to the Department of Energy.
Decision Making
The JSA Emergency Management Team (EMT), led by Mary Logue, Associate Director ESH&Q, is responsible for monitoring the weather and activating the EMT when adverse conditions are observed or forecast. The EMT will recommend to the COO operating status as described in the following table. The EMT recommendation is based on the National Weather Service forecast and JSA’s ability to provide employees and users safe working conditions while exercising reasonable care.
Operating Status |
Description |
Timing |
Normal Operations |
Conditions do not warrant a change in operating hours[1]. Employees and users work as normally scheduled. |
All employees should assume normal operations unless an explicit change in operating status is announced. Following a closure, a decision to remain closed or resume normal operations (with or without a delayed start) will be announced by 5:30 a.m. |
Delayed Start |
A reduction in operating hours to allow Facilities Management and Logistics time to prepare the site for employee arrival or due to difficult but improving travel conditions. For operational and safety reasons non-essential employees and users should not arrive prior to the delayed start time. |
A delayed start time will be announced by 5:30 a.m. |
Early Release |
A reduction in operating hours to allow for an early release due to deteriorating site or travel conditions. For safety reasons non-essential employees and users should not remain on site after the early release time. |
An early release time may be announced at any time during the normal workday. |
Closure |
Normal operations are suspended for a full workday due to an extended period of hazardous conditions. For safety reasons non-essential employees and users should not be on site. |
A closure decision may be made at any time for the following day but no later than 5 a.m. for the current day. |
Employee and User Communication
A delayed start, early release, or closure decision will be communicated to all employees and users through multiple channels to maximize coverage and notification speed.
Site status is pushed out by voicemail and text message to employees who have registered their device with CONNECT.GOV or the Site Wide Alert System. Information about registering your phone to receive site status will be distributed in a separate message. Employees and Users can also pull site status from or by calling the status recording at (757) 234-6236. Changes to site status will be posted to the Jefferson Lab public web page and distributed to all JSA email accounts.
The latest status information should be released and posted within 20 minutes of a management decision. Employees and users should use these sources for official status information and not rely on local media announcements which can be unreliable.
Employee Timekeeping
The following summary of timekeeping procedures applies to non-essential employees:
Full-Time Employees |
Part-Time Employees |
Student Interns and Casual Employees |
Delayed Start |
Use Weather/Public Emergency Leave for up to 3 hours of excused absence if you report to work that day. Vacation or Leave Without Pay must be used for any absence after the Delayed Start Time. |
Use Weather/Public Emergency Leave for up to 3 hours of excused absence from your regularly scheduled hours before the Delayed Start Time. |
Only report hours worked following Delayed Start Time. |
Early Release |
Use Weather/Public Emergency Leave for an excused absence after the Early Release Time if you worked up to the early release time. Vacation or Leave Without Pay must be used for any absence before the Early Release Time. |
Use Weather/Public Emergency Leave for an excused absence from your regularly scheduled hours after the Early Release Time. |
Only report hours worked prior to Early Release Time. |
Closure |
Use Weather/Public Emergency Leave for full day excused absence (8 hours) on the day of the closure. |
Use of Weather/Public Emergency Leave for an excused absence from your regularly scheduled hours on the day of the closure |
No hours worked. |
Employees on previously scheduled absences (vacation, sick leave, or holiday) may not substitute or replace Weather/Public Emergency Leave for the previously scheduled absence hours. Employees on travel are expected to work their normal schedule at their respective travel location and report hours worked accordingly. In summary, Weather/Public Emergency Leave is only used when the employee was originally scheduled to work at TJNAF that day.
Refer to Administration Manual Policy 206.06 Laboratory Closures and 207.08 Other Paid Leave for further details. JSA Payroll will also reaffirm guidance during and following winter weather events through all staff email messages.
Essential Employees
JSA designates certain essential employees to secure the campus and maintain critical capabilities during a weather or public emergency. Designated essential employees will report to work, or remain at work, during delayed start, early release, or closure periods.
Division Directors and Department Managers are required to notify essential employees of their selection in advance and provide a list of essential personnel to the Chief Operating Officer by 1 December 2017 so site access lists can be updated for Security. Only authorized essential employees will be permitted site access during a weather emergency.
Given that essential employees will be commuting and working under adverse weather conditions, Division Directors and Department Managers should minimize the number of employees designated as essential.
Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Visitors
SOTRs are required to adjust subcontractor schedules and performance requirements and notify suppliers of changes in site conditions and operating hours. Hosts are required to notify visitors of changes in site operating hours and for cancelling or rescheduling meetings or site visits.
Individual Responsibility
Each employee is ultimately responsible for their safe commute to and from work and for navigating the campus when ice and snow is present. While JSA intends to limit the need for employees to travel when weather conditions are hazardous, individual employees decide if the combination of their route conditions, vehicle, and driving skills make it unsafe to report for duty or remain at work. Employees must notify their supervisor promptly if they must leave before early release, report after delayed start, or are unable to report when normal operations resume after a closure. These individual decisions are still bound by the timekeeping rules described previously.
[1] As used here, operating hours are the normal workday for non-essential employees, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. Employees working shifts or essential employees will report as scheduled by their supervisor.