Barry DuVal and Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology Announce Selection of the Center for Plasma and Photon Processing
Barry DuVal and Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology Announce
Selection of the Center for Plasma and Photon Processing
Secretary of Commerce and Trade, Barry E. DuVal and the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) today announced the selection of a second new innovation center - The Center for Plasma and Photon Processing to advance the use of intelligent processes to control energy to create materials, structures and devices. As part of the Jefferson Center for Research and Technology, CIT's new Technology Innovation Center will share in the impact of 4200 jobs and $160 million.
"I am excited about the selection of the Applied Research Center as a new Innovation Center. The ARC is a centralized gateway joining state of the art technology, scholars and researchers from Virginia's universities and the Commonwealth's growing businesses," said Secretary DuVal.
The use of light and intelligent processes are critical for high-valued-added manufacturing of computer and communication equipment, physical and chemical sensors, and biomedical instruments and are playing increasingly important roles for the aerospace, automotive, and marine & semiconductor manufacturing industries. The Center will serve as a gateway for small, medium and large businesses to access the expensive equipment at the Applied Research Center (ARC) and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab), use the expertise of the researchers and scientists, assist in the development of new applications of technologies and share in the spin-off potential of new technologies developed at the labs.
The Center is a partnership between: the ARC, Christopher Newport University, Jefferson Labs, Norfolk State University, Old Dominion University, William & Mary and Virginia Tech.
"Business and regional groups called for the creation of these centers in Virginia's Blueprint for Technology-based Economic Growth," said Dr. Robert G. Templin, Jr., CIT's President. "We congratulate the many partners of these centers for collaborating together and sharing in our vision to maintain Virginia's economic prosperity for years to come."
Last week, the Commonwealth and CIT announced the selection of another new center the 21st Century Manufacturing Innovation Center, to be located at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, yet made up of more than ten partners from academia, business, government and technology organizations. And, on August 13, 1998, a third new innovation center will be announced at CIT headquarters.
The new Innovation Centers are the second-generation of a CIT program called Technology Development Centers. Thirteen Technology Development Centers (TDCs) have been funded at Virginia state-supported universities since 1986. Conceived of as Centers for Excellence in specific emerging technologies, the TDCs have increased R&D capabilities in the state in such leading edge areas as fibers optics, composite materials, advanced computer technology, biotechnology and wireless communications. In FY96 alone, six of these centers generated 17 spin-off companies, over 700 jobs and close to $50,000,000 in new revenues and capital for their partner companies. In addition, CIT's ten year investment of over $18 million has resulted in matching funds from industry and other sources of over $135 million.
Each of the three new centers is expected to receive between $1 million to $2 million over the course of five years. The centers were selected in an extensive competitive process conducted over the last several months, and which culminated in site reviews in early June by Virginia business people from companies that might make use of such centers. This center is expected to be operational in September.