Message from SURA President Jerry Draayer

Message from SURA President Jerry Draayer

I want to express my deep concern for the impact that Hurricane Isabel has had on both your personal and working lives. Having lived through the ravages of Andrew down in Louisiana a few years back, which took down more than half of the trees in my back yard and ripped up parts of our home and left us without power for ten days, I know how hard it can be to pick up the pieces and move on - literally, as well as figuratively.

We also appreciate the care that you all took to secure Jefferson Lab against the storm. I remain confident of your ability to continue to cope with the adversity this has created and to get the accelerator back up and on line as soon as possible. SURA is proud of the Lab. I just returned from a nuclear physics conference in Europe and I can assure you the science JLab is producing is capturing international attention; you stand extremely tall as an outstanding example of what determination and commitment to quality means.

Jefferson Lab remains SURA's "Crown Jewel". Your contribution to the success of the Lab is deeply appreciated by me and by the entire membership of SURA. Thank you for your efforts; times like this require an extra-ordinary level of focus and commitment and we appreciate your pulling together. May you have a "better" weekend.


Jerry P. Draayer
President and CEO

The Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA), a consortium of 61 universities in the southeast, manages Jefferson Lab for the Department of Energy.