MOU signed between CIAE and Jefferson National Lab, USA. (China Nuclear Industry News, General News)
MOU signed between CIAE and Jefferson National Lab, USA.
(News) Recently, the deputy director of Jefferson National Lab, USA visited the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). An MOU on the collaboration between the two institutions were signed during the visit.
The medium-and-high energy physics group at CIAE has been collaborating with Jefferson Lab for the last decade and has participated in about 20 experiments at Jefferson Lab. Jefferson Lab is currently undergoing a 12 GeV energy upgrade to the electron accelerator and is constructing a series of new spectrometers. Facing the new opportunities, the Chinese hadronic physicists joined the US collaborators in proposing experiments at the 12 GeV upgraded Jefferson Lab to perform measurements on quark transversity, quark trans-helicity distributions and to perform parity violating electron scattering to study electron-weak physics. The proposals were approved by the Jefferson Lab Physics Advisory Committee. The project has been listed in the “China-US collaboration agreement in high-energy physics”.
As a key member of the Chinese collaboration, CIAE will be responsible for the development and construction of the central part of the GEM detector, the GEM foils, and the main body of the detector. With the active participation in Jefferson Lab’s 12 GeV physics research, the Chinese groups will share the outcomes of the research. The large-scale internationally collaborative experiments will test the theoretic models proposed by the Chinese physicists, gaining (the Chinese groups) internationally recognized research achievements. At the same, (the Chinese groups) will master the most advanced nuclear-electronics and detector manufacturing technology, and analysis techniques for large-scale experiments. This is an excellent opportunity for the development of the nuclear-electronics and large-scale detector technology, and for the training of talents in these fields.
(Xiaomei Li and Shouyang Hu).
Jefferson Lab is managed and operated for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, a joint venture between Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc. and CSC Applied Technologies Division, LLC.