Aug 13, 1991 - Blue Sheet

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Project Progress Summary

August 13, 1991

FET Operations

  • Efforts to measure the probe calibrations and cavity kicks in Victory cryomodule have been frustrated by difficulty in digitizing the viewscreens due to a faulty frame grabber. It has been returned to the manufacturer for repair, and efforts will continue next week.
  • Autotune software was installed and partially made to work. Further work will be done this week.
  • Major injector recirculatory installation activity was completed last week. All magnet power cables, diagnostics instrument cables, and vacuum cables were pulled in. Most pedestals have been put in place and rough-aligned. The second 180-degree bend was assembled on its table.
  • A brief run with 5-MeV CW beam was made for 100-MHz BPM tests. Again, the BPM worked, but the 100-MHz modulation level is lower than design and is being investigated.



  • The RF window test fixture was welded.
  • Training and Off-Line Chem and Clean Room procedures have been drafted.
  • The lapping machine has been installed. Full commissioning will be done in two weeks.

Pair Parts:

Efforts are being concentrated elbow production. Fifteen beam pipes were welded last week.

RF Windows:

  • Another company is sending sample ceramics for evaluation for the RF windows.
  • Vendor qualification for brazing is ongoing.
  • Prep work in the Off-Line Clean Room for relocation of window assembly has begun.

HOM Loads:

  • The system for leak checking the electropolished flanges is tight and baked out. Cooldown was last Tuesday. A detailed test plan was developed and discussed. It will take several days to perform ten 2-300 K cycles.
  • A number of flanges are available to assemble either SiC or glassy carbon loads. The test results from IA101/IA089 are being analyzed.
  • Testing continues on the orientation of the absorber.
  • The 8” x 8” carbon tiles will arrive this week. If the dielectric constant is okay, 80 sets could be available by early September.

Cavity/Cavity Pairs:

  • Testing of IA101/IA089 with glassy carbon loads is done. The cavities exceeded specs.
  • The group continues reviewing the alignment fixtures.


  • Cooldown of the quarter-cryomodule is complete and the unit is filled at 4 K. Pumpdown on Friday to 2 K was to be followed by RF testing, and then the start of several weeks of thermal cycling.
  • Assembly of cryomodule #8 continues.

Interlocks and Controls:

  • The arc detector studies continue. The gradient was up to 7.25 MV/m before the first arc was seen. Monitoring will continue.



  • The proposals were received for the quadrupole girders for the arcs, and evaluation was started.

System Integration:

  • The top assembly drawing (song sheet) for the recirculation experiment was finished and advanced to the checking stage.



  • The control module group continues to work digital communication. Several significant problems were uncovered (cable cross talk, unduly fast rise times, insufficient signal returns, etc.) and are being solved. We are making new cables, terminating lines, and slowing rise times.

RF Power:

  • We received four more HPAs from ETM. They are being installed in the south linac.
  • Tested power supply line reactors at full power in the injector HPA. Looks good. Will fabricate remaining units.
  • Twenty thyratron replacement boards are installed in the north linac. The remainder were sent to the vendor for installation there.
  • Waveguide air manifolds arrived and will be assembled off site before installation in the HPAs.


  • The last of the twenty sets of racks for the north linac are now in fabrication (the last ten zones) and we expect to deliver this entire lot by the end of September, well ahead of schedule.
  • Built two trial sets of RF cables. Both sets passed initial QA. Full production of the ¼” cables was to start on 12 August. After a week of fine tuning the process, we will schedule delivery of cables for two zones each week.
  • Ordered arc detector and backplane boards, and ordered analog board assembly. Arc and IR amplifier boards are being received. Assembled buffer, midplane, and backplane boards are being received from Golden Assembly, Inc.


  • Completed cable pulls and tray installation for recirculator experiment.
  • Set rack bases in south linac service building for WBS 7.
  • Pulled 500-MCM ground cable in south linac tunnel.
  • Another trim rack was installed in service building E-5, bringing the installed total to seventeen.



  • BPM diagnostics window phase lock program completed.


  • Have added variable time span on PID strip chart. Also included is ability to update PID strip chart in backplane.


  • Trouble report tracking completed.
  • RF parameter database work started.


  • Beeper for fast shutdown (FSD) added.
  • “Signals changed per second” diagnostics added.

Supervisory LAN & Local LAN:

  • Transmit changes only in LLAN in progress. This could greatly reduce signal traffic.


  • Initial bids for the Hall A dipole coil/cryostat were received 22 July; contract award is planned for 10 December. The Hall A dipole iron contract was awarded to Precision components Corporation of York, PA, on 25 July. Final offers for the large (Q2/Q3) Hall A quadrupole magnets were received on 5 August; contract award is planned for mid-September.
  • All Hall C HMS support structure procurement packages are in process except the shield house package, which will be completed by September.


  • Return transfer line shipped to the tunnel. Waiting to be placed in the north linac.
  • South linac return tee shimmed and set for welding.
  • All SQURM tubes (around bellows) for the south linac wall piping installed.
  • Progressing on the CTF cold box #4 fabrication.
  • Operations are supporting the FET and the VTA.
  • Working with WBS 1 on cryounit cycling test.
  • A warmup procedure for the FET that can be expanded for the accelerator has been written in collaboration with WBS 1.
  • We are starting to received “feedback” on the flow sheets. We hope to maintain our schedule.
  • The 2200 warm expander is on line in the CTF.
  • Spare parts for the expanders are inventoried and stocked at the CTF.


  • Completed Hall B wall sections
  • Completed installing decking on Hall C dome and started installing the reinforcing steel.
  • Backfilling continues in all areas when weather permits.
  • Foley Cranes continued installing crane supports in Hall A.
  • MCI continued working on the ESR building foundations and completed the slab on grade for SB #5.


  • Completed Hall B wall sections.
  • Completed installing docking on Hall C dome and started installing the reinforcing steel.
  • Backfilling continues in all areas when weather permits.
  • Foley Cranes continued installing crane supports in Hall A.
  • MCI continued working on the ESR building foundations and completed the slab on grade for SB #5.

Support Services

Machine Shop:

  • Front End Test fabrication for 85-MeV recirculation experiment near completion. Assembly to begin.


  • Activity for the week: $35,517.87.
  • Activity for August to date: $40,471.87.
  • Delivered 185 arc detector boards to WBS 3.
  • Six pack assemblies are scheduled for delivery 21 September.

External Fabrication:

  • Received and delivered 300 breaker lock assemblies for WBS 4.
  • Initiated fabrication of one beam viewer for WBS 5.
  • Completed all POs to order commercial parts for recirculation experiment.

Training Opportunities

A new Training Opportunities Bulletin has been distributed. The bulletin details and described courses on Employee Orientation, Sole-Source Procurement, Macintosh Computers, and Basic X Windows Programming, as well as the following listings:

Forklift Certification Training – 20 August (repeated 26 September) 1:00-5:00 SRF Conference Room (test lab 2nd floor)

Radiation Worker Training – 16 September – 8:30-11:30 Auditorium

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training – 20 September – 1:00-5:00 Rooms 53/55

Also offered will be the four separate classes of the morning-long CEBAF Safety Orientation, held 14 August (and repeated 11 September) from 8:30 to noon in the auditorium. The four classes are: Radiation Protection Orientation, 8:30-9:25; Emergency Management and Hazard Communication Training, 9:30-10:25; Oxygen Deficiency Hazard (ODH) Training, 10:30-11:10; and Lock and Tag Procedures, 11:15-noon.