Project Progress Summary
August 27, 1991
The schedule for next week’s blue sheet will slip one day to accommodate Labor Day. Input due by COB Tuesday, 3 September.
FET Operations
- Fifteen spare KOH cells received for FET ODH system.
- All recirculatory diagnostic cables are pulled and being terminated.
- An additional 100-MHz BPM is being installed on 500-keV spectrometer leg.
Pair Parts:
- Formed, machined, and electron-beam welded elbow flanges and prepared them for delivery.
- Eyelet-ceramic brazing samples have been received for evaluation and leak checking.
- The move into the clean room will be completed by 30 August.
- Samples tested well above design specs for high-purity Alumina ceramic. An initial order of raw material for 60 window ceramics is due 30 August.
- Ten eyelet-ceramic assemblies brazed in-house for production startup.
- A committee is looking into the surface coating analysis to address the window charging issue.
HOM Loads:
- An RFQ has been issued for having HOMs machined, partially brazed, and electropolished. Information should be received in two weeks.
- A 2-K leak check was performed on two stainless steel HOM flanges and two copper HOM flanges with stainless steel backing. Both stainless steel flanges were leak tight and are being cold cycled. Both copper flanges show leaks.
Cavity Pair:
- Finalized the cavity assembly traveler.
- The cavity alignment fixture specifications are being reviewed. J. Bisognano took measurements of the cavity alignment integrity, and initial readings look good.
- Cryomodule Traveler #8: The bridging components are finished on three cryounits and waiting for the fourth unit.
- The third temperature cycle was started on the quarter-cryomodule Friday.
- Process Equipment Company, the arc dipole core maker and assembler, received the 48th coil set out of the 96 required sets for the 2-m dipoles (BBs) from the coil maker, United Magnet Technologies.
- Fifty more of the ion pumps and power supplies for the arc vacuum system were received from Perkin Elmer. Total deliveries to date are 180 out of 430.
System Integration:
- The tunnel, element, and water-header sheets of three more sets of the major assembly drawings for the accelerator (song sheets) were signed off. They were sent to Project Management for sign0off by the representatives of other Work Breakdown Structure groups. The latest sets continue the documentation through the south linac, bringing to 13 (out of 21) the number of assemblies that have advanced to this state.
- Two separate klystron tests are under way at CEBAF. One cycles the filament for a life test, while the other runs eight higher-serial-number klystrons at normal operating voltage and current for as many hours as possible before cooldown.
- Varian is running its own life tests, putting two klystron heaters through 1000 cycle tests (one minute on/nine minutes off). CEBAF will observe their tests and review the evaluation of the klystrons previously returned to Varian.
- HPA test computer was changed to HP345 and is running current operational software.
- Support brackets on RF CAMAC crates in IN03 were installed. The OL04 HPA now has line reactors and crowbar installed. Both OL04 and OL06 will be operated when we next cool down. The crowbar will be tested next week.
- All tools and materials for arc/IR cables were received back from Golden Assembly. Blue Crab is now fabricating these cables for zones 12 to 20, as well as assembling the 1/4” coaxial cables.
- Modified rack air ducts were installed in racks for zones 12 to 15 and 17. Need 6-packs for south linac installation.
- The first six control modules (from IN01) were delivered for recalibration next week.
- Pulled WBS 7 cables in south linac.
- Pulled 500 MCM cables in west arc tunnel.
- Installed second trim rack in south linac service building, bringing the in-place total to 19.
- Installation of cryo system software and hardware is 90% complete.
- Timing test on realistic local-LAN system: 3 Hz round trip update.
- Beam position monitor and viewer tested: relative error <3%.
- Started installation of public address and card reader components for remaining portion of accelerator.
- No report received.
- CVI is on site. Work is complete various items in the compressor room, valve trim changes in the 4-K cold box, and the T3 heat exchanger installation.
- WBS 5 completed as many computer mods as possible at this time. One SCSI board is on order, but delivery is not firm. WBS 5 Procurement are investigating the problem.
- The 2-K repair in the tunnel has been leak checked. Vacuum pumping on the return transfer line is progressing smoothly.
- This week cleanup of the CTF was required. A 2+ atmosphere plug in the 2200 had to be removed. Also, a plug in the shield box surfaced.
- Cooled the 2-K box to 4 K. The thermometers, according to CVI, are acceptable. However, there is a problem with the flowmeter.
- Started the warmup of the FET. The power outage of 20 August precluded the warmup. WBS 1 will break vacuum to complete the warmup.
- The computers at the CHL are online, with the exception of the north lianc and the 2-K cold box.
- All anchors are installed in the south lianc on the warm piping.
- The 2-K and 40-K are welded on the south linac return tee.
- Completed expansion box #14 and working on subassemblies for the remaining boxes.
- Material being received for cold box #4 in the CTF. Fabrication has been initiated.
- The bellows seal valve under test has completed 170,000 cycles.
- Continued preparatory work for installing crane rails in Hall A. Also continued cleanup in this hall in preparation for final punch list inspection of the structure.
- Completed installing shoring and started installing the ribs in Hall B to support the dome concrete placement.
- Completed installing reinforcing steel for the Hall C dome. Placement of the concrete dome was rescheduled for 27 August.
- Backfilling continues in all areas when weather permits.
- MCI continued excavating, forming, and placing ESR building footings. They also started excavating, forming, and placing footings for SB #4.
Support Services
Machine Shop:
- Assembly of Front End Test 85-MerV recirculation experiment components progressing well.
- Front End Test model begins upgrade this week with the addition of beam pipes, waveguides, and recirculatory chicane.
- Five sets of cooling coil plates for QB magnets have been completed and sent to the coil winding vendor (WBS 2).
- Completed beam viewer target assembly for recirculatory experiment (WBS 5).
- Modifying beam transport multipole magnet measurement gauge for SA/SB magnets (WBS 2).
- Manufacturing 24 waveguide blank-off plates for WBS 3.
- Withdrawal activity for the week: $52,391.03.
- Total month expenditures: $121,039.59.
External Fabrication:
- Quality inspected HMS detector plates at vendor for compliance. Report being prepared for Physics.
SRF Workshop
In addition to CEBAF staff members listed last week as participants at the DESY SRF Workshop, R. Sundelin, C. Rode, S. Simrock, and J. Fugitt should have been named.