Project Progress Summary
December 10, 1991
Hermann Grunder's 60th
A symposium in celebration of CEBAF Director Hermann A. Grunder's 60th birthday was held with great success on Monday. Happy birthday, Hermann!
FET Operations
Around-the-clock operations continued. Noise on harp systems has been improved by the use of new amplifiers. Arc style BPMs were operated successfully. They appear stable and can meet resolution requirements. Dispersion sensitivity to trajectory in the 1800 bends is a continuing complication. Work this week will include more detailed bunch length optimization studies.
- Cryomodule No. 8 (for second position in the north linac) is in the test cave and being filled at 4 K. Testing is to begin this week. Cryounit #40 is in assembly. New staff are being trained during this assembly, and procedural changes to travelers are being made as a result of lessons learned during the recent vacuum integrity tests.
Cavity Pairs:
- Cavity pair IA097/IA098 is in the dewar today for cold testing. Cavity pair IA089/IA101 was assembled Friday.
HOM Loads:
- A total of_ 100 HOM loads are brazed. The original number of loads to be completed in-house are completed. Sample testing of completed loads should be completed by the end of next week.
RF Windows:
- Four more production RF windows have been completed and turned over to the cavity pair assembly group.
Pair Parts:
- Niobium pair parts production continues on schedule.
- The first batch of sextupoles was received.
- The first articles of the arc and linac quads (QA and QB, respectively) were fabricated.
- SIR dipole contract was awarded.
- Nineteen dipoles were installed in the east arc.
- Alignment of girder pedestals and cryomodule stands was completed in the south linac.
- Quality control inspections of west arc stands were completed.
- Stand alignment has begun in the west arc.
DC Power:
- One trim rack placed in the south access building. Total is now 33.
- The cable tray installation has begun in the northeast spreader.
- Twenty-six bulk supplies for the trim system were received, bringing the total to 121. Eight h}1ve been tested; there have been no failures to date with this batch.
- Feldl has begun coordination of the instrument air contracting with Plant Services.
- Forty M20 BPMs are being shipped. The initial batch of M15's was rejected. The vendor promised 150 delivered in 3-4 weeks. Feldl expects 50 in that time frame.
- Temperature cycling and bum-in of stuffed PC boards has caused failures in 3 of 50 IF boards and 19 of 50 video boards. Nature of failure is at present unknown.
- We had a klystron failure in the FET area due to filament.
- Cable has been pulled for frequency reference for north linac.
- Three more zones of low-level racks are at Blue Crab ready for QA.
Ops Electronics:
- Cables were pulled for north linac RF test area gates and radiation monitors.
- All east arc cross connects completed.
- 75% of east arc BPM CAMAC mcxlules received.
- Ten of new CAMAC crate controllers passed initial acceptance testing.
- No report received.
Civil Construction
End Stations Underground (Pacage A):
- Completed punch lists for Hails A, B, and C and the beam dumps.
- Started installing the temporary power for the crane in Hall C.
- Started installing crane supports in Hall B.
- The contractor continued working on correcting punch list deficiencies in all areas.
End Stations Above-Ground (Package B):
- Completed installing the siding and started on the roofing for SB #4.
- Completed installing the flexible sheet roofing system and started installing doors for the ESR building.
Support Services
- Withdrawal activity for the week: $63,031.39.
- Total monthly expenditures: $15,364.72.
- Inventory underway. (See. special note below.)
Machine Shop:
- Manufacturing first ten assemblies of the "Side Mount Alignment Reference Fixture" for quads (WBS 2).
- Completed one "left" and "right" hand "Transport Multipole Magnet Measurement End Journal" (WBS 2).
Fabrication Planning:
- Began planning for the manufacture of two more HMS detector plates (Physics).
- Input "Alignment Carrying Rack, Sextupole Reference Fixture" into the CEBAF machine shop.
Stockroom Closure for Inventory
The stockroom will be closed for normal walk-in operations from Monday, 9 December, through Friday, 20 December in order to perform the required annual inventory. However, during this time materials can still be obtained via the "Material Request" function of the computer database. But please use these requests for emergency requirements only. The stockroom staff has a tremendous task to complete in counting over 3 million items in a short period of time. Your cooperation in allowing the staff to work with a minimum of interruptions will be greatly appreciated. For more information, please contact Dave Saunders at 7202.
Science Series Volunteers
Mrs. Pat Kirby (husband: Jud, of Project Management) and Mrs. Ursula Mecking (husband: Bernhard, of Physics) are moving on after two years of valuable contributions to the CEBAF Science Series, where they have served the post-presentation refreshments. Any CEBAF spouse or staff member interested in volunteering for future Science Series should call Steve Corneliussen at 249-7582.