Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs April 20, 2011

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
April 20, 2011

12 GeV Upgrade

Assembly of the first 12 GeV cryomodule continues, and assembly of the second cavity string into the second cryomodule has begun. All beam transport quadrupole magnet girders for arc 10 have been assembled. The new contract for the septum magnets has been awarded. Three klystrons and two cathode power supplies for the radiofrequency systems have been received; the cathode power supplies have been installed in the south linac. The vendor for the new 4 Kelvin coldbox for the expansion of the Central Helium Liquefier is making good progress; the vendor for the warm compressors for that expansion is having some schedule problems due to delays in their subcontractors’ component deliveries. Field measurements of the 4-meter dipole magnets for arc 10 are complete.


Last week in Hall A, the short-range correlations experiment successfully conluded Wednesday. Hall staffers then opened Hall A for a tour for the DIS conference attendees. After the tour, staffers ran experiment E08-009 for He4(e,e'p). This was a one-day experiment, and it concluded successfully Friday morning. On Friday, Hall A started the x > 2 experiment E08-014. For Friday and Saturday, the accelerator was able to deliver 95 microamp beam to Hall A while also delivering 165 microamps to Hall C. This combined current of 260 microamps is a significant achievement for the accelerator. Unfortunately, a Saturday thunderstorm knocked out the accelerator and many systems. The hall recovered by noon Sunday and continued to run E08-014. The experiment has run well except for that.

Last week, Hall C took Q-weak production data on the hydrogen target and made background measurements with aluminum. On Saturday, the downstream vacuum deteriorated. Fortunately, this was due to a failed vacuum pump, which was replaced. Also, the Q-weak target warmed up due to the thunderstorms, and a water leak developed in the Q-weak power supply. After addressing these problems and re-liquefying the target, Q-weak returned to data taking, starting with a short measurement of the asymmetry of the electro-induced proton to Delta transition.

Research Assistantship Nominations Due May 6
JLab is seeking candidates from SURA universities for a research assistantship. The program will sponsor a minority undergraduate student to work on projects that are part of the lab’s research program or directly related to the scientific or engineering aspects of the research program. This assistantship is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund and will provide funds to support the student at the university during the 2011-2012 academic year. Nominations must be submitted by the faculty sponsor before the student may apply. Faculty sponsors may obtain more information and submit their nomination online.

JSA Promising Young Scientist Program
The JSA Promising Young Scientist program is now accepting applications for the academic year 2011-2012. Applications are due May 2. With the support of JSA, the best and brightest postdoctoral researchers affiliated with JLab are invited to present a colloquium and meet with the faculty at one of the participating institutions. The candidates are assisted in crafting an accessible colloquium talk. Following the presentation, positive criticism is collected from the audience. Ultimately, this will provide the candidate with valuable experience when competing for permanent positions.


During the week, a CEBAF record high of 262 microamps of combined beam current was delivered to Halls A and C, resulting in another CEBAF record for the integrated charge of 16.2 Coulombs extracted from the Cathode in a 24-hour period. Hall B has been offline for installation of HDice. On Wednesday, beam studies were conducted, the beat frequency modulator was installed in the injector and some RF cavities were recovered. On Thursday, the injector Wien was flipped from left to right for the Q-weak experiment. The simultaneous high-current operations were interrupted Saturday morning due to a vacuum problem in Hall C that prevented beam delivery for the rest of the week. Hall A continued to take beam until a storm in the area caused power line fluctuations Saturday evening, resulting in all the magnet box power supplies, the Central Helium Liquefier and the End Station Refrigerator to trip.

Free-Electron Laser

FEL staffers successfully ran beam irradiation tests last week, despite the failure of the building hot water heater. The group also installed 2-micron mirrors in preparation for power tests over the next two weeks.

Facilities Management and Logistics

After-Hours Site Access
Effective at 6 a.m. on April 25, the Rattley Road site gate will remain open for round-the-clock site access via Hogan Road off of Jefferson Avenue. This has been made possible by the installation of cameras that will assist the guards to monitor traffic after-hours. For any questions or concerns, contact Kris Burrows or Mike Lewellen.


The cryogenics group is continuing its efforts to support cryogenic operations of the main accelerator, experimental halls and the Test Lab. Cryogenic fabrication shop staffers are continuing their efforts in manufacturing the Central Helium Liquefier II compressor room, as well as the 10,000 liter helium dewar at the Cryogenic Test Facility.




Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

With the advent of warmer weather, many "fair weather" riders have returned to the roads. While motorcycles save gasoline and reduce pollution, it also means many more less-experienced riders or those with rusty skills have returned to the roads. The following tips from the Virginia State Police will help riders and drivers share the road more safely.

  • Expect to see motorcycles anytime and be on the lookout for them.
  • Be particularly aware of motorcycles at intersections and make sure you know where the motorcycle is going before proceeding.
  • Allow motorcycles as much space as a car (if they are in front of you) when overtaking them and going back into your own lane.
  • Use headlights during daytime.
  • Riders should wear brightly colored protective clothing at all times.
  • Add auxiliary lights to the front of your motorcycle, which make your motorcycle look bigger and make it easier for motorists to determine your speed.
  • Use a headlight modulator, which pulses your headlight, drawing attention to your bike.


Particle Accelerator Posters On Display
On April 21 and 22, the posters presented at the recent Particle Accelerator Conference by JLab graduate students and postdocs will be on display in the CEBAF Center lobby. Learn about the excellent accelerator science being conducted by JLab students.

April is Records and Information Management Month
Take a moment to think about your department's records and information. Is it readily available for business and legal purposes? Do you keep records forever or regularly purge according to disposition schedules? JLab follows the DOE Disposition Schedules. If you have questions or need assistance regarding records management, contact Kim Kindrew, x7805.

Get in on Home Energy Savings With 'Next Step' Program
The DOE is funding a program designed to reduce home energy use and related costs. The Next Step program is available to home owners in specific jurisdictions in the Hampton Roads region and provides discounts for applicable energy-efficiency improvements. To learn more about this energy savings program and the potential benefits to homeowners in the JLab community, visit the Next Step display table in the CEBAF Center atrium on Earth Day, Friday, April 22, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Additional information can also be found in this program announcement.

Annual Property Validation Ends Next Week
Every property custodian must log in to their Property Validation account and validate each item on their respective inventory list and take the Property Custodian Refresher GEN 150 training (about 5 minutes) before COB April 30.

Annual Key Validation Ends Next Week
Every person who has been issued one or more JLab keys must validate each key issued to them during the property validation period. If you currently have any non-essential or non-functional JLab keys, return them to Dennis Merritt, Mail Stop 28G. Note: The key validation webpage link only works onsite. To complete the key validation from offsite, email Dennis Merritt with your first and last name, your key ID number and the key serial number (usually a separate, a one- or two-digit number located above the key ID number).

Education Seeks Projects, Mentors for Summer High School Interns
The Science Education staff is preparing for the lab's High School Summer Honors Program. Six local high school students will be at the lab from June 20-July 29. If you have a project or projects that would be good for one or more high-achieving high school students, send a short description of the project and what you'd like the student(s) to do to Brita Hampton, x7633.

Agilent Tour Bus Onsite
The Accelerator Division is hosting a visit by Agilent's Innovations Tour bus on Wednesday, April 27, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the parking lot on the east side (facing Res. Facility) of CEBAF Center. The bus will display a range of new products, including network analyzers, signal and spectrum analyzers, signal generators, oscilloscopes, protocol analyzers/exercisers, logic analyzers, digital multimeters and voltmeters, power meters and power sensors, DC power analyzers, semiconductor device analyzers and digitizers. All interested staff, students and subcontractors are invited to stop by the bus to look at Agilent's latest offerings and for product demos and technical discussions.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is still enjoying the spring weather. If you can identify his location, email Kandice Carter with your guess. The first correct response will receive special recognition on this page. Guesses are accepted through Fridays.

Congratulations to Michael Wilson, who was the first person to correctly identify the April 13 location. Honorable mentions go out to Paul Letta, Karl Slifer, Mitch Dunn, Jacki Smith, Brian Kross, Dick Owen, Brian Carpenter, Mike Martin, Casey Heck, Todd Coates, Kelly Tremblay, Jim Boyce, Curt Hovater, Danny Machie, Randy Michaud, John Conger, Tina Johnson, Lori Zuckerman and George Biallas. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Calendar of Events

April 20: JLab's Annual Region II Teacher Night
April 22: Next Step Program Information in CEBAF Center atrium
April 25: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
May 6-7: USQCD Collaboration Meeting
May 16: Nucleon Resonance Structure Workshop
May 17-20: NSTAR 2011
May 30: Memorial Day holiday - JLab closed