12 GeV Upgrade
Work continues on the few remaining areas of civil construction for the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade project. On the accelerator tunnel air conditioning contract, Warwick Plumbing & Heating continues exterior work in preparation for the chillers to be delivered in May and the summer accelerator shutdown to commence. The concrete slabs for the chillers are complete. Electrical work to power the chillers is near complete. The contractor started the exterior chilled water piping that will run from the chillers to the tunnel enclosure.
Published Journal Article April 20-24, 2015
Christopher Monahan and Kostas Orginos. "Locally smeared operator product expansions in scalar field theory." Phys. Rev. D 91, 074513 (2015).
Andrew Askew, Prerit Jaiswal, Takemichi Okui, Harrison B. Prosper, and Nobuo Sato. "Prospect for measuring the CP phase in the h-tau-tau coupling at the LHC." Phys. Rev. D 91, 075014 (2015).
Tech notes, April 13-17
JLAB-TN-15-008. Charles Reece, Ari Palczewski. "Report for JLab High Q0 R&D for LCLS-II -FY14." https://jlabdoc/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-101717/15-008.pdf
JLAB-TN-14-032. Michael Brown, Jennifer Williams. "Jefferson Lab Cryogen Hazard Analysis." https://jlabdoc/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-101726/14-032.pdf
Records and Information Management Month Fact of the Week
In 1953, the cost for a gigabyte of storage was $2M. Today, the cost is less than $1. However, just because it's cheap to store all of our records on servers forever, doesn't mean we should do it. In recent years, e-discovery has been on the rise. Electronic discovery (or e-discovery) refers to searching, finding, and securing of electronic data with the intent of using it as evidence in a civil or criminal legal case. Although relevant records are frozen and held from the destruction process in the event of legal proceedings, it is a best practice to observe and follow the lifespan of records in retention schedules. Destroying records too soon is unwise and may result in legal sanctions, but keeping records beyond their mandatory retention periods also poses a liability to an organization in the event of lawsuits in which all records are required to be produced as evidence. For more information about records retention, contact Kim Edwards at kindrew@jlab.org.
RIM Trivia Question of the Week
On the popular television series "Gotham," what is the name of the official record keeper of the Gotham City Police Department? All responses must be received by Kim Edwards by noon on Friday, when a random drawing will take place of all correct answers. One person will win a Starbucks gift card! (Winners will be notified via email no later than 5 p.m. Friday following publication. Limit one gift card win per person.)
Last week's winner: A random drawing was conducted and Carl Zorn won the Starbucks gift card. The answer to last week's trivia: Minority Report.
Facilities Management and Logistics
Lab-wide Cleanup Continues Through April 30
Jefferson Lab is conducting a lab-wide spring cleanup this week – through Thursday, April 30, in advance of a site visit on May 5 by members of the Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories. The cleanup involves all divisions and all employees. All managers are responsible for ensuring the participation of their individual staffs. The goal is to clean up individual work areas, as well as to remove scrap wood, cardboard, metals, trash and any excess items that may have piled up over time both indoors and out. See memo for details: https://www.jlab.org/memo/lab-wide-cleanup-set-april-27-30
TED Building Entrance to Close Intermittently While Brickwork is Sealed
The Technology and Engineering Development Building main entrance will be closed intermittently for a couple more days as work is finished on cleaning and sealing the masonry brick walls at the exterior display case. To avoid over-spray on personnel, the TED Building entrance will be blocked during the work activities. Inside the TED Building, temporary signs will be placed for re-routing egress paths. Building Managers will be notified of exact dates. If you have any questions about this work, contact Rebecca Yasky at x7507 or Maynard Brown at x6162.
Beginning Week of May 4: CEBAF Center Parking Lot Will Be Impacted During Infrastructure Upgrade Project
A section of the CEBAF Center parking lot adjacent to the east side of the F Wing (facing Hadron Drive) will be fenced off for the contractor's lay down area throughout the Utilities Infrastructure Modernization (UIM) Computer Center Cooling and Power Upgrade project. The contractor will delineate the area with fencing; 18 parking spaces will be impacted.
A temporary chiller and trailer will be staged inside the fence. The upgrade work will take place in the CEBAF Center mechanical room and data center. The work is scheduled to start the week of May 4 and continue until March 31, 2016.
Questions about this project may be directed to Michele Solaroli, Facilities Management, at x7751.
CEBAF Center Parking Lot Will Be Impacted During Utilities Infrastructure Upgrade Project
A section of the CEBAF Center parking lot adjacent to the east side of the F Wing (facing Hadron Drive) will be fenced off for the contractor's lay down area throughout the Utilities Infrastructure Modernization (UIM) Computer Center Cooling and Power Upgrade project. The contractor will delineate the area with fencing; 18 parking spaces will be impacted.
A temporary chiller and trailer will be staged inside the fence. The upgrade work will be occurring in the CEBAF Center mechanical room and data center. The work is scheduled to start the week of May 4 and continue until March 31, 2016.
Questions about this project may be directed to Michele Solaroli, Facilities Management, at x7751 |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
MS4 at JLab
Many readers of this brief may not know what is meant by MS4. It is shorthand for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems. This is our network of ditches, drains, ponds, etc. It doesn’t include the sanitary systems from restrooms.
The MS4 system is the means to control and direct the stormwater runoff generated from whatever does not soak into or infiltrate the ground and instead flows overland through natural and man-made conveyance systems (i.e., ditches, drains, ponds). These systems serve a vital function by helping to keep our drinking water and other water bodies clean. These systems help regulate the surges of water from major storms and help control soil and chemical run-offs into the rivers and bays.
Major factors that work in concert to help protect the Hampton Roads environment include: types of land use, amount and frequency of precipitation, natural versus constructed drainage systems and stormwater control measures. JLab is doing its part and you can help too by reporting anything that doesn't belong in our ditches. Call ext. 7308 for more information or to report concerns.
Virginia Tech Event on Tuesday Evening Will Use Public Spaces in CEBAF Center; Could Impact Parking Lot
The Virginia Tech Alumni Association will hold an alumni event in CEBAF Center on Tuesday, May 5. The event will be from 6 to 8 p.m. in the CEBAF Center atrium, lobby and the auditorium. Though the event is after work hours, there will be setup beginning in the late afternoon. Parking at CEBAF Center after 5 p.m. will be impacted.
Registration is Open for the May 13, JAG 30th Anniversary Run-A-Round
Check your running shoes and sign up now for your competition bib. The 30th annual Jefferson Lab Run-A-Round event will be held Wednesday, May 13, 3-6 p.m. JLab staff, users, students, full-time contractors and immediate family members are invited to participate. Staff and users that participate in the run or that volunteer can receive a free 2015 JLab T-shirt. All runners and walkers must register online to be eligible for prizes. Online registration is open through 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12. Register yourself and your family members who are planning to participate today at the link on the JAG website.
The JAG committee has added a new race category: Master's (for ages 46 and over).
Register online at: https://misportal.jlab.org/webTools/2015-runaround/10140/registrations
Help Make the Run-A-Round a Success: Volunteer to Help out!
The success of this event depends heavily on participation and volunteer support. Volunteers not participating in the race will receive a free 2015 JLab T-shirt. Nearly 50 volunteers will be needed to help the day of the event. Tasks include staffing the same-day late registration and bib tables, field set up, race course monitors, water station and finish line attendants, event set up at the Residence Facility field, food tent attendants, trash pickup and event tear down. The best slots fill up fast, so sign up today at the link on the JAG website.
CEBAF Center Deck Closed Thursday – Friday for Cleaning, Repair Work
The CEBAF Center Deck (on the north side of CEBAF Center) will be closed Thursday and Friday, April 30 - May 1, for power washing and repairs.
Reminder: RadCon Has Moved to 1st Floor Library Area of ARC Building
The Jefferson Lab Radiation Control (RadCon) Operations Group, Electronics Group, Training Group, Analytical Lab and Dosimetry Group have moved to the ARC Library (first floor).
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
May 3: ORNL Director T. Mason discusses Big Science at Science Museum of Virginia 7 p.m.
May 3-8: International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC15)
May 13: JAG Run-A-Round
May 14-15: Final State Nucleons for Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions Workshop
May 18: Safety Shoe Truck at lab
May 25: Memorial Day holiday - Jefferson Lab closed
May 26-30: QCD Evolution 2015 Workshop