Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs August 12, 2015

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
August 12, 2015


Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, June 31-Aug. 7

  • M. Padmanath, C. B. Lang and S. Prelovsek. "X(3872) and Y(4140) using diquark-antidiquark operators with lattice QCD." Phys. Rev. D 92 034501.
  • C. Granados, C. Weiss. "Light-front representation of chiral dynamics in peripheral transverse densities." JHEP 1507 170.

Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new paper presents the first chiral extrapolation of a resonant amplitude determined from lattice QCD. This is done by analyzing recent lattice QCD results for the P-wave ππ scattering phase shift obtained by the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration using a pion mass of mπ = 236 MeV. The techniques presented illustrate a possible pathway towards connecting lattice QCD observables of few-body, strongly interacting systems to experimentally accessible quantities.


The Electrical Engineering Group has been extremely busy with tasks associated with preparation for the fall accelerator run. Each of the groups (DC, RF, ICN, and SSG) have been working on accelerator preventive maintenance, performing system hot checkout (HCO) on Injector systems for the Bubble Chamber experiment, while also supporting work in the LERF (Low Energy Recirculation Facility). The DC group has been concentrating on the fabrication, commissioning and installation of the new 'dogleg' power supplies and controls upgrade. The RF group is installing a much needed modification to the Varkly systems (high -oltage switches), while supporting the helium processing being performed by the SRF group. In addition, our Fabrication Shop and EECAD groups are supporting the dogleg upgrade and projects in Hall B. The electricians are installing electrical enclosures in Hall A and cabling for the Hall A beam dump.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

Aug. 12-13: MOLLER Collaboration Meeting
Aug. 17: Safety Shoe Vendor on-site
Aug. 18: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Aug. 19-21: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
AUg. 27: Jefferson Lab Employee Tour
Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday; Jefferson Lab closed
Sept. 13-18 XVI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy
Sept. 21: Safety Shoe Vendor on-site
Sept. 28-Oct. 2: International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

CNI Systems Maintenance on Aug, 18, 5-10 p.m.
There will be a maintenance period on August 18, 5-10 p.m., while the CNI group performs maintenance on desktops and servers, including the following work.

The CNI group will release a critical update to Symantec Antivirus software package, which runs on Windows desktops, as well as several critical Windows patches. Plan to log out of your Windows desktop system prior to leaving on Tuesday, or plan to reboot your system as soon as you can on Wednesday morning to fully install these critical updates.

Linux patches will also be released to all Linux desktops and servers during this maintenance window. Plan on rebooting your Linux desktop on Wednesday as well to finalize these critical patches.

There may also be web server and system outages while servers are rebooted to finalize patch installations. And there will be a short Internet outage while firewall updates are made.

The back-end MIS Database servers will be patched and rebooted, causing outages of all MIS applications. The MIS applications will be unavailable starting at 8 p.m. and will be back up no later than 10 p.m.

In addition, there will be core Common User Environment software updates to Adobe Reader, Flash, Shockwave, Firefox and Java. Note that the latest version of Java (Java 1.8.51) will be installed on all Windows desktops and servers, while the old and unsupported Java 1.7.x JRE will be removed.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this maintenance period, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155.

Cryptocard MP-1 Token Change
The CNI group is working on an upgrade to the Cryptocard token software currently in use at the lab. The upgrade should be complete by Thursday, Aug 6. All currently supplied hardware and software tokens should continue to work after the upgrade; however, the MP-1 (software) tokens will begin to require the use of the "-" (dash) in the generated one-time password. So, for example, if your MP-1 token on your smartphone generates a one-time password of 123-4567, then currently you can type 1234567 when using it to login. After the upgrade later this week, you must type the generated password with the displayed dash included. So, in our example above, you would type "123-4567" instead of 1234567. If you have any questions or concerns about the Cyrptocard changes, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155. 


Get Jefferson Lab Site-Wide Alert Pager Messages on Your Personal Cell Phone
Want to get Site-Wide Alert (SWA) pager messages on your cell phone? You can register your personal cell phone number in JList to receive SWAs, weather advisories, laboratory closing notices and other alerts. In order to register your cell phone number in JList, send an email to with email subject line "Add personal cell to SWA JList List." In the body of the email, provide your name, cell phone number including area code and the service carrier (Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, etc). Additionally, add a note that you would like your cell phone information included in the staff search if you would like others at the lab to be able to text you on your personal cell phone from Jefferson Lab’s web staff-search application. Questions may be directed to

Red Cross Blood Drive Scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 18
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place Tuesday, Aug. 18, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. To schedule an appointment, visit and enter Sponsor Code: TJNAF. You can also schedule an appointment by contacting Johnie Banks at or x7539. Visit the website for donation eligibility requirements.

Radiation Worker II Class Scheduled for Aug. 20
A Radiation Worker II (SAF802) class is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 20, 9 a.m.-noon. The class will meet in ARC room 231. Anyone who needs this training is asked to sign up online through the Jefferson Lab Learning Management System (LMS). The RadWorker II class is listed at the top of the page. Successful completion of RadWorker I training is required for anyone wanting RadWorker II training. The signup deadline is Wednesday, Aug. 19. For more information, contact Maya Keller at x6021 or

Feds Feed Families Local Campaign
The Department of Energy is again participating in the "Feds Feed Families" food drive this year. At Jefferson Lab, the Thomas Jefferson Site Office will be collecting donations from its federal employees to benefit the Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula. There is no expectation of Jefferson Lab employee participation in this program, although anyone wishing to contribute may do so. Marked donation boxes for non-perishable food items will be located in the CEBAF Center lobby August 10-31. For more information, visit the Feds Feed Families website or contact Steve Neilson at x7215.

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.