Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
August 14, 2013
PhysicsHall C will host the Hall C Summer Workshop Aug. 15-16. Center for Theoretical and Computational PhysicsElastic electron scattering measures the transverse spatial densities of charge and magnetization in the proton and neutron, which are expressions of their microscopic quark structure governed by Quantum Chromodynamics, the fundamental theory of strong interactions. Recent theoretical work has shown that the transverse densities in the nucleon's periphery result from long-range pion exchange forces and can be computed systematically using modern methods of effective field theory. This new approach gives a precise meaning to the notion of the nucleon's "pion cloud," explains the properties of the peripheral densities from first principles, and relates them to other structures measured in high-energy inelastic scattering experiments. JLab Calendar of Events Aug. 15-16: Hall C Summer Workshop |
Environment, Safety, Health and QualityTexting While Driving Now Illegal in Virginia Texting or reading text messages while driving is now a primary offense, meaning that law enforcement can now stop you specifically for this offense. The new law also has increased penalties: a conviction will carry a $125 fine for the first offense and $250 for the second or subsequent offenses. Commercial driver license holders can be fined up to $2,750 for texting while driving or while stopped in traffic in a commercial vehicle. For more about the dangers of distracted driving, see this documentary. Computing and Networking Infrastructure IT Maintenance Period Tuesday, Aug. 20, 5-10 p.m. Announcements Red Cross Blood Drive Set for Aug. 20 TIAA-CREF Onsite Individual Counseling Sessions Tracking Thomas at Jefferson Lab Marcy Stutzman and Brita Hampton correctly guessed the location for August 7. Honorable mentions go to Narciso Gomez, Casey Heck, Ryan Bodenstein and Mark Weihl. Check out Tracking Thomas on flickr for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo. |
JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263. |