12 GeV Upgrade
Commissioning of the tunnel air conditioning system installed under the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade project is finishing up this week. The chilled water to the chilled beams in each arc was balanced last week. A final inspection was held on Aug. 18, with representatives from the project, the construction contractor, Facilities Management & Logistics and ESH&Q. The construction contractor is working to complete the punchlist items in the tunnel by end of the month.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
The lowest-lying masses of baryons made of heavy quarks have been analyzed as a function of the number of colors Nc in QCD. Using the well-known potential between static color charges determined in lattice QCD at various Nc and a Hartree approximation, predictions for those masses are given. The considered limit of large Nc and large quark masses is the cleanest possible for predicting baryon properties using analytic methods; comparison with early lattice QCD calculations of baryons at Nc = 3, 5 and 7 are discussed and similar calculations with heavier quark masses are encouraged.
The Machine Shop is currently working on these projects for various clients around the lab:
- A new scattering chamber is being fabricated for the Hall C upgrade;
- A CERN Resonator is being fabricated for SRF;
- A modification of the cantilevered stand is being made for Hall C;
- A girder extension is being made for Hall A;
- Two solenoid magnets for the accelerator's injector are being fabricated;
- The inner assembly of two beam position monitors are being made for Hall C;
- Stainless steel pads are being manufactured for welding to the Torus to mount the drift chambers (these 89 pads are welded to the hex beam vacuum jackets before the jackets are installed on the Torus); and
- Twelve QJ quadrupoles are being manufactured for Engineering.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Aug. 27: Jefferson Lab Employee Tour
Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday; Jefferson Lab closed
Sept. 13-18 XVI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy
Sept. 18: Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing
Sept. 21: Safety Shoe Vendor on-site
Sept. 28-Oct. 2: International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Employee Death Due to Lack of Situational Awareness
In 2012, a national brand tuna supplier had an employee trapped, unbeknownst to his co-workers, inside a 35-foot-long sterilizing oven (270 degrees F) for two hours. The tuna company workers failed to look inside the oven to ensure items or people were not there before placing carts of tuna cans in the oven. Changes were made in work practices to prevent similar situations following the employee’s death.
Here at Jefferson Lab, we also have situations where worker safety can be affected by factors outside the direct work area. These factors include possible configuration changes in equipment or possible changes in processes that may be made without worker knowledge. Before you begin a task, plan your work and communicate those plans to others using the appropriate Task List (ATLis, for example). Then, it only takes a few minutes to do a pre-job walkdown to verify that the conditions and configurations you thought were in-place are still "good to go” and to look for items that may negatively impact your work or could compromise another's safety. Finally, remember to use the Lock, Tag, Try procedure process or configuration management tools, as appropriate, to maintain safe working conditions.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
MIS Outage Set for Saturday, Aug. 29
Starting at around 11 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 28, all MIS applications will be down while a backend database server is updated. All MIS applications will be unavailable until noon on Saturday. Plan your work accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns with this outage, contact the IT Division helpdesk at helpdesk@jlab.org, or x7155.
Jefferson Lab Campus-Wide Phone Outage Scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 12
Jefferson Lab’s landline telephone system will be down on Saturday, Sept. 12, 8 a.m.- noon. The outage will permit equipment upgrades. Across Jefferson Lab, the outage will disrupt landline telephone services, voicemail and fax machine services. This outage will also affect Jefferson Lab and university phones in the ARC, but not the commercial tenants in the ARC.
To Get Help and Report Emergencies During the Outage:
- Use a cell phone to call 911.
- After you are advised to hang up by the 911 Dispatch Operator, immediately call the Jefferson Lab Security cell phone at 757-342-9868. Advise Security of the 911 call, the nature of the emergency and the location of the emergency.
- Or activate the closest fire alarm box if no cell phone or coverage to alert Security of your issue. (Security will send an officer to investigate; however response times will vary.) And if or when possible, follow up with a call to the Security cell at 757-342-9868 to advise them of the situation.
Inquiries during the outage can be made to Jefferson Lab Security’s cell phone at 757-342-9868. For more information regarding this outage, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Volunteers Needed for Gloucester County Public Schools STEM Career Day
Interested in sharing information about Jefferson Lab and your career? Gloucester County Public Schools is hosting a STEM Career Day on Saturday, Oct. 17, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The Science Education group will supply you with cool handouts! For more information, contact Telesha Brown, x7567.
Volunteers Sought for Sept. 11 United Way Day of Caring
The 2015 United Way Day of Caring will be Sept. 11. Jefferson Lab hopes to send a team of 10-15 volunteers to the event. Volunteer deadline is Aug. 28. If you wish to volunteer, see the all-staff memo for requirements and the supervisor approval process. Questions about the United Way Day of Caring may be directed to Joshua Cameron, x7409.
2015 Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing Set for Sept. 18
This year's event will be held on Friday, Sept. 18, at the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club (Green Course) in Williamsburg, Va. The tourney will kick off at noon with a shotgun start. The format will be a handicapped Captain’s Choice. Each foursome must include at least two Jefferson Lab employees. The cost for Jefferson Lab employees (you qualify if you receive a paycheck from JSA - Jefferson Science Associates, LLC) is $60. The cost for non-JLab employees is $75. The cost includes range balls, green fees, cart fees, food after the tournament and prizes. To sign up, bring your average score for 18 holes or current handicap along with payment to Mike Zarecky, TED 2500/19, x7609. The deadline for tournament registration is Monday, Sept. 14. Questions may be directed to Mike or Danny Machie, x7501.