Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs December 10, 2008

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs

December 10, 2008

12 GeV Upgrade

Significant progress has been made on finalizing the engineering and design of the Hall D beamline and associated physics equipment, as endorsed by a recent review. The Hall D electron beamline design has been completed and simulations prove it to be robust, with flexible tuning and well-defined instrumentation and tuning knobs to verify beam performance. A well-founded shift was made from a two-magnet system to a single magnet for the photon-tagging spectrometer, with many advantages. Additional diagnostics of the photon beamline, including a pair spectrometer, have been developed in order to obtain a thorough knowledge of the photon beam spectrum that is essential to the GlueX science program.


In Hall A, Experiments E06-010, Measurement of Single Target-Spin Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Pion-Electroproduction on a Transversely Polarized 3He Target, and E07-013, Target Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry in Inclusive DIS n(e,e') with a polarized 3He Target, are now in stable production mode. The installation of three narrow-band lasers has further improved the polarized helium-3 in-beam target polarization from around 60% to around 65%.

JSA Accepting Applications for Graduate Fellowships at JLab
JSA will award up to eight fellowships to doctoral students at SURA member universities for research related to JLab. Interested applicants should download and complete the application form and provide the reference form to three individuals for letters of recommendation. Details and an application can be found online. Applications are due by Feb. 15.

JSA Accepting Applications for Sabbatical and Research Leave Support at JLab
JSA will award living expense support for up to two faculty members from SURA member universities who will be on sabbatical or research leave at JLab. Awardees must undertake full-time research at JLab for the duration of an award. Interested applicants should visit the Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, website for more information and application instructions. Application materials are due by Feb. 15.

PAC 34 Call for Proposals Due Dec. 15
Proposals, updates and letters-of-intent for PAC 34 are due at the JLab User Liaison Office by close of business Monday, Dec. 15. Details can be found in the Call for Proposals and proposal submission information posted on the PAC 34 website.


Overall, the accelerator has been running well. The maintenance on magnets and radiofrequency (RF) systems lowered the beam trip rate. A failed sump pump caused some ground water to leak into the West Arc tunnel. The problem was found and addressed during a scheduled maintenance. Problems were encountered restoring beam after Tuesday'’s maintenance day, due to a significant change in beam pathlength. Beam delivery resumed after the pathlength was properly adjusted.

Free-Electron Laser (FEL)

FEL staff completed gun processing up to the running voltage with a good quantum efficiency and are initiating beam running. The cathode is not field emitting, but there does seem to be a residual field emitter on the ball, which may affect running lifetime between cesiations. The optical system is now installed and aligned. The AES Booster was moved to the Test Cave for end cans and qualification.

Theory Center

Using recent data on dihadron production in deep-inelastic scattering and a recent parametrization of the transversity distribution, the magnitude of dihadron fragmentation functions was estimated in a recent paper (arXiv:0812.0611 [hep-ph]). Applying QCD evolution equations, an asymmetry involving the dihadron fragmentation functions was predicted in electron-positron annihilation at much higher energies. Once this asymmetry is measured at BELLE, the procedure can be inverted and the transversity extracted more cleanly than in the past using single-hadron fragmentation functions.

JLab's Safety Numbers

91 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
91 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)

JLab Calendar of Events

Dec. 8-12: Muon Collider Design Workshop
Dec. 13: Children's Holiday Party
Dec. 24-Jan. 2: Winter holidays/Shutdown days: JLab closed
Jan. 19: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday - JLab closed
Jan. 23: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Jan. 26-30: PAC 34




Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

As winter settles in to Hampton Roads, ESH&Q wants to ensure that users and employees know how to stay safe not only at work, but on their way to and from the lab and in their free time. The following safety tips can help:

Be prepared - Keep extra blankets, sand, a scraper and a small shovel in your trunk in case you become stranded. Keep a charged cell phone available to call for help. Stay current on local forecasts and weather reports. Clear your windows and lights of snow and ice before driving. Allow your car to idle about 20-30 seconds before pulling out gently; excessive idling only burns extra gas. Drive gently until the car's temperate gauge begins to indicate the car is warming up. Click for more winter car care tips.

Drive carefully - Use caution on snow-covered roads and when maneuvering beside large vehicles whose tires can spray snow into your windshield. Allow extra distance for your vehicle to stop. Watch out for “black ice” conditions where asphalt appears wet or normal but is actually covered in a thin layer of ice. Do not follow closely behind snow plows.

Walk defensively - Wear shoes that provide traction. Wear low heels when outside. Stay in areas cleared of snow and salted, while still maintaining an awareness of pavement conditions in case of surprises.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure (CNI)

Discounted Microsoft® Products for Personal Use Available
JLab employees, users and contractors are eligible to purchase some of the most popular consumer software and hardware at discounted prices, including Xbox gear and Office applications. Some products may be purchased through this program at a significant savings; for instance, Microsoft® Office Home and Student edition is available for less than $80. The Employee Purchase program is available to employees of companies that hold Microsoft® licenses. You may purchase up to three copies of any product available. All software purchased from this site is for personal use only.

Discounted Microsoft® Products Available for Work at Home
Alternatively, products that will be used for JLab work at home may be purchased through the Home Use Program. You may order a single copy of each eligible product for which you are a licensed user with active Software Assurance coverage. This software may be used as long as you are working for the Lab and as long as the software you use at work has active Software Assurance coverage. Most software purchased through the program is available for about $20.


End-of-Year Radiation Badge Change Out
The semi-annual OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) radiation badge change out for all badge racks will take place over the holiday shutdown. Everyone who has an OSL badge is asked to place it in its assigned slot before leaving JLab for the break. The OSL badges replaced the older TLD badges over the summer. Anyone with questions may call Becky Mosbrucker, x7236 or page 584-7236.

Holiday Pie Orders Taken Through Dec. 19
The Quark Cafe is taking holiday pie orders through 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 19. Desserts available for ordering include cranberry cheesecake and pumpkin, pecan, sweet potato and fruits-of-the-forest pies. Dessert order forms may be picked up and turned in at the Quark Cafe. Prices are listed on the order form. Dessert orders may be picked up Monday, Dec. 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Tuesday, Dec. 23 from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Holiday Shutdown – Cafeteria Meal Notice
The Quark Cafe will close after lunch on Tuesday, Dec. 23, for the holiday shutdown. The cafeteria re-opens for business with breakfast on Monday, Jan. 5.

Survey to Assess Employee Concerns Programs
The DOE Office of Civil Rights and Diversity invites you to participate in a voluntary survey to assess the effectiveness of the various DOE and Contractor Employee Concerns Programs. The objective of this survey is to collect information regarding the climate for the expression of concerns to the Employee Concerns Program by federal and contractor employees. The information you provide is confidential and will be used only to evaluate the Employee Concerns Program. On April 11, 2006, Secretary Samuel W. Bodman issued a memorandum stating all federal and contractor personnel "have the right - and the responsibility - to identify and report concerns associated with safety, quality, environment, health, security or management of DOE operations without fear of reprisal." If you wish to complete the survey, you must do so by Friday, Dec. 5. To take the survey, click the link.

Children's Holiday Party
The JLab Children's Holiday Party is set for Saturday, Dec. 13, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the CEBAF Center lobby. All children of Lab employees, contractors and users are invited. The JAG is planning crafts, snacks and a visit from Santa Claus. Each family is asked to bring a new, unopened and unwrapped toy donation for Toys for Tots. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Toys for Tots Donation Drive
JLab is again participating in the U.S. Marine Corps’ annual Toys for Tots toy drive. Bring in your donation of new, unopened and unwrapped toys for children ages 1-12 by 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 12. Marked drop boxes are located near the main entrances of CEBAF Center, VARC, ARC, Test Lab and the MCC.

Calling All Amateur Interior Designers: Ready, Set, Decorate!
JAG invites one and all to participate in its annual Door/Cubicle Decorating Contest. Decorations may go up as early as Dec. 1 and should be taken down by Jan. 5. Decorating materials should be fire resistant and only UL-approved lighting/electronics may be used. Don’t use food-based items in your decorations. To enter, e-mail JAG Chair Dave Williams with your name, building number and office/cube location by 5 p.m. Dec. 17. Prizes will be awarded on Dec. 22.

Children's Holiday Party Volunteers Needed
Join the fun at the Children's Holiday Party. Santa's helpers are needed, as well as craft and snack attendants. Please visit the Children's Holiday Party volunteer page to sign up.



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