12 GeV Upgrade
Closeout reports with lessons learned are being developed for the Six-Month Shutdown in preparation for the next shutdown scheduled to begin in May 2012. The “Long Shutdown” planning team for JLab has been established. A range of 12 GeV installation activities will be incorporated into the labwide integrated installation schedule for the shutdown. Facilities Management & Logistics support is integrated with 12 GeV projects through the FM&L work order system and is coordinated weekly.
Hall A is getting ready for a commissioning run to check the new beamline elements, detectors and data acquisition system. Most systems are ready, but there was a problem with the beamline vacuum system - too much torque developed on one section when vacuum was pulled. Some strong braces are being added to support this section. Meanwhile, work on the polarized target continues (the work is done by the target group) and is on track for installation, with the start of g2p/GEp in mid-February.
Q-weak continued production and background measurements on liquid hydrogen and aluminum at beam currents up to 180 microamps in Hall C. On Saturday, the Q-weak toroidal magnet power supply tripped, with a large number of failed fuses in one of its four transistor banks. While awaiting delivery of fuses, the physics program was switched to measurements of the asymmetry for the N to Delta transition, which requires a lower current at which the power supply will still reliably function. By end of Tuesday's day shift, the fuses were replaced and Qtor could run at full current; Q-weak returned to production running.
An air leak in the valve control system was discovered by Facilities Management & Logistics staffers. A tunnel access was made to repair it. Vacuum problems were traced to an open chassis door. A spin dance was performed to measure beam polarization. C100 testing was conducted to study the cryomodules' impact on beam quality and stability. These zones were turned off after testing. Circulator loads were replaced on zones in the North Linac. Throughout the week, Hall C's Q-weak experiment received 180 microamps of beam, while Hall B's HDice target received 40 nanoamps.
The alignment group continued supporting the installation in Hall A. Additionally, the final alignment of the Hall A beamline upstream of the FZ magnets was completed, and initial alignment of the chicane FZ magnets and components was started. Alignment also completed quality control inspections on a C100 vacuum vessel and spaceframe for the superconducting radiofrequency group. The magnet measurement group continued measurement and QC inspections of spreader/recombiner dipoles for the 12 GeV Upgrade.
Facilities Management & Logistics
Extensive JLab Power Outage Over Holiday Shutdown
There will be a power outage for much of the JLab campus during the winter holidays/shutdown days, from 5 a.m. Friday, Dec. 23, through 6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 1. For more information, see the full announcement in the Nov. 30 JLab Weekly Briefs.
JLab Calendar of Events
Dec. 16: JLab Library Open House
Dec. 19: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Dec. 21: Quark Cafe's Holiday Bake Sale
Dec. 21: Colloquium and Public Lecture, CC auditorium, 4 p.m.
Dec. 23-Jan. 1: Winter holidays/Shutdown days - JLab closed
Jan. 11: Hall D Open House for staff and users |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Green Up Your Holidays
While decking the halls for the winter holidays, don't forget the green. See these practical tips from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for reducing, reusing and recycling throughout the holiday season.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Computing Services Outage Will Precede Shutdown Power Outage
The Information Technology division will conduct maintenance on equipment in the Computer Center. JLab computer account holders will not have access to any central computing services from 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 22 (when the holiday shutdown begins) through 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 23. For more information, see the full announcement in the Nov. 30 JLab Weekly Briefs.
Beware Unexpected Online "Gifts"
The holiday season typically brings an increase in our use of online services, from reading email from long-lost friends and buying gifts online to tracking shipped items and checking bank balances. All of this activity presents many opportunities for scammers and hackers to gain access to online accounts. An article from the SANS Institute does a very good job of presenting the dangers of phishing attacks and email scams, how to detect them, and how to protect yourself from them using simple precautions. While short, the article is worth the read, both for you and your family.
Library to Hold Open House Dec. 16
To celebrate new services and a new look, JLab Library staffers invite JLab staff, students and users to visit the Library Open House on Friday, Dec. 16, 3-5 p.m. The library is located in Room 126 on the first floor of the Applied Research Center building.
Lands' End Logo Orders
Lands' End Business Outfitters is now hosting a website where you can order a variety of items with a JLab logo. The website was established as a service in response to JLab staff and users who have requested options for JLab-branded merchandise. Those using the website deal directly with Lands' End Business Outfitters. The lab derives no financial benefit or proceeds from any transaction.
Quark Cafe Holds Annual Holiday Bake Sale!
Quark Cafe staff invites the JLab community to its annual Holiday Bake Sale on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The bake sale will be in the CEBAF Center lobby and include a variety of breads, holiday cakes and pies by Gerry Fortin, owner of Lucille's Bakery in Richmond. The bakery items will be available in a range of prices.
Colloquium: Potential "Sputnik Moments" for U.S. Energy Challenges
Victor H. Reis, Senior Adviser for DOE's Under Secretary for Science, will discuss some "Sputnik Moments" for U.S. energy challenges in a colloquium and public lecture next Wednesday at 4 p.m. Reis will review the Sputnik and Apollo programs, stockpile stewardship, the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and current DOE efforts in exascale computing and small modular reactors from a strategic planning perspective. He will raise the issue of nuclear power and climate in light of the Fukushima disaster. Lively discussion is encouraged.
Personal Dosimeter Change Out Set for Dec. 19
JLab's semi-annual personal dosimeter change out will take place during the afternoon of Monday, Dec. 19. This includes the dosimeters of all JLab staff, users and subcontractors. If you need to use your dosimeter during the change out period on Dec. 19, you may exchange it that morning in the Radiation Control Dosimetry Office in Bldg. 52B, Room 4, 8 a.m. -1 p.m. If you have questions, contact Becky Mosbrucker, x7236.
Rad Workers: Read, Sign 2012 General Access RWP by Dec. 31
The 2012 General Access Radiological Work Permit is now available for signature. If you are a radiation worker, to retain your accelerator site access, you must sign the new RWP no later than Dec. 31. To access the RWP, visit the web-based training page and open document SAF801kd General Access RWP (under the subhead "ES&H"). You may access/sign this document from offsite, but it won't be accessible on Friday, Dec. 23. If you have any questions about the permit, contact Radiation Control at 876-1743 or 876-5342.
Annual Enrollment for TIAA-CREF 401(k) GSRA Ends Thursday, Dec. 15
The 2011 TIAA-CREF 401(k) GSRA Annual Enrollment will allow you to increase, decrease or opt out of the 401(k) GSRA plan. Employees who do not enter the system by 5 p.m. tomorrow will be automatically enrolled in the default employee 5 percent contribution plan that is based on your current salary. If you have any questions, contact Treva Ferguson, x7291, or Doug Roeder, x7595.
Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.
Congratulations this week go to Harry Fanning and Sebastien Procureur, who were the first to correctly identify the Dec. 7 location. Honorable mentions go to Michael Haddox-Schatz, Doug Higinbotham, Dena Polyhronakis, David Anthony, Sue Witherspoon, Andrea Celentano, Michelle Shinn and Sam Stevens. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo. |