Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs December 21, 2011

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
December 21, 2011

Facilities Management & Logistics

Extensive JLab Power Outage Over Holiday Shutdown
There will be a power outage for much of the JLab campus during the winter holidays/shutdown days, from 5 a.m. Friday, Dec. 23, through 6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 1. For more information, see the full announcement in the Nov. 30 JLab Weekly Briefs.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Computing Services Outage Will Precede Shutdown Power Outage
The Information Technology division will conduct maintenance on equipment in the Computer Center. JLab computer account holders will not have access to any central computing services from 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 22 (when the holiday shutdown begins) through 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 23. For more information, see the full announcement in the Nov. 30 JLab Weekly Briefs.

Beware Unexpected Online "Gifts"
The holiday season typically brings an increase in our use of online services, from reading email from long-lost friends and buying gifts online to tracking shipped items and checking bank balances. All of this activity presents many opportunities for scammers and hackers to gain access to online accounts. An article from the SANS Institute does a very good job of presenting the dangers of phishing attacks and email scams, how to detect them, and how to protect yourself from them using simple precautions. While short, the article is worth the read, both for you and your family.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is out visiting family and friends for the holidays. He'll continue his jaunts around the JLab campus in January. May everyone have a happy holidays and a joyous new year!

JLab Calendar of Events

Dec. 21: Quark Cafe's Holiday Bake Sale
Dec. 21: Colloquium and Public Lecture, CC auditorium, 4 p.m.
Dec. 23-Jan. 1: Winter holidays/Shutdown days - JLab closed
Jan. 11: Hall D Open House for staff and users


Quark Cafe Holds Annual Holiday Bake Sale!
Quark Cafe staff invites the JLab community to its annual Holiday Bake Sale on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The bake sale will be in the CEBAF Center lobby and include a variety of breads, holiday cakes and pies by Gerry Fortin, owner of Lucille's Bakery in Richmond. The bakery items will be available in a range of prices.

Colloquium: Potential "Sputnik Moments" for U.S. Energy Challenges
Victor H. Reis, Senior Adviser for DOE's Under Secretary for Science, will discuss some "Sputnik Moments" for U.S. energy challenges in a colloquium and public lecture today at 4 p.m. Reis will review the Sputnik and Apollo programs, stockpile stewardship, the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and current DOE efforts in exascale computing and small modular reactors from a strategic planning perspective. He will raise the issue of nuclear power and climate in light of the Fukushima disaster. Lively discussion is encouraged.

Rad Workers: Read, Sign 2012 General Access RWP by Dec. 31
If you are a radiation worker, to retain your accelerator site access, you must sign the new RWP no later than Dec. 31. To access the RWP, visit the web-based training page and open document SAF801kd General Access RWP (under the subhead "ES&H"). You may access/sign this document from offsite, but it won't be accessible on Friday, Dec. 23. If you have any questions about the permit, contact Radiation Control at 269-7236.

Holiday Break Housekeeping and Electronics Instructions
JLab will close at 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 22, and reopen the morning of Monday, Jan. 2, 2012. Everyone at JLab is asked to do the following before leaving the lab for the holiday break:

  • Turn off all your computing systems and peripherals and individual UPS (uninterruptible power supply) systems. Unplug from the wall and turn off your UPS as outlined in your UPS manufacturer's instruction booklet.
  • Turn off all printers and copiers.
  • Turn off, and if possible, unplug all appliances from their wall outlets.

Occupants of buildings and areas that will be affected by the power outage over the holiday break are asked to empty all refrigerators/freezers in these areas by 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 22. Janitorial staff will dispose of any items left in refrigerators/freezers in those areas after that time. Don't put decomposable or wet waste into any waste receptacles after they have been emptied on Thursday. The last waste containers to be emptied will be those in restrooms and kitchenettes. Refer questions, as soon as feasible, to Rusty Sprouse, x7589.

Lab Energy Savings Over the Holiday Break
During the shutdown, facility and infrastructure maintenance and energy-saving measures will be in effect in the remaining buildings, including the VARC and ARC. This means that building temperatures will be reduced and certain equipment will be turned off to save energy.

Quark Cafe Dining Schedule
The Quark Cafe will close after lunch on Thursday, Dec. 22; it will reopen for breakfast on Monday, Jan. 2.

Section of CEBAF Blvd. Will Be Closed Jan. 3-5, 2012
A section of CEBAF Blvd - the two-lane road through the middle of the Accelerator Site - is scheduled to be closed Tuesday through Thursday, Jan. 3-5, for the delivery and installation of equipment to CEBAF's Central Helium Liquefier (CHL), Building 8. The section of road and sidewalk -- from about the southwest corner of Building 87 to about the front door of Building 89 -- will be closed. For more information, see the announcement.