Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs February 15, 2017

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
February 15, 2017

12 GeV Upgrade

After completion of the beam run to demonstrate the Key Performance Parameter (KPP) for the Hall B scope of the 12 GeV Upgrade project, the hall has been busy preparing for the arrival of the Solenoid magnet. This activity requires a temporary de-installation of some of the detectors that were installed for the KPP demonstration. There will be an increase in overhead work during this preparation period.

Hall C is getting ready for the Hall C KPP demonstration beam run in March. The Q3 quadrupole magnet is cold and power testing is well underway. Cool down of the Dipole magnet is nearing completion, and low power testing will start in a few days. The Hall C beam line has been installed with the assistance of the Survey and Alignment group.


Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, Feb. 5-11

• Evan Berkowitz, Thorsten Kurth, Amy Nicholson, Balint Joo, Enrico Rinaldi, Mark Strother, Pavlos Vranas, Andre Walker-Loud.  "Two-nucleon higher partial-wave scattering from lattice QCD."  Phys.Lett. B765 (2017) 285-292.

• Lubomir Pentchev, Fernando Barbosa, David Butler, Sergey Furletov, Vladimir Berdnikov, Luke Robison, Benedikt Zihlmann. "Studies with cathode drift chambers for the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab." Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 845, 281-284 (2017)

Publications Training Offered

If you’re new to the lab or are writing your first journal article or proceedings paper, the next Publications Training and Refresher course is for you! This 45-60 minute course will be held on Friday, Feb. 24, at 10:00 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F224-225. After this session, you will be prepared to:

  • Submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System;
  • Make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process;
  • Add the relevant information once the paper is published; and
  • Input the final, peer-reviewed accepted manuscript into our system.

These steps are required for Jefferson Lab's compliance to the Department of Energy's Public Access Plan. If you plan to attend, let Kim Edwards know by emailing no later than Thursday, Feb. 23. 

Nominations Are Being Accepted for the 2016 JSA Thesis Prize
The Users Group Board of Directors will award the 2016 JSA Thesis Prize for the best Jefferson Lab-related thesis. Theses completed during the calendar year 2016 are eligible, as well as theses completed during the last quarter of 2015 (if they haven't been submitted before). Nomination deadline is Feb. 24. Details and nomination requirements are available online.

Applications Being Accepted for 2017 HUGS Program at JLab

Applications are being accepted through March 10 for the 2017 Hampton Universities Graduate Studies (HUGS) program to be held at Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Va.

With support from the U.S. Department of Energy and Jefferson Science Associates, the 32nd Annual HUGS Program is scheduled to run from May 30 to June 16. Students will arrive on Monday, May 29 and depart on Saturday, June 17.

The HUGS Program is a summer school designed for experimental and theoretical nuclear and particle physics graduate students who have finished their coursework and have at least one year of research experience in these fields. Students who are well into a research project are also encouraged to apply. The program is simultaneously intensive, friendly, and casual. All lecturers are internationally renowned and leaders in their fields. Students will be housed on site at JLab, and there will be many opportunities to interact with lab staff, as well as the lecturers, other graduate students and visitors. Acceptance into the program is competitive.

The 2017 school will focus on experimental and theoretical topics of high current interest in strong interaction physics. In particular, students will receive insight into the physics to be studied at Jefferson Lab and at a future Electron-Ion Collider, as well as related topics of interest in nuclear and particle physics.

To apply, visit Submit along with your personal data, a request for consideration of acceptance into the program, and arrange for one letter of recommendation (ideally from your Ph.D. advisor) to be separately sent in. Submission received before March 10 will automatically place the student in the standard fellowship competition. Students will be notified of acceptance by March 24.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new analysis <arXiv:1701.09170> of the polarization asymmetry AN in p↑p → π X is presented within the collinear twist-3 factorization formalism.  The latest extractions of the Sivers and Collins transverse momentum dependent (TMD) functions with TMD evolution are used to compute contributions to AN.  Data from RHIC on AN will help to constrain high-x behavior of the transversity distribution, and future semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering data from Jefferson Lab will provide important constraints on the Sivers and Collins TMD functions.


Jefferson Lab Celebrates National Engineers Week, Feb. 19-25
Jefferson Lab employs more than 130 engineers! To acknowledge the contributions made by its many talented engineers, the Jefferson Lab Engineering Division will be celebrating National Engineers Week. All engineers are invited to take a break any time after 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 21, to enjoy a piece of cake. The cake will be in the 2nd floor break area of the TED, Building 55. Please sign the recognition board and let us know where you went to school and when. Perhaps we will find some interesting connections we didn’t know we had.

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

The Jefferson Lab Worker Safety Committee is empowered to promote and continuously improve workplace safety at the lab. The committee provides JLab management with working level feedback, ideas, and recommendations for improving safety laboratory wide. The committee also provides safety stakeholders - employees, subcontractors, users - with the opportunity for communication of their issues and concerns. This committee is not intended to bypass existing procedures and processes. Rather, it serves as a vital communication link for highlighting workforce safety issues and concerns and as a means for ensuring that improvement actions of interest to the workforce are addressed.
The committee members actively engage employees, users, and subcontractors regarding strengths, areas for improvement, and overall perception of lab safety. Frequent work-site walk downs, conversation with individuals or small groups of employees from a cross section of the lab, and comparison results of these observations and discussions among committee members are key sources of information.

Committee members have direct access to the Director's Safety Council, or the Associate Director for ESH&Q anytime they deem it necessary. The WSC committee chair or vice chair brief the DSC at the quarterly meetings.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

IT Maintenance Scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 21, 5-10 p.m.
The IT Division will conduct a maintenance period on Tuesday, Feb. 21, from 5-10 p.m.  During this time the external outgoing mail server, smail, will be replaced with a newer system.  Sending email via smail may be down briefly during the cutover. We expect the smail server to be available no later than 7 p.m.  All of the MIS applications will be down while underlying systems are patched and rebooted.  All services will be back up no later than 10 p.m.   Finally, Windows and Linux patches will be deployed to all CUE managed workstations and servers.  Overnight, Tuesday night, Linux and Windows servers will reboot causing brief service outages. All services will be back up and available no later than 7 a.m. on Wednesday.  If you have any questions or concerns, contact the IT Division Helpdesk (, x7155).


Physics Seminar: From Light Hadrons to Charm: Early Results from the GlueX Experiment
The primary goal of the GlueX experiment is to study gluonic degrees of freedom in QCD by mapping the light meson spectrum, with a focus on searching for and studying hybrid mesons. Sean Dobbs, Northwestern University, will discuss the current status of the experiment, present several results from the commissioning run, including the first observation of the charmed meson J/psi at Jefferson Lab, and discuss the future outlook of the experiment. The seminar will be held in the CEBAF Center auditorium at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 16.

Golf League Forming for 2017 Season; Interested Golfers to Meet on Feb. 23
The Jefferson Lab Golf League is open to all current staff, retirees, users, and their spouses. All levels of play and weekly availability are welcomed. A 2017 organizational meeting will be held on Thursday, Feb. 23, in CEBAF Center, Room F113, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. No food will be served at the meeting, but attendees are welcome to bring their lunch or purchase something from the cafeteria. For more information, see the full notice.

Orders, Money Due by Friday, Feb. 17, for New JLab Cycling Jersey
The price for the new cycling jersey is $44 each. Prepayment is necessary to cover the vendor’s deposit and to start the order. Orders and prepayment must be made be close of business Friday, Feb. 17. Hand deliver checks made out to Steven Neilson, with “bike jersey” noted in the lower left corner of the check, to CEBAF Center, C Wing, Room 216. See the full notice for ordering details, a graphic of the new design and a sizing chart.

Jefferson Lab Benefits Open Enrollment Begins Today, Feb. 15
JeffersoAttention all regular and term employees: The 2017 Benefits Open Enrollment started today and will continue through Feb. 28. This is the time of the season for you to review and, if necessary, modify your benefits options. For more information see the full memo.

Reminder: Annual Property Training & Validation Due March 31
Jefferson Lab’s annual Property Custodian Training and Property Validation for 2017 was launched on Feb. 1 and continues through Friday, March 31. It is important for everyone to complete the training and validation during this period to allow Property Management to conduct the sample inventory required under our Department of Energy contract. See the full memo for links to the training and validation. If you have property or property validation process questions or concerns, contact the Property office at x7348 or

Reminder: TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Sessions Offered
TIAA-CREF is offering Individual Counseling Sessions, where you can discuss your personal financial situation with a TIAA-CREF financial consultant on a confidential basis. The consultant will be available at Jefferson Lab on March 14 and April 19 in Support Service Center room 22i. To schedule an appointment, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–8 p.m. (ET).

Jefferson Lab Recognizes 136 Staff Members at 2017 Service Awards Events
One hundred thirty-six staff members were recognized for their years at Jefferson Lab during a series of four 2017 Service Awards events held in early February. Jefferson Lab staff members who had achieved 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25- and 30-year employment anniversaries were recognized at the events. The cumulative time worked by this year's recipients totaled 2,085 years of service to the lab. Award recipients and their respective supervisors attended three different events hosted by laboratory leadership and planned by Human Resources staff.  For more information and photos, visit:

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

Feb. 16-18: GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Feb. 20: Safety Shoe Truck on-site
Feb. 23: 2017 Golf League season kickoff meeting
Feb. 24-25: Q-Weak Collaboration Meeting
March 4: Va. Regional Middle School Science Bowl
March 15-17: 3D Nucleon Tomography Workshop
March 17: Workshop on Science at LERF
March 28-31: CLAS Collaboration meeting

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: the Communications Office or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.