Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs February 2, 2011

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
February 2, 2011

12 GeV Upgrade

Twenty-four of the total 48 barrel calorimeter (BCAL) modules for Hall D have now arrived from the University of Regina. The first 500 production units of the new Cockcroft-Walton type high-voltage synthesizer-and-divider bases for the forward lead-glass calorimeter in Hall D are beginning to arrive at Indiana University. Extensive testing of the first two production boards of the custom 16-channel 250 Megahertz Flash Analog-to-Digital Converters (FADCs) has been performed with excellent results. Several rings of straws have been inserted into the endplate support structure for the central drift chamber at Carnegie Mellon University. The first of the four superconducting coils for the Hall D solenoid was successfully tested to 1200 Amps in the Test Lab last month. The installation and testing of the second coil is underway.


Last week, the accelerator was running with some downtime due to troubleshooting high-current beam delivery instability (100 microamps or higher). The gun high voltage, the warm and cold radiofrequency system and the magnets in the injector were checked, and all appeared to be working normally. On Monday, the beam optics in the injector chicane region was optimized based on the design, and Operations staff members were able to deliver high current (150 uA) afterward. The Hall B nanoamp beam position monitor system is working well since the lock-in amplifiers were shielded from radiation.

Free-Electron Laser

Last week was the second and final week of hosting the U.S. Particle Accelerator School, with hands-on experience for 12 individuals and with the FEL performing extremely well. The team received feedback from the school organizer that using the FEL for this course had been a huge success.

Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new review article <arXiv:1101.2482> on generalized parton distributions and their experimental studies at JLab has been compiled by Theory Center staff and experimentalists from France. In particular, experiments on Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering performed in Halls A and B are discussed, and plans for DVCS and deeply virtual meson production at 12 GeV are outlined.


The next scheduled presentation in the Engineering Division Professional Development Program has been moved to the CEBAF Center auditorium due to overwhelming demand for the course. The Cycle Design/Carnot Analysis lecture will be presented by Rao Ganni on Feb. 8 at 1:30 p.m. Advance registration is required.

JLab Calendar of Events

Feb. 5: Va. Regional High School Science Bowl
Feb. 7: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Feb. 9: Nanotubes Colloquium and Public Lecture
Feb. 21: Presidents Day holiday: JLab closed
Feb. 23-25: Excited Hadronic States and the Deconfinement Transition Workshop
Feb. 28: Safety Shoe vendor onsite




Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Proper Work Planning Alteration
Most JLab employees and users know that work must be pre-planned and completed following the plan. Recently, a job that required a ladder was planned. However, upon arriving at the site, the workers found shield blocks had been stacked in the way. Rather than just continuing by climbing the ladder and working on top of the blocks, which would have been an unsafe practice, they stopped what they were doing and reassessed the hazards and how to do the work safely.
The options were moving the blocks or obtaining a scissor-lift or cherry picker so that they could access the work area properly. They chose using the lift option and went to obtain one. They also revised the work-planning document to reflect the need for a lift and added a safety reminder that fall protection is required when using the lift. Job well done!

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

JLab_guest Wireless Change On the Way
At 7 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 7, the 'jlab_guest' wireless network will be upgraded from WEP to WPA2 Personal (WPA2-PSK). If you plan to use this network following the upgrade, visit the Computer Center website for details on how to reconfigure 'jlab_guest' on your device after the upgrade. If you have any questions, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.

New Mathematica and Maple Versions Available in CUE
Mathematica 8 and Maple 14 are now available in the CUE Linux /apps areas. To use the new versions, type 'use mathematica/8' or 'use maple/14' from the command line. Then start either mathematica or maple as normal to get the new version. If you have questions or run into difficulties using this process, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.


Big Game Tailgate Lunch in Quark Cafe on Friday, Feb. 4
Support your team and enjoy tailgate favorites at lunch in the Quark Cafe, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Steel a Pittsburgh prima sandwich or pack a Green Bay bratwurst with sauerkraut. Add a 1/4 chili cheese dog, chicken wings, french fries or onion rings to round out your meal. The cafeteria will also offer additional lunch fare; for details, see the weekly menu.

Plan Your JLab Tour Now
As spring nears and temperatures rise, interest in tours of JLab also increases. If you or an organization that you represent is considering a tour for a few or many individuals, remember to contact Public Affairs first. All tours of JLab are approved and coordinated by Public Affairs, and at least a two-week advance notice is requested. Tours are scheduled Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. If you are interested in discussing a tour, contact Michelle Lechman. For more information about tours, you can also visit the website tours page.

Onsite TIAA-CREF Counseling Offered
TIAA-CREF will offer individual counseling sessions onsite on Feb. 17, April 1, May 19-20. In these sessions, employees can discuss their personal financial situation with a TIAA-CREF consultant on a confidential basis. To discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings or to schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF individual consultant, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.

Colloquium: Nanotubes - 20 Years and Into the Future
Since the 1991 publication of the seminal paper describing the carbon nanotube, thousands of researchers have explored nanotubes' properties and potential applications. Few realize, however, that carbon’s immediate neighbors on the periodic chart, boron and nitrogen, can also form perfect nanotubes. Mike Smith of NASA Langley Research Center will describe the discovery of a new method for making BNNTs that was developed at JLab’s FEL. For applications from space elevators to nuclear physics, Smith will explore the possibility that better nanotubes have finally arrived in a Feb. 9 colloquium in the CEBAF Center auditorium at 4 p.m.