12 GeV Upgrade
The first 12 GeV Hall C magnet, Q1, which arrived in January, has been installed on the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) carriage and connected to its cryogenic, power, and control systems. Following a checkout of those services, this superconducting magnet is now being cooled-down in preparation for its final acceptance tests. Close on its heels is the Horizontal Bend (HB) magnet, which is in its final week of construction at Michigan State University. The remaining three SHMS magnets are making steady progress, with the two coils for the dipole having been bonded together, and the final two (of eight) Q2 and Q3 coils now on the winding machines. On the SHMS, the calorimeters have been installed, and now the stands and frames for the remaining detectors have been trial-fitted in the shield house to assure that detector installations may proceed smoothly. Cables for the detectors are being installed now, as are the floor scales that provide experimenters with a precise measurement of the spectrometer angle.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles Feb. 16-21
- I. P. Fernando and J. L. Goity. "Baryon spin-flavor structure from an analysis of lattice QCD results of the baryon spectrum." Phys. Rev. D 91 036005 (2015).
- P. Kneisel, G. Ciovati, P. Dhakal, K. Saito, W. Singer, X. Singer, G.R. Myneni. "Review of ingot niobium as a material for superconducting radiofrequency accelerating cavities." Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 774 133 (2015).
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
JSA Minority/Female Undergraduate Research Assistantship
Jefferson Lab is seeking candidates for a Research Assistantship. JSA will provide funds to support a junior or senior level student at the university during the 2015-2016 academic year. This project is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program, a commitment from the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied Technologies. These funds support programs, initiatives, and activities that further the scientific outreach, promote the science, education and technology of the Jefferson Lab and benefit the lab’s extended user community in ways that complement the lab’s basic and applied research missions. In recent years, students have used the funds to aid the exploration of 3D printed scintillator detectors for the study of field emission in accelerating cavities, as well as a presentation at the SESAPS conference on work done on the PrimEx-II Collaboration. Nominations will be accepted through April 17. For more information, visit the website.
2014 JSA Thesis Prize Nominations Accepted
The Users Group Board of Directors is now accepting nominations for the 2014 JSA Thesis Prize for the best Jefferson Lab-related thesis. The prize is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program. A complete package requires a nomination letter by a senior scientist giving the name and institution of the person being nominated and the names of three people who will send letters of recommendation, along with a copy of the thesis. All materials must be submitted electronically. The three letters of recommendation must be sent before the deadline. Theses completed during the calendar year 2014 are eligible, as well as theses completed during the last quarter of 2013 (if they haven't been submitted before). All materials must be sent by email to Lorelei Chopard by the nomination deadline of March 2. If you have any questions about the prize, contact John Arrington.
JSA Accepting Applications for 2015-16 Sabbatical Leave Support Program
Jefferson Science Associates is currently accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Sabbatical Leave Support Program for academic year 2015-16 at Jefferson Lab. The JSA/JLab Sabbatical Leave Support Program is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund. Materials should be submitted via email to jsaprograms@sura.org with the subject line "JSA Sabbatical Support" by March 2. See the full announcement.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
A new paper presents a method to study 0-to-2 and 1-to-2 transition amplitudes directly from lattice QCD. This method will allow for future studies of meson photoproduction, heavy meson and resonance decays, and deuteron photo-disintegration, among other phenomenologically important processes. The paper discusses an example of relevance to Jefferson Lab, N+γ → (N+π, N+η, N+η', Σ+K, Λ+K), where two-body, coupled channels are accommodated.
The Alignment group has been busy finishing up the work in all the halls and CEBAF Accelerator to get ready for lock-up and running. Some of the activities in the past five weeks were:
- Measurement of the accelerator control network to track seasonal tunnel movements;
- Line D beam position monitor alignment;
- Injector bubble chamber in line 5D alignment;
- Alignment of IHA2C04 wire scanner;
- Alignment of radiofrequency cavities and troubleshooting of problems with MYA6T01 in the southwest extraction area;
- Hall D solenoid was aligned;
- Hall A target was aligned;
- Hall C spectrometer pointing plates were installed and positioned;
- And fiducialization of: Hall D's target, scattering chamber, goniometer crystal and start counter; Hall B's skewed quad, silicon vertex tracker hub, SVT spool piece, the High Threshold Cherenkov Counter detector assembly and CCM003 cryostat; and Hall A's electron detector, target cells, sieve slits and collimators.
Additionally, multiple surveys were carried out in Hall B's Torus factory for CCM003, CCM004 and CCM005 vacuum jackets coil case assemblies. |
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
Proper Use of Home Pesticides
With spring just around the corner, many people will soon be buying a wide variety of products for the yard and gardens, such as pesticides. Here are some products and indications to avoid:
- A couple of these items to be on alert for are illegal products to put on your pet, such as alternates or improperly labelled Advantage or Frontline. Most of these are from overseas and will have only metric units, which may lead to improper dosing.
- Another hazard is labelled Miraculous Chalk or Chinese Chalk for insects. The label on this products often indicates it is safe, but it really is very hazardous. It looks very much like sidewalk chalk used by children.
- A product used for rodent control called "Tres Pasitos" is composed of a chemical called aldicarb. A very small amount can affect the nervous and respiratory systems. The name is often translated as "three little steps,” referring to how fast it will kill an animal. Why use it around small children?
- Most of the products sold in major retailers carry an Environmental Protection Agency registration number and warning on how to use and not use that particular product. Smaller stores or road-side stands many times will have illegal or imported chemicals they purchased cheap and sell cheap. These types of products will have little or no manufacturer information or other warnings, so beware of these products and check for the EPA number.
Jefferson Lab employees have had training about reading and understanding a chemical hazard and properties. Never buy a product to use around your family and pets when there are no warning or instructions on the label, and always follow the label directions to use safely.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Annual Computer User Account Audit Continues
The IT Division has begun the annual computer user account audit. All supervisors and sponsors of employees/users with computer accounts at Jefferson Lab are required to review and re-authorize accounts by close of business on Monday, March 16. This audit is a critical part of maintaining an appropriate level of cyber security at Jefferson Lab. You can begin the audit through the "User Audit" link under the Personal Information section on Insight. If you need assistance during the audit, contact Chris Williamson, x6245.
Jefferson Lab Benefits Open Enrollment Ends Monday
The 2015 Benefits Open Enrollment continues through March 2 for all Jefferson Lab regular and term employees for the April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016 benefit year. This is the time of the season for you to review and, if necessary, modify your benefits options. The enrollment will remain a default benefits enrollment, which means that if you are not changing benefits, selecting a medical option outside of the default health plan, and do not enroll in a Flexible Spending Account, you do not need to re-enroll. If you plan to make changes to your current benefit elections; to participate for the first time in a Medical Care or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Plan; or continue your enrollment in a Medical Care or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Plan, you will need to access the Employee Self Service System. You can find updated information on all of your enrollment options on the Human Resources Benefits webpage.
2015 Annual T-Shirt Design Contest Is Underway
Will your design be immortalized in a Jefferson Lab T-shirt? Jefferson Lab's Annual T-shirt Design Contest is underway! This year represents the 30th anniversary for both the T-Shirt design and the Run-A-Round (where the winner will be presented). Entries are due before close of business on Monday, March 23. Each submission should include a front (pocket) and back design. "Jefferson Lab," "DOE," "JSA, LLC," and "2015" must be included in the design. Resubmission of previous non-winning designs is welcome. To enter, submit your design, username, division and telephone (contact) number to Mary Jo Bailey, x7277, Mail Stop 6B. The JAG webpage provides more information and a complete list of rules and submission requirements. The lab community will vote on designs March 30-April 10.
Your Role as a Jefferson Lab Fleet Vehicle Driver
As a vehicle operator, it is up to you to drive safely and sensibly to avoid crashes, and employees who use Jefferson Lab fleet vehicles are no exception. A list of safe-driving tips has been posted for all Jefferson Lab fleet drivers. In addition, fleet drivers can benefit from free online defensive driver training. The General Services Administration offers the National Safety Council’s Online Defensive Driving Course in a four-hour course designed to provide convenient training. Drivers analyze real driving, spot driving hazards and identify the correct defenses. Upon completion, students receive a water-marked certificate from the National Safety Council, which, in many states may be used to lower insurance rates.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Feb. 18-March 2: Benefits Open Enrollment
Feb. 26-27: International Committee on Future Accelerators meeting
March 7: Va. Regional Middle School Science Bowl
March 12-14: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
March 16: Safety Shoe Vendor on-site
March 23: Annual T-Shirt Contest entry deadline
March 26: E-Commerce Vendor Fair