Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs February 3, 2010

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
February 3, 2010

12 GeV Upgrade

Two significant tasks were completed for 12 GeV civil construction. The 5-ton bridge crane was installed in the Central Helium Liquefier building addition. The floor slab for Hall D was placed with approximately 900 cubic yards of concrete (see photos at With more than 100 trucks of concrete to place, the operation was done in two, 24-hour sequences. The first sequence started at 2 p.m. on Jan. 26., and the second sequence started at 8 p.m. on Jan. 28. For proper curing of the concrete, the temperature around the slab was monitored around the clock and maintained above 50 F with the use of propane heaters and blankets.


The Injector Two Wein Flipper project passed its final vacuum leak check. Final alignment of new components was completed. Restoration began of beamline components previously removed for the INJTWF project. The leaking cryomodule at NL06 was removed to the Test Lab. Its replacement will be the C-50 cryomodule originally scheduled to go in the South Linac. New waveguide installations were completed [needed for the additional cryomodules planned as part of the 12 Gev Upgrade]. The chiller loop glycol leak was fixed. A site power loss was attributed to the weekend snow storm.

Free-Electron Laser

FEL staff continued to explore possible options for the JLAMP design and are narrowing options that preserve infared/ultraviolet capabilities. Stabilization of the drive laser phase has been achieved to 0.5 degrees of phase. There has been a delay in setting up the new cryomodule.

Theory Center

Challenging high-performance computations of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) on the lattice are required to predict the internal structure of the proton from first principles. A recent publication <arXiv:1001.3620 [hep-lat]> provides results and detailed discussions of electromagnetic charge radii, form factors, the spin and angular momentum decomposition and other quantities accessible from moments of vector and axial vector generalized parton distribution functions (GPDs). Higher precision and more realistic pion masses (down to 290 MeV) are complemented by extrapolations to the physical point, testing a variety of chiral expansion schemes and comparing to experimental values.

JLab's Safety Numbers

12 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
12 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)

JLab Calendar of Events

Feb. 6: Virginia Regional High School Science Bowl
Feb. 9: Science Series Lecture: A TACT-ful Chemical Musical
Feb. 15: Presidents Day holiday - JLab closed
Feb. 25: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
March 2: Science Series Lecture: Restoration of the USS Monitor
March 6: Virginia Regional Middle School Science Bowl
March 25: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite




Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

Walking on slippery surfaces (such as snow and ice) can put you at risk for slips and falls. This is particularly true when slippery conditions caused by ice and melting snow are infrequent. Interestingly, demographics on slips and falls show that elderly women are most frequently injured, along with a significant fraction of young men (age group 20-29).

JLab has a snow removal plan that ensures that pathways from parking lots to main building entrances are cleared of snow and ice. Use these cleared pathways to access your work space. Main building entrances have buckets of sand that are available to spread on slippery surfaces. Remember to be cautious even after you enter a building, because saturated floor mats can lead to slippery floors. Contact your Safety Warden if you need support to mitigate local slippery conditions and Facilities Management (ext. 7400) and Logistics for snow and ice clearing.  

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Using a Personal Cell Phone as a Pager
JLab staff and users who carry a pager and/or who have a personal cell phone and would like to receive pages now have the option of receiving pages on their personal cell phones via text messages. If you would like to use this service, e-mail the Helpdesk and provide your cell phone number and the name of your cellular service provider (e.g. AT&T, Sprint, Verizon or etc.). Note that this service is provided as a convenience to eliminate the need to carry multiple devices and to extend paging to the broader lab community. The lab does not reimburse for messaging expenses and cannot guarantee coverage or signal quality.

Pages can be sent from the laboratory's main search page or e-mail addressed using the format Other paging methods, including directly dialing 584-xxxx, will not work with text-message paging.


General Access RWP Signature Deadline Past
If you are a radiation worker, you should have already signed the General Access Radiological Work Permit for 2010-2011. If not, you have lost your ability to gain access to the accelerator site through the security gate. To access the RWP, open document number KD0003 on the web-based training page.

Follow Procedure when Moving Hazardous Materials at JLab
DOE now requires all of its facilities, including JLab, to write its own procedure for transporting Hazardous Materials onsite or to follow 49CFR parts 171 to 180. JLab chose to write its own plan: Standard Operating Procedure FML-09-001-SOP, Transportation of Hazardous Materials. Everyone at JLab - staff, users and subcontractors - must follow this SOP any time they are transporting or moving hazardous materials onsite. To access this SOP, go to the JLab ESH&Q webpage and look down the column on the left for Work Control Documents. A pdf of the SOP and the long form of this memo is also posted online.

Get Ready for the Big Game at Quark Cafe's Tailgate Party
Show support for your favorite team while enjoying tailgate party food at the Quark Cafe on Friday, Feb. 5. To celebrate, the menu will feature New Orleans Muffaletta and Indianapolis Breaded Pork sandwiches. Other choices include wings, mini-burgers, French fries, onion rings and chips. Lunch at Quark Cafe runs from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Food and beverage items may be purchased together in Lunch Combos or a la carte. The weekly Quark Cafe menu is posted online.

Quark Cafe Recharge Wednesdays
The Quark Cafe is now open for Recharge Wednesdays – a snack break every Wednesday from 3-4 p.m. Each week will feature a new snack special. In addition to the weekly special, a wide variety of snacks and treats will be available every week, including fresh fruit, chips, granola bars and cereal, cookies and dessert items, trail mix snacks, candy, yogurt and other dairy-case items. Beverage choices will include espresso, coffee, and fountain and bottled drinks. Stop by today to check out this new service and purchase a late afternoon pick-me-up.

TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling
TIAA-CREF is offering individual counseling sessions, during which you can discuss your personal financial situation with a TIAA-CREF consultant on a confidential basis. These sessions will be available in the VARC building on Feb. 25, March 26 and April 30. To discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings or to schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF Individual Consultant, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET).