12 GeV Upgrade
Phase 2 of the Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR) is complete. It was held during the last week of January by reviewers from across the DOE community. The goal of Phase 2 of the ARR was twofold: to determine Jefferson Lab’s readiness for the safe and effective delivery of multi-pass continuous wave (CW) beam to Hall A and provide multi-pass tune beam to the Hall D Tagger Vault. Phase 2 followed the same format as Phases 1A and 1B, with both presentations and walk-through inspections of work locations. Despite the schedule changes due to inclement weather that week, the committee’s report stated that it as able to “visit all the areas of the accelerator facility and experimental halls critical to this review, and were able to meet and talk with key personnel.” The committee noted that there is some work that remains to deliver multi-pass CW beam to Hall A, but it is “well defined and the work is progressing.” The committee noted that preparations for beam to the Hall D Tagger Vault were not as advanced as Hall A. Jefferson Lab’s internal work control and tracking processes will be used for managing the remaining work. Local ARR Team members will report to the ARR Committee when the requirements have been met for both Hall A and the Hall D Tagger. This is consistent with the previous phases of the ARR.
Apply Now for the JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program
JSA will award fellowships to qualified doctoral students at SURA member universities for research related to the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) in Newport News, Virginia. Each fellowship will provide the awardee's home institution with a $10,000 stipend (~half of a normal academic year research assistant stipend). Application materials are due by March 5. For more information, see the website or contact Elizabeth Lawson.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
A new method has been developed that allows one to analytically calculate the evolution of distribution amplitudes, the basic functions that accumulate information about the quark momentum necessary to describe hard exclusive processes in Quantum Chromodynamics. In many important cases, the initial distributions are singular: they may have jumps and cusps at some points inside the support region or have non-zero values at the end-points. The usual method of expansion in oscillating Gegenbauer polynomials requires an infinite number of terms in order to handle such singularities, while the new method produces smooth curves from the start and needs only one or two iterations to obtain a reliable result.
The Alignment group has been working in all of the experimental halls recently. In Hall A, the group has been working on final alignment of beamline components and the beam pipe through the Compton area. In Hall B, a survey of the Forward Time-of-Flight panels on the forward carriage has been completed. In Hall C, a survey to characterize the features of the Super High Momentum Spectrometer carriage was carried out. In Hall D, the group continues to support the ongoing magnetic mapping of the Tagger magnet. In the magnetic measurement facility, refurbishment of the spare YB and the Hall C BE magnets is being carried out.
JLab Calendar of Events
Feb. 17: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Feb. 18: JSA's E-Commerce Vendor Fair
Feb. 20-22: GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Feb. 21-22: Hall C Collaboration Meeting
March 1: Va. Regional Middle School Science Bowl
March 5-8: CLAS Collaboration Meeting
March 13-15: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
March 17-21: EIC14 Workshop
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Walking on Icy Surfaces
Now is time to give thought to safe walking during icy conditions. It's easy to overlook the degree of risk that comes with ambulation during icy conditions. We should all be fundamentally paranoid about walking on ice. For instance, broken hips are associated with a double-digit death rate during the year after they occur. Many of us take prescription blood thinners; these are life-saving medications, but they turn a slip on the ice into a truly life-threatening accident. To minimize risk:
Don't walk outdoors unless necessary.
Carry as few objects, such as briefcases and purses, as necessary.
Don't walk distracted (while using a hand held device or carry on a conversation).
Look at your feet continuously. This alone is highly protective because it forces you to think about the act of walking.
Keep your weight over your feet by taking tiny, meticulous steps.
Touch surrounding objects, such as cars and walls, for stability.
Use a walking stick when possible.
Use a set of over-shoes for walking in slippery conditions.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Computer User Audit Begins Soon
The annual Computer User Account Audit will begin on Monday, Feb. 17. All supervisors and sponsors of users with computer accounts at Jefferson Lab are required to review and re-authorize these accounts. This audit is a critical part of maintaining an appropriate level of cyber security at Jefferson Lab. If you sponsor someone with a computer user account at Jefferson Lab, you will receive an email on Feb. 17 with information on how to complete your user audit. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this audit, contact Jessica A. Perry, x7262.
JList Upgraded
The JList application has been upgraded. If you would like to learn more about the new JList application, an information session will be held in CEBAF Center room F113 on Thursday, Feb. 6, 9-10:30 a.m. If you have any questions or concerns about the new JList, make plans to attend the information session or contact Mike Staron.
Vendor Fair
All members of the Jefferson Lab community are invited to the annual JSA E-Commerce Vendor Fair scheduled for 9 a.m.–1 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18. The theme is safety, so come ready to ask vendors about their safety information, supplies and equipment. Vendor displays and tables will be set up in the CEBAF Center atrium and room F113. Refreshments will be available throughout the day. If you have any questions or concerns about this event, contact Renee Carter.
Monthly Tornado Siren Test Set for Friday
Jefferson Lab's tornado warning siren will undergo its monthly operational test at 10:30 a.m on Friday, Feb. 7. Depending on weather conditions at the time of the test, the siren may be heard by anyone within a 1.5-mile radius of the lab. Don't respond to the siren; this is a test of the siren system and not a personnel response exercise. If this were an actual Tornado Warning, this message would direct you to take cover immediately in a Severe Wind Take Cover area. The areas for individual buildings can be found online (see "Emergency Evac Plan" for your building).
Kudos to Blood Drive Participants
Jefferson Lab donors made a significant contribution to the American Red Cross with January's Blood Drive! A total of 28 productive pints were collected, although short of the goal of 41. All who donated will be entered into a drawing for prizes from the American Red Cross. If your name is drawn, you will be contacted by Johnie Banks. See more on We Hear That...
Tracking Thomas at Jefferson Lab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the Jefferson Lab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.
Dick Owen, Doug Higinbotham and Mike Fowler correctly guessed the location for Jan. 30. Check out Tracking Thomas on flickr for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.