Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs January 16, 2013

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
January 16, 2013


In Hall C, cutting of the Short Orbit Spectrometer shield house has started, and approximately half of the roof has been removed. In addition, installation of the rails for the Super High Momentum Spectrometer has begun.

The Great Spring Cleanup is Underway
As you are aware, JLab has a very diverse collection of scientists and users who share office, storage and technical space. Over the past several years, as organizations have come and gone, a significant amount of unclaimed property has accrued. This property (consisting of old computing equipment, file cabinets, books and documents, among other things) is distributed throughout the lab and has grown in size to the point that it is impacting the availability of user space. Users who have materials at the Lab and will not be here to claim them before the Users Group Meeting, or who have office items you would like to temporarily store, should contact Lorelei Chopard of the User Liaison Office, (757) 269-6388. More information can be found on the Users Group wiki.

JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program
JSA, LLC, is now accepting applications for the 2013- 2014 JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program. JSA will award fellowships to qualified doctoral students at SURA member universities for JLab-related research. Each fellowship will provide the awardee's home institution with a $10,000 stipend (~half of a normal academic year research assistant stipend). The awardee's home institution must agree to provide the remaining research assistant stipend from institutional or research funds. An additional $2,000 supplemental stipend is provided to the awardee's home institution for the graduate student. Conference travel support is also available. For more information and an application, visit the web page. The application deadline is Feb. 26.

JSA/JLab Sabbatical and Research Leave Support Program
JSA is now accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program. JSA will award living expenses up to $1,500 per month for up to twelve months to qualified faculty members to relocate to the Hampton Roads area to conduct full-time research at JLab while on an approved sabbatical or research leave. The program enhances research opportunities for faculty through access to JLab facilities and interaction with lab researchers and users, strengthens the teaching and research capabilities of universities through faculty involvement, and strengthens the research programs of the lab by attracting and integrating university faculty members in the lab's programs. Applicants must be regular, tenured or non-tenured, faculty from a university associated with JLab. For more information and an application, visit the web page. The application deadline is Feb. 26. Support for awards made for this period may begin as early as June 2013.

Free-Electron Laser

Preparing for operations last week, the FEL staff completed MIRAM curves for all 24 klystrons and loaded the values into the control electronics to mitigate against premature device failure. FEL staffers have been working with the lab Quality Assurance program to ensure FEL compliance with configuration management requirements. JLab worked this week with an audit to maintain its OHSAS 18001 compliance. Michelle Shinn presented "Exploring the Structure of Matter," at the Second Tuesday Forum at the Commodore Theatre in Portsmouth.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

Members of the Theory Center, in collaboration with researchers in India and the University of Maryland, computed the excited state spectra for the baryons that can be constructed from the light up and down and the heavier strange quarks using lattice QCD. The pattern of the low-lying states revealed a straightforward counting, reflecting a simple symmetry in spin, flavor and color, based on the group SU(6) x O(3). They also found many states in which the gluons played an essential structure role, analogous to "hybrids" in mesons.


Hall D Cryogenics Design and Installation
All piping and electrical systems have been completed and commissioned. The cooldown of the solenoid using the liquid nitrogen heat exchanger was started on Dec. 19, and the four coils are currently parked at 85 Kelvin. The compressor and refrigerator systems are currently undergoing commissioning, and staffers are working through some associated problems with the used compressors.

Central Helium Liquefier-2 Warm Compressor and Warm Gas/Oil/Water/Air Management Systems
The clean up and commissioning cycle of these systems has begun. Commissioning is set to begin in about two weeks.

CHL2 300K-4.5K Cold Box Systems
The field instrumentation cabling is undergoing checkout. Work continues on the tie-in piping, and Linde Kryotechnik personnel are expected to return to continue work.

CHL1 and Linac Summer Shutdown
Maintenance was completed on the CHL1 systems. A recent flow test of the new cooling tower water pumps revealed a leak in a section of underground waterline at the CHL and that the freeze plugs in several vacuum pumps must be replaced. A plan is being formulated to address these issues.

End Station Refrigerator and Cryogenic Test Facility Refrigerator
The CTF cryogenic plant was restarted just before the holidays and is operating normally.

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Snow Shoveling at JLab

Snow is not a routine event at JLab. But when it does snow, some people try to help make the sidewalks safe by taking it upon themselves to shovel the snow. Often the snow in Newport News is very heavy. Shoveling heavy snow places a person at increased risk for back injury. Other problems, such as heart attack, can also stem from shoveling.

For the safety of all JLab staff and the Facilities Snow Removal Team, do not arrive at the lab before the announced lab opening following a snow storm. Facilities Management has contract snow removal services to make JLab safely accessible. However, there may be places that the snow or ice has not been yet removed when you arrive for work. If you find such an area that needs attention and there is a sand bucket, you can spread sand on the slippery surfaces.

If there is an area of immediate hazard, submit a Facilities Work Order, mark it as Urgent, and then follow up with a call to x7400.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

JLab ISDN Video Conferencing Is Changing
The lab's legacy ISDN (phone-based) video conferencing system will be discontinued on July 1 as part of the phone system upgrade. This affects only video conferences set up over ISDN phone lines; it has no effect on video conferences over the network. If you have ISDN video requirements beyond this date, contact the IT Division Helpdesk for assistance in transitioning to a newer system.


JLab Records Management for Everyone
Every JLab employee handles JLab records in his or her daily work-related activities. A record is any document, in any format, created or received in the course of business at JLab. If you need guidance or assistance in managing your JLab records, the Records Management web page is a valuable resource for more information.

Onsite Blood Drive Set for Friday, Jan. 25
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 25, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center Room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. Appointments and walk-ins are welcome. To schedule an appointment, contact Johnie Banks, x7539.
Onsite Blood Drive Set for Friday, Jan. 25
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 25, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center Room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. Appointments and walk-ins are welcome. To schedule an appointment, contact Johnie Banks, x7539.

Reminder: General Access RWP Available for Signature
If you have a radiation badge and have not yet done so, be sure to review and sign the General Access RWP as soon as possible; the deadline was Dec. 31. SOTRs are asked to remind their vendors/subcontractors who have Radiation Worker training of this requirement. If you have any questions regarding the RWP, contact Becky Mosbrucker, x7236.

Dog-Friendly Landscaping Tips and Therapy Dog Class
Do you think your dog has what it takes to become a therapy dog? Or does your dog dig up your freshly planted pansies every chance he gets? Join the JAG Dog Training Club on Friday, Feb. 8, for a lunchtime meeting to find out about these two contradictions! Michael Andruczyk, Virginia Tech Cooperative Extension Agent, will give a lunchtime talk on "Gardening with Dogs." After Mr. Andruczyk's talk, the JAG Dog Training Club will pass out information on the upcoming Canine Good Citizen/Therapy Dog class, which will begin in mid-February. Bring a bag lunch and join us in the BEAMS classrooms, Support Service Center Rooms 72A/B at noon. For more information, contact Joyce Miller, x7163 or Brian Kross, x7022.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.

Congratulations this week go to Sue Witherspoon and Michael Haddox-Schatz, who were the first to correctly identify the location for Jan. 9. Honorable mentions go to Samika Hawkins, Pam Turk and Robert Martin. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Calendar of Events

Jan. 21: Martin Luther King Day holiday - JLab closed
Jan. 25: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Jan. 28: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Feb. 2: Virginia Regional High School Science Bowl
Feb. 11: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Feb. 25: Safety Shoe vendor onsite