Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
January 20, 2010
12 GeV UpgradeThe first Barrel Calorimeter (BCAL) module for Hall D is being measured for uniformity and optical properties at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. The second module has been stacked and machined to tolerance. The third module is being stacked on a second production table, which enables two modules to be assembled in parallel. Optical tests for the preferred BCAL read-out system, silicon photomultiplier arrays, have successfully concluded using prototypes from one vendor. Further testing, including prototypes from a second vendor, is planned. The Hall D forward drift chamber (FDC) preproduction prototype has been assembled and is undergoing testing in the cosmic ray stand at JLab. A set of 40 preamp cards using a custom ASIC chip designed for the FDC read-out is being procured for extended testing of this detector. PhysicsThe eighth and final coil of the Q-weak toroid magnet has been installed in Hall C. After final alignment and connection of the 10,000 Amp power supply, the magnet will be tested and mapped. The Hall C Users meeting will be held this Friday and Saturday. Speaker Nomination for the 2010 DNP Fall Meeting Summer 2010 SULI Program Applications Due JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program AcceleratorWork continued in the injector with the completion of the A1-A2 girder bakeout. The maintenance on the 40 MVA substation by Dominion Power took a little longer than anticipated due to a failed load switch that had to be replaced. The Low-Conductivity Water controls upgrade in the North Access Building was completed. LCW pipe welding continued in the tunnel. The cooling tower pump motor and several fan motors had to be replaced. The cryomodule previously at 2L21 was removed and placed in the FEL. Northeast stub dump demolition continued. The Central Helium Liquefier started the cooldown cycle of the Standby Refrigerator. Free-Electron LaserA new module has been brought to FEL Zone 3 that should provide an additional 20 MeV of energy to the beam. This is expected to improve FEL performance at short wavelengths. The FEL team received informal notification of two Joint Technology Office awards. One involves North Carolina University at Charlotte on mirrors. The second is with Argonne National Lab and Brookhaven National Lab, among others, on accelerator studies. Also, the team has formally submitted a Field Work Proposal to DOE for the JLAMP Soft X-ray FEL. Theory CenterNucleon properties are investigated in a new lattice QCD simulation <arXiv:1001.1131 [hep-lat]> using a novel method involving background electric fields. Employing an ensemble of anisotropic gauge configurations with dynamical clover fermions, magnetic moments and electric polarizabilities are determined for both the neutron and proton. A current limitation, however, is the restriction of the simulations to electrically neutral sea quarks, which will be relaxed in future studies. JLab's Safety Numbers 62 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331) JLab Calendar of Events Jan. 20: Colloquium and Public Lecture
Environment, Safety, Health & QualityA great approach to planning work safely is to ask yourself: "what is most likely to cause my next injury on the job?" Answering this question yourself or during a 'toolbox' safety discussion can often bring overlooked hazards up for discussion. Human error is responsible for 80 percent of all Army aviation accidents. Army aviators use a self assessment tool for evaluating their awareness of their most likely accident and what measures are in place to prevent it. Their self assessment evaluates individual willingness to meet standards, willingness of line management to 'manage' performance to standards, training to those standards and task-specific training, and support (supplies, tools or equipment) for the task. Ask yourself what your most likely injury is on the job and how you can adjust your personal practices, encourage those you supervise and plan for success with that knowledge. Computing and Networking Infrastructure IT Helpdesk Hours Attention JLab Smartcard Users CNI Maintenance Day Set for Jan. 26, 5-10 p.m. Announcements General Access RWP Available for Signature Colloquium and Public Lecture Red Cross Blood Drive at JLab Jan. 22 Volunteers Needed for 2010 Science Bowls Proper Disposal of Non-working UPS Boxes For more information about a specific UPS unit, check the owner's pamphlet or contact the Helpdesk at x7155. For questions regarding excessing and properly disposing of JLab property, contact the Property office at x7348, x6270 or x5972. Linda Even Retirement Celebration Free Public H1N1 Vaccine Clinics Open; It's Not Too Late To Benefit From Shot |