Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
January 8, 2014
12 GeV UpgradeAll sectors of the PreShower Calorimeter for CLAS12 have been mounted on the forward carriage in Hall B. One sector has been connected to the new flash analog-to-digital converters (FADCs), discriminators and high voltage and is being read out. The first three sectors of the Forward Time-of-Flight1-a arrays have also been mounted onto the forward carriage. All of the Region 2 Drift Chambers have been shipped from the Old Dominion University group to Jefferson Lab, and the Region 1 Drift Chambers are complete and planned to be shipped from Idaho State University to Jefferson Lab starting this month. The sixth Region 3 Drift Chamber is now mounted on the stringing fixture at Jefferson Lab and is having guard and tension wires installed prior to the start of field- and then sense-wire stringing. This is the last Drift Chamber sector to be built. The first several production modules of the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) barrel have been assembled and fully tested at Fermilab, with assembly expected to continue until the fall of 2014. The parts for the SVT support structure are now being acquired. The internal frame for the containment vessel for the High Threshold Cerenkov Counter (HTCC) has been assembled, and the carbon-fiber entry dish and related parts added. The first seven coated production mirror segments for the HTCC have arrived and have been tested. They will next be assembled into the first of 12 half-sectors for the HTCC mirror. The mirror refurbishment has also been started for the existing Low Threshold Cerenkov Counter. The practice coil for the Torus magnet is complete at Fermilab and has been test fit into its case; the success of this effort led to the decision to start coil production, which is now underway. Major parts for the Torus are starting to arrive and are expected to continue for another six months. The Torus cryostat factory is set up and being readied to receive the practice coil from Fermilab. The vendor for the Solenoid magnet is focusing on completing calculations for a final design review planned for late February/early March and has been asked to start acquiring the manufacturing tooling to wind the Solenoid coils. PhysicsJefferson Lab Published Articles, Dec. 16 - Jan. 5
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database. APS April Meeting Deadline Nears Center for Theoretical and Computational PhysicsThe unpolarized transverse momentum dependent parton distributions (TMDs) and fragmentation functions have been extracted from HERMES and COMPASS measurements of semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering multiplicities for charged hadron production. A simple factorized functional form of the TMDs is adopted with a Gaussian dependence on the intrinsic transverse momentum. A comparison of the extracted TMDs with previous data from CERN and Jefferson Lab confirms the adequacy of this functional form. JLab Calendar of EventsJan. 13: Safety Shoe vendor onsite |
Environment, Safety, Health and QualityResolving ES&H Concerns
The DOE DPO process ensures that all JSA employees and contractor employees have the right to report environment, safety, and health technical concerns that have not been resolved through routine work processes. Once your concern has been addressed, communicate any lessons learned to your staff, co-workers, supervisors and your Division Lessons Learned Coordinator. ES&H Manual Chapter 2310 offers more information on concern resolution. Announcements GEN034 Annual Security Awareness for Employees & Subcontractors 2014 Holiday Calendar Posted Red Cross Blood Drive Set for Jan. 28 Procedures for Opening PDF Files from Docushare
For additional Docushare help, email JAG Dog Club Rings in New Year with Pet Photography Tips Tracking Thomas at Jefferson Lab Samika Hawkins correctly guessed the location for Dec. 18. Honorable mentions go to Michael Haddox-Schatz, Jonathan Trexler, Silvia Niccolai and Elaine Zuchowicz. Check out Tracking Thomas on flickr for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo. |
JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263. |