12 GeV Upgrade
One of the last civil construction tasks for the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade is the accelerator tunnel air conditioning. Under this contract, installation of the chilled water piping in the tunnel is now complete. Pressure testing of piping segments has begun. With successful pressure tests, the chilled water piping is insulated. Installation of fire sprinkler pipe in the tunnel arcs continues.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
A new paper studies the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) evolution of the Collins azimuthal asymmetries in e+e- annihilation and semi-inclusive hadron production in deep-inelastic scattering (SIDIS) processes. By applying the TMD evolution at the next-to-leading-log order in the Collins-Soper-Sterman formalism, the transversity distributions for u and d quarks and Collins fragmentation functions are extracted from a global analysis of data on the Collins asymmetries in back-to-back di-hadron production in e+e- annihilation (from BELLE and BABAR) and SIDIS (from HERMES, COMPASS, and Jefferson Lab Hall A).
The electrical engineering systems group is working on:
- Dogleg power supply upgrades that include assembly of first article power supply and tunnel cable rework to support higher current operation of the magnets;
- Modifications to variable voltage switch cabinets for the klystron high voltage power supplies;
- Trim magnet and shunt system preventive maintenance;
- Support for Injector upgrades;
- High power testing of 750 MHz separators and cavity measurements and modifications;
- Radiofrequency System Master Oscillator instability investigations;
- RF system preventive maintenance;
- RF cavity helium processing support;
- LERF accelerator recovery preparations;
- Hall harp diagnostic upgrades and maintenance;
- Support for Hall B and C power supply and magnet testing;
- A wide variety of assembly and repair functions in the fabrication shop for many groups;
- Vacuum ion pump power supply and valve control repairs and maintenance;
- Continuing LCLS-II low-level RF system design efforts for SLAC;
- Personnel Safety System installation work for Hall C Super High Momentum Spectrometer detector arm;
- Design efforts on the PSS interface for the LCLS-II solid state RF amplifiers for use at Jefferson Lab; and
- Hall C PLC and PSS network upgrade work.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
July 3: Independence Day holiday observed; Jefferson Lab closed
July 7-10: Program Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC43)
July 15-16: Super BigBite Spectrometer Collaboration Meeting
July 17-18: Hall A/C Summer Collaboration Meeting |
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
Resolving ES&H Concerns
To ensure your welfare and productivity, Jefferson Lab has several mechanisms for employees, or anyone who comes into contact with the lab, to report issues potentially affecting the safety of workers, visitors, lab neighbors or the environment without fear of retaliation or reprisal. ES&H Manual Chapter 2310 lists a variety of mechanisms for resolving and reporting ES&H concerns and for preventing similar concerns from occurring in the future.
Here is a list of the options you have for resolving an ES&H concern:
- If possible, resolve the ES&H concern yourself.
- If you are unable to resolve the concern yourself, refer the concern to your supervisor and management chain using the mechanisms outlined here.
- You may also consult your Safety Warden, Division Safety Officer, your representative to the Worker Safety Committee, or contact an ESH&Q staff member directly for any ES&H concerns you may have.
- If you would like to remain anonymous, or if you feel that it is more appropriate, use Jefferson Lab’s Employee Concerns Program.
- If one or more of the above steps have not resulted in resolution of the concern, or if you feel that it is more appropriate, you may also use the formal DOE Employee Concerns Management System hotline at 800-676-3267.
- Or use this link to the form for the DOE's Differing Professional Opinion (DPO) process also found in DOE Order 442.2 or by calling or emailing the DOE DPO Manager, Scott Davis, at 301-903-9641.
The DOE DPO process ensures that all JSA employees and contractor employees have the right to report environment, safety, and health technical concerns that have not been resolved through routine work processes.
Once your concern has been addressed, communicate any lessons learned to your staff, co-workers, supervisors and your Division Lessons Learned Coordinator. ES&H Manual Chapter 2310 offers more information on concern resolution
Apparel with Jefferson Lab Logo Available for Purchase
Reminder: You may order your own apparel with the Jefferson Lab logo from Lands’ End Business Outfitters. The link is also available on the JAG webpage via the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
Weight Loss Support Group Continues
The group has completed the 12-week weight loss program with invited guest weight-loss experts. However, the Weight Loss Support Group will continue to meet on Thursdays to share recipes, ideas and nutritional information for making healthy food choices. The group believes that nutrition education is a huge part of making healthy choices and living a healthier lifestyle, and you’re invited to bring your lunch and eat with the group at its next meeting on Thursday, July 2, in room 53 of the Support Service Building. The first discussion will encompass the topics of organic, natural, grass fed, pasture finished, GMO and non-GMO, etc. foods - what they are and the nutritional differences. Also, the group will talk about the fruits and vegetables that have the highest pesticide content and how that can be minimized. Anyone seeking to eat the healthiest they can and be happy while doing it with friends that want to be healthy too is invited to participate. For more information, contact Barbara Rice, x7238.
Notes on Personal Dosimeters
The Radiation Control group plans to re-number most of the dosimetry racks in the next few weeks, so the location of your dosimeter on its assigned rack is likely to change. Be sure to check that the dosimeter you are wearing is really yours and not someone else's! If you are not sure of your dosimeter number or rack location, or if you would like to check your dose records or address on file, you can find that information and more in the Dosimetry Online System. If you need to change/update any of this information, email Becky Mosbrucker. Lastly, If you find a dosimeter that looks lost (found in the grass, etc.), inform Becky at x7236.
Graduate Students Sought for Tour Program
The Public Affairs office is seeking graduate students who are interested in working as tour escorts during lab tours. In addition to learning about other areas of the lab, meeting new people and practicing your public speaking skills, students can receive payment for assisting as tour escorts and/or tour subject matter speakers. For more information about this program, see the All-Staff Memo or contact Mike Robbins, x7617.