Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs July 12, 2017

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
July 12, 2017


No publications this week. Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.

Publications Training and Refresher Course Offered
The next Publications Training and Refresher Course will be offered Friday, July 14, at 9:30 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F228. Authors will learn how to submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System, how to make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process, and how to add the relevant information once the paper is published. If you plan to attend, contact Kim Edwards at by Thursday, July 13.

History Archives Photo of the Week
This week's photo of the week features Hall A in October 1992.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will enable next-generation experiments in high-energy electron scattering on light nuclei, in which the spectator protons or neutrons emerging from the nuclear breakup are captured using forward detectors. This setup allows for precise measurements of the quark distributions in the neutron and the effects of nuclear binding on the quark/gluon structure. Recent work has developed the theoretical framework for the analysis of such spectator-tagged measurements with the deuteron (the simplest nucleus, consisting of one proton and one neutron) and calculated the effect of final-state interactions on the nuclear breakup pattern at EIC energies.

Facilities Management and Logistics

Entrance to Jefferson Lab via Rattley Road Closed July 14-15
On Friday and Saturday, July 14-15, the Jefferson Lab entrance at Rattley Road will be closed for road paving. Access to Rattley Road will be closed as of 7 a.m. on Friday, and it isn’t scheduled to re-open until around 5 p.m. on Saturday. During this period, traffic may only access Jefferson Lab via Lawrence Drive. Incoming commuters and delivery trucks may access Lawrence Drive via Hogan Drive or Jefferson Avenue, while all traffic must exit the lab via the Lawrence Dr./Jefferson Ave. exit. SOTRs and other individuals who schedule deliveries are asked to notify their delivery points-of-contact of this temporary road closure and the detour route. If you have questions about this road closure, contact Bob Sperlazza at x6241 or For more information and a map showing open routes, see the full memo.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

July 10-14: PAC45
July 13-14: EIC Detector R&D Meeting
July 14: Director's Welcome Lunch
July 17: Safety Shoe Truck onsite
July 24-26: DOE Science and Technology Review
July 26: SRF2017 Conference Poster Session
Aug. 4: 2017 Summer Interns Poster Session
Aug. 15-17: DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop
Sept. 4: Labor Day holiday: Jefferson Lab closed

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Supervisors, Workers: Know How to Adjust Work When the Heat Index Spikes
Summer temperatures can soar in eastern Virginia. And high temperatures coupled with high humidity can move the Heat Index into the danger zone – especially for people working outdoors or in un-air conditioned areas and for individuals with chronic health issues. Supervisors and workers are encouraged to become familiar with the Heat and Cold Stress Mitigation Program chapter and the Heat Stress Work Cessation Procedure appendix in Jefferson Lab’s ES&H Manual, and to take appropriate actions when necessary.

When the heat index reaches Stages 2, 3 and 4, Facilities Management sends notifications to supervisors and staff who have signed up to receive these notifications; use this link to subscribe to the messages. If you feel ill or begin to experience heat stress symptoms, contact Jefferson Lab's Occupational Medicine department promptly at x7539. For tips to beat the heat and a full list of laboratory information resources on this topic, see the full memo.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

IT Division Maintenance Set for Tuesday, July 18, 5-10 p.m.
The IT Division has scheduled a maintenance period for Tuesday, July 18. During this outage, all MIS systems and applications will be down while the underlying servers are moved into the new Data Center in CEBAF Center. All MIS applications will be back online no later than 10 p.m. In addition, some central services, such as the main name server, ns1, and numerous Wiki and DocDB instances will be down while physical servers are moved into the new Data Center. IT Division staff will strive to be as quick as possible, but some services may be down for an hour or two during the move. Note that the IT Division has provided a redundant set of DNS servers, nsac1 and nsac2, that will remain up and may be used in place of ns1. If you are concerned about DNS services during the maintenance period, reconfigure your servers to use nsac1 and nsac2. The IT Division will also be releasing Windows, Linux and Macintosh patches and updates to managed software, such as Firefox, during the maintenance period. Central services may be down for a short period overnight while these systems are rebooted. Finally, plan on rebooting your desktop system no later than Friday, July 21, to finalize patch installation. If you have any questions or concerns about the work being conducted during this maintenance period, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155.

Major IT Systems Outage Set for Saturday, July 29
The IT Division is planning a major file server and network outage on Saturday, July 29. During the outage, the central file servers will be unavailable while they are moved to a new location. During this outage, there will also be network outages while network systems are also moved to the new location. Further details will be provided in the following weeks, but plan your work accordingly. For more information, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155.


Reminder: Director’s Welcome Lunch Set for Friday
A picnic lunch to welcome Jefferson Lab’s new Director, Stuart Henderson, will be held at the SURA Residence Facility Field on Friday, July 14, noon – 2 p.m. You may find more information about the picnic in the linked announcement.

Quark Cafe to Provide Limited Options During Lunch Period on July 14
The Quark Cafe will be open as usual during the lunch period on Friday, July 14. However, lunch selections will be limited to the salad bar and the “grab and go” case; the sandwich bar and hot bar will not be available. For more information, see the full memo.

Heart of Matter Studies Resonate with Award Winner
You could say that exploring the underpinnings of our everyday world at Jefferson Lab really resonates with Raul Briceno. In fact, he has just been honored by his colleagues for his research on resonances in nuclear matter with the 2017 Kenneth G. Wilson Award for Excellence in Lattice Field Theory. The award citation noted his “groundbreaking contributions to the study of resonances using lattice QCD." Read more here.

Library Plans for Move
As Jefferson Lab prepares to reduce its space in the Applied Research Center later this year, the Library is preparing to move out of the first floor of the ARC. The anticipated new space is expected to be smaller and may not have room for all of the existing materials. As a result, Library staff members are proactively working to reduce the Library’s footprint, while continuing to provide the resources that are needed to drive world-class science at the laboratory. With the help of the Library Committee, Library staff members will be reviewing its holdings and selecting important titles to retain by the end of July. Library staff members will also allow patrons to check out remaining books on an "admin loan" status. If you have any questions about or would like to volunteer for this effort, send an email to

Reminder: Streamlining of Jefferson Lab Internal Communications Tools
The Communications Office remains engaged in efforts to reach its internal audiences as efficiently as possible by streamlining its communications. To that end, you will now receive the majority of internal all-hands memos via MailChimp. This service allows for consistent formatting of messaging from all laboratory entities who may send emails to the Jefferson Lab community. If you are experiencing difficulties receiving these emails via MailChimp, or if you have any questions or concerns about this notice, contact Lauren Hansen at

JSA Initiatives Fund Program Is Accepting Proposals
JSA is soliciting proposals for Initiatives Fund support for the FY17 program from members of the Jefferson Lab user community, Jefferson Lab researchers and staff, and other individuals or groups who can make unique contributions to the lab's research, development, education and technology transfer missions. The Initiatives Fund is provided by the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied Technologies. Proposals are due August 11. For full application information and details, see the full announcement.

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: the Communications Office or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.