Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
July 15, 2009
12 GeV UpgradeThe 12 GeV Accelerator Systems teams continue to focus on placing construction contracts. A contract was awarded for fabrication of the quadrupole magnets for the beam transport system. Review continues for the vendor proposals for "C"-dipoles (used in the spreaders and recombiners) and septa dipoles for the beam transport system. Both of the dipole contracts will include magnets for the extraction system. The contract to build the niobium accelerating cavities for the cryomodule system also was awarded. A design review was held last week for the preliminary installation plan for the accelerator systems. AcceleratorThe Scheduled Accelerator Down continued with maintenance on trim magnets, box power supplies, the personnel safety system, RF (radio frequency) cavities, diagnostic systems and more. A low-conductivity water leak for a trim magnet was found and repaired. On July 9, an Accelerator Hurricane Preparedness drill was conducted. Problems were indentified and addressed. Also on Thursday, there was an oil spill; about one quart of oil was released near the South Access Building cooling tower. The spill was contained and cleaned up in a timely manner. The Gun2 photocathode suitcase bake went well. The load chamber was also good. Pucks were swapped and the suitcase was removed. Free-Electron LaserThe FEL team successfully completed measurements on the Light Pseudoscalar and Scalar Search experiment search for dark matter. Last week, beam time was provided for terahertz measurements and beam characterization in collaboration with a team from Cornell. The FEL was shut down on Thursday and Friday for hardware work on the site power supply and tests of hurricane preparedness. Theory CenterIn their latest paper <arXiv:0907.1060 [hep-ph]>, a collaboration of Theory Center staff and users from Lisbon, Portugal, computed the electromagnetic form factors of the Ω-, which is composed of three strange quarks, and the decuplet baryon magnetic moments using a quark model application of the Covariant Spectator Theory. The predictions for the Q2 dependence of the Ω- electric and magnetic dipole form factors can be tested in the future by comparing with lattice QCD simulations at JLab at the physical strange quark mass. JLab's Safety Numbers 191 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331) JLab Calendar of Events July 13-17: Tunnel Housekeeping
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality ES&H Manual Revision Update and New Content These documents detail how hazard issues at JLab are identified and addressed to ensure continued safe operations. Relevant issues include bloodborne pathogens, fire, various types of Oxygen Deficiency Hazards (ODH), radiation and others. Each line item in the manual lists a Subject Matter Expert (SME) and contact information, along with applicable laws or regulations, DOE guidance, contract clauses and applicable ES&H Manual Chapters. Also included is the procedure for review and determination of new issues and removal of non-relevant material. These revised documents replace: If you have questions, contact Mary Jo Bailey at x7277. Computing and Networking Infrastructure Maintenance Day, Tuesday, July 21, 5-10 p.m. Announcements Last Chance for Cholesterol Screening Keeping an Eye on Hall D Construction TEDF in 3-D American Red Cross Blood Drive |