Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, July 9-15
• M. Abramczyk, S. Aoki, T. Blum, T. Izubuchi, H. Ohki, S. Syritsyn. "Lattice calculation of electric dipole moments and form factors of the nucleon." Physical Review D 96.1 (2017): 014501.
• L. Gamberg, et al. "Phenomenological constraints on A N in p↑ p→ πX from Lorentz invariance relations." Physics Letters B 770 (2017): 242-251.
• C. Bouchard, et al. "On the Feynman-Hellmann theorem in quantum field theory and the calculation of matrix elements." Physical Review D 96.1 (2017): 014504.
• R. Briceño, A. Maxwell, T. Hansen, C.J. Monahan. "The role of the Euclidean signature in lattice calculations of quasi-distributions and other non-local matrix elements." Physical Review D 96.1 (2017): 014502.
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Publications Training and Refresher Course Offered
The next Publications Training and Refresher Course will be offered Thursday, Aug. 10, at 10:30 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F228. The class lasts about 45 minutes. Authors will learn how to submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System, how to make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process, and how to add the relevant information once the paper is published. If you plan to attend, contact Kim Edwards at by Wednesday, Aug. 9.
History Archives Photo of the Week
This week's photo of the week features the arrival of the Gray Ghost II, the first production cryomodule, in 1991.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
A major goal of nuclear theory is to explain the spectra and stability of nuclei in terms of effective many-body interactions amongst the nucleus' constituents - protons and neutrons. A new study shows, using quantum Monte Carlo calculations accurate to ≤ 2% of the binding energy, that two- and three-nucleon chiral interactions lead to predictions for the energy levels and level ordering of nuclei in the mass range A = 4 - 12 in very satisfactory agreement with experimental data. These chiral interactions have been constrained by fitting experimental bound- and scattering-state observables in the two- and three-nucleon sectors only.
Facilities Management and Logistics
Check Stockroom Inventory Before Submitting a Purchase Request
Before submitting a Purchase Request (PR) check the stockroom inventory to see if the item is available. All technical supplies and materials Purchase Requests are vetted by the Supply and Material specialist before being submitted to E-commerce for purchase.
If for some reason you cannot use what is available in the stockroom, or the item is not stocked or in re-utilization (formerly known as free stock), annotate your reason in the "PR Notes block" or send an email to or If you require assistance navigating through the E-commerce/GSS system, call Don Brown in the stockroom, x6297.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
July 24-26: DOE Science and Technology Review
July 26: SRF2017 Conference Poster Session
Aug. 4: 2017 Summer Interns Poster Session
Aug. 11: Red Cross Blood Drive
Aug. 15-17: DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop
Aug. 21: Safety Shoe Truck onsite
Sept. 4: Labor Day holiday: Jefferson Lab closed
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
JLab’s New ESH&Q Building is Open for Business
All of the Environmental, Safety, Health and Quality Division departments scheduled to move into the new ESH&Q Building are settled into their new space. This includes all of the ESH&Q functions that had been on the sixth floor of the ARC, as well as Radiation Control, Industrial Safety and Hygiene, and Emergency Management. Their phone numbers remain the same as before the move. Each person’s new internal mail stop and cubicle number has been updated in JList. Building #52 is located on Hadron Drive, just before entering the Accelerator Site.
Radiation Workers Reminded to Notify RadCon of Medical Radiation Exposures
Background radiation exposure comes from sources we encounter in routine activities - not related to our occupation. It comes from natural and human-made (artificial) sources. A significant source of background radiation can be exposures for medical diagnosis or treatment purposes.
Your radiation dose at Jefferson Lab is gathered for occupational purposes only. But, in some cases, exposure to medical radiation can affect your occupational exposure record. If you are a radiation worker and are administered a medical radiopharmaceutical (usually done by injection), please inform the RadCon dosimetry staff. They have a specific procedure to follow, including gathering information regarding the type and amount of radionuclide used. This helps ensure your occupational dose record is accurate and allows RadCon to assess any impact you may have on the work environment after radiopharmaceutical administration. See full memo online here.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Major IT Systems Outage Set for Saturday, July 29
The IT Division is planning a major file server and network outage on Saturday, July 29. During the outage, the central file servers will be unavailable while they are moved to a new location. During this outage, there will also be network outages while network systems are also moved to the new location. Plan your work accordingly. For more information, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155.
July 26 Poster Session to Highlight JLab Posters Presented at International Conference
On Wednesday, July 26, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Jefferson Lab posters presented at the 18th International Conference on RF Superconductivity will be on display in the CEBAF Center lobby. The lab community is invited to view the posters.
Lab Community Invited to Summer Interns Poster Session on Aug. 4
All members of the Jefferson Lab community are invited to attend the 2017 Summer Interns Poster Session on Friday, August 4, from 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the CEBAF Center lobby.
More than two dozen interns – participants from this year's Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program, and the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program will be presenting the posters they developed based on their work or research projects. The students are eager to answer questions and to discuss their work.
Red Cross Blood Drive at Jefferson Lab Set for Aug. 11
An American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place at Jefferson Lab on Friday, Aug. 11, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center, room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. Walk-ins are welcome. All participation is appreciated. For information on scheduling an appointment and the new Rapid Pass system that can save time at the donation site, see the full memo.
Aug. 14 Class Date Set for New SOTR Training
A training session for new Subcontracting Officer Technical Representatives (GEN020) will take place on Monday, Aug. 14, 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in Room 53 of the Support Service Center, Bldg. 28.
Anyone who has recently been tasked to serve as a SOTR (or will be tasked) on any project at Jefferson Lab is required to attend this training. Attending this class is one part of the certification process for all SOTRs. The registration deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 11. Participants can register in the Learning Management System:
Questions regarding this training or the SOTR certification process may be directed to Mitch Laney, x5338.
Library Plans for Move
As Jefferson Lab prepares to reduce its space in the Applied Research Center later this year, the Library is preparing to move out of the first floor of the ARC. The anticipated new space is expected to be smaller and may not have room for all of the existing materials. As a result, Library staff members are proactively working to reduce the Library’s footprint, while continuing to provide the resources that are needed to drive world-class science at the laboratory. With the help of the Library Committee, Library staff members will be reviewing its holdings and selecting important titles to retain by the end of July. Library staff members will also allow patrons to check out remaining books on an "admin loan" status. If you have any questions about or would like to volunteer for this effort, send an email to
JSA Initiatives Fund Program Is Accepting Proposals
JSA is soliciting proposals for Initiatives Fund support for the FY17 program from members of the Jefferson Lab user community, Jefferson Lab researchers and staff, and other individuals or groups who can make unique contributions to the lab's research, development, education and technology transfer missions. The Initiatives Fund is provided by the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied Technologies. Proposals are due Aug. 11. For full application information and details, see the full announcement.
Weather Forecast Indicates Heat Indices of 103-110 Degrees in Coming Days
The National Weather Service expects extremely hot and humid conditions across the region, beginning Thursday and lasting through the weekend. Daytime high temperatures will climb into the mid to upper 90s to around 100 degrees. Heat indices will range from 103 to 108 degrees by Friday. For Saturday and Sunday, heat indices will jump to between 105-110 degrees. Overnight lows will remain rather high, with minimum temperatures only dropping to around 75 to 80 degrees, which will offer very little relief from the day-time heat. For tips to beat the heat and laboratory information resources on this topic, see the full memo.