Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs July 30, 2008

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs

July 30, 2008

12 GeV Upgrade

At the request of the Office of Nuclear Physics, Daniel Lehman, Director of the Office of Project Assessment in the DOE Office of Science, led a team of 24 experts in an Independent Project Review of the 12 GeV Upgrade at JLab on July 22-24. The purpose of the review was to assess all aspects of the project – technical, cost, schedule, management and ES&H – with regard to satisfying the requirements for Critical Decision-3, Approve Start of Construction. The review team concluded that the project meets all requirements and endorsed approval of CD-3. The next steps are a follow-up JSA Earned Value Management System implementation review by DOE OECM, which is scheduled for Aug. 12-13, and a CD-3 meeting with the Office of Science Acquisition Executive anticipated in September.


The installation of the polarized helium-3 target is proceeding smoothly. Three pairs of Helmholtz coils have been successfully mounted on the pivot and are being surveyed. Although the helium leakage in the Hall A cryosystem was measured to be much lower than expected, the cryo-leads on Q3 of the right High Resolution Spectrometer are in the process of being repaired.

The G0 superconducting magnet was removed from Hall C and has been relocated to the the lead storage building.


The consolidated repair effort of transformer LN1 is currently in procurement. The Gun 3 lifetime test was completed, and a Pockels cell for Gun 3 was installed and aligned. A breaker in the south linac was replaced along with a defective cable; work at repairing various problems with NL04 and NL06 cryomodules continued. Planned maintenance on the arc box supplies is well underway. Additionally, use of klystron lifting devices has been halted until safety certification and documentation can be assessed.

Free-Electron Laser (FEL)

After working though an oxygen deficiency hazard assessment that shut the gun test stand down for seven weeks, FEL staff now has a stop work so folks can find documentation for previously approved lift fixtures. Installation of the final three sextupoles and upgraded optical transport cans is on hold.

JLab's Safety Numbers

289 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 319)
634 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 634)

JLab Calendar of Events

Aug. 1: Summer Student Programs Poster Session
Aug. 6: Colloquium: The Sustainable Energy Challenge
Aug. 12-14: DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop
Aug. 17-19: Lead Radius Experiment (PREX) Workshop
Aug. 22: Christoph W. Leemann Retirement Reception
Sept. 1: Labor Day holiday: JLab closed




Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

Recently, there have been two notable events involving slip and fall incidents. According to the Centers for Disease Control, falls are the leading cause of injury, death and emergency department visits for people over age 65. Fortunately, both of our colleagues were treated and released with no restrictions.

Remember to maintain awareness of potential hazards while moving in or around the site. Contributing factors such as rain, deviating from a normal pace, or movement between uneven surfaces can increase the risk of injury to yourself and others. The CDC recommends these tips for preventing falls:

  • You are more likely to slip when rushed, so do not run.
  • Avoid rapid changes of direction.
  • Keep floors in good repair.
  • Wear shoes with pliable soles and low heels.
  • Close open drawers, cabinets, doors or closets after use.

JLab's five core functions of Integrated Safety Management include analyzing the hazards, using the appropriate hazard controls and performing the work within those controls. This applies to seemingly benign tasks as well, so be aware of the hazards no matter what the task.

Savannah River Site Lesson Learned
Savannah River Site Quality Assurance personnel recently spotted suspect electrical products. Eight recently purchased GE molded case circuit breakers that had been purchased as new appeared to be refurbished. Evidence of refurbishment included scratches on outer molded surfaces, worn/faded stenciling, grind marks on corners of intersecting surfaces and rivets and other exposed metal parts that appeared shiny and like new. Additionally, each breaker was labeled with a no-longer-used GE manufacturer's logo.
More information, on Jefferson Lab’s Suspect/Counterfeit policy, can be found on the Quality Assurance & Continuous Improvement website.


Property Management Reminder: Removing Property
The Property Office reminds property custodians of the requirements regarding removal of JLab property from the site. JLab property may only be removed from the lab for official business only. This applies to both tagged and untagged items.
The following are required to move property offsite:
a.    The removal or shipping of any property requires prior approval of Property Management Office.
b.    If the property shipped is associated with a purchase order (warranty return, Lab property furnished to subcontractor, etc.), Shipping & Receiving and the Property Management Office must coordinate with the Procurement Office.
c.    Property subject to the technology transfer rules found in Section 3.18, "Technology Transfer," also requires authorization by the Chief Financial Officer or his designee.

An Employee Property Pass or loan agreement with another institution is required from the Jefferson Lab Property Office before property is removed from the lab. While offsite, the safe keeping of the property is the responsibility of the employee or institution having temporary custody. For more information, consult the JLab Property Manual.

JLab Colloquium and Public Lecture: Sustainable Energy
George Crabtree, Argonne National Laboratory, will discuss how the global dependence on fossil fuel is among the greatest challenges facing our economic, social and political future in a colloquium set for 4 p.m. on Aug. 6. The full abstract is available on the Events Calendar.

Summer Student Poster Session
Plan to attend the JLab Summer Poster Session, scheduled for Friday, August 1, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the CEBAF Center lobby. The 41 participants of the High School Summer Honors Program, the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program, the ODU Research Experience for Undergraduates program, the JSA Research Internship for Foreign Undergraduates program, and the the Academies Creating Teacher Scientists (ACTS) program will be on hand with posters they developed based on their work or research projects.

Performance Appraisals are Approaching
As a reminder, the time is quickly approaching to complete performance appraisals. There have been a few changes this year with the online form and process as it relates to matrixed employees and managers. Human Resources has also taken feedback from last year and incorporated many changes to make the online system more user-friendly and the feedback process between the Matrixed Unit Manager and the Home Unit Manager more succinct.

Training classes are being conducted this week. New employees and supervisors are encouraged to attend, as well as anyone involved in the matrixing process. To sign up, visit the training page and click on "All On-Site Training."



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